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Everything posted by ncr

  1. I keep hearing about this. How did you get it? Is it an ability, a skill or a feat? Which character first mentions it? How come this wasn't in the movies?
  2. Here's a question to all: Do you like alien romances?
  3. Awww but Mom...he started it! " What R U, Super Nanny or something? Just trying to keep new boarders from being discouraged from posting stuff cause a few ruin it for the rest of us. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :lol:I was immitating Supernanny. You're right. Now if you misbehave again, you'll have to go sit on the naughty chair.
  4. I'm giving you both a warning. We don't call each other names.
  5. Ask Chris questions about the story here. He will answer if he cares about us. I believe he will come for us.
  6. I agree with you Darth Suzy. Keep your head up and carry disinfectant at all times. You never know when fanboys might attack.
  7. I believe that movie was intended to be a demo.
  8. Force Crush
  9. George Lucas said it's because Anikin (sp?) returns to his "self before he turned to the Darkside."
  10. ESB was boring. For a large portion of the film, Luke was stuck on "swamp world" with a muppet. As I've said before, KOTOR II is poorly paced. The story comes at the player so fast, that it prevents him or her from developing emotional involvement with the characters or the world itself. So why do I like KOTOR II better than the first? I think it's more entertaining in spite of all that.
  11. ESB is my least favorite of the OT. ...or less.
  12. "One of the main themes of the game is the player basically learning how to reestablish his connection to the force and what that means. I wanted the player's experience in this game to be a very personal one." - Chris Avellone The quote seems to support the idea that there are at least two major focuses. 1. The loss of Force connection a. how to get it back b. why you lost it in the first place c. what that means to your character 2. The personal journey a. remembering and coming to terms with your past b. finding out your purpose in the grand scheme of things c. deciding which path you will follow from now on
  13. I would live on Dantooine because it's so peaceful. Nothing ever happens there.
  14. In addition, none of the problems that plagued the Xbox version were fixed in the PC version; even though it took two months longer to come out. The state of the PC version was actually worse, in fact.
  15. As far as choices go, I never really cared about them either. I think part of the reason for that was because I never really felt "connected" to any of my party members. (or the world itself for that matter) I think in creating a darker world, they were trying to make a more exciting ride. (this was accomplished) However, it should have been balanced with less intense moments for pacing. The story felt like it was coming at me so fast, I didn't have time to care.
  16. Here's another one... Now that we know Palpatine's facial deformation isn't attributed to "dark side use," I think the LS/DS appearance shift should be tweaked. It's ok for a character's appearance to become more sinister if they are DS, but not to the point they look like a geriatric. Hair doesn't have to turn white, skin doesn't need to become pale and withered/wrinkled, and eyes shouldn't glow all the time. <_< Anakin, post fall to the DS, is an example of what I'd like to see. In Episode III, you can tell they added dark makeup under his eyes and make his skin a bit more pale, but it wasn't as if he aged thirty years and/or bleached his skin.
  17. Sure they can. There are many interpretations and explanations for the thing. Kreia was , she made it up or misunderstood, perhaps is just an expression to represent the Darkside inclination in all of us, or perhaps it's Kreia's way of saying "those who make their own rules." In the DS ending, she tells the Exile that There are also many ways to explain the whole thing too. It sounds pretty cool, but I'd rather it didn't happen at the very beginning of KOTOR III or *shudder* before the story begins. Most of all I think it would be a mistake to have the Jedi and Sith join forces to fight together. That's just a little too comic book for me. In fact let's bury the whole thing completely. Yep that's why I'm tired of it.
  18. I'm tired of the whole, "the galaxy is in crisis." It's somehow scarier when everything seems pretty calm, but there is evil lurking under the surface. Of course, by the end of the game, the galaxy would be in crisis. But for the beginning, I hope they won't go this route again.
  19. Sion said I am beautiful and that he thought about me a lot. I said I thought about him a lot too. Then I killed him. Does that count?
  20. I was expecting a complete game with an ending that made sense. But honesty, I was never too attached to Revan. I really didn't care about his/her fate. That's why at least if Revan were dead it would give some closure.
  21. I have done it better.
  22. It's just another example of how developers invalidate PC's by adding their own "special touches" to storylines. I actually would have been happy if Revan were dead, just because it would complete the story the way the player wanted it.
  23. But of course!
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