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Everything posted by ncr

  1. Now that it's clear the Darkside does not warp your appearance, I say take it out of KOTOR III.
  2. I can't even imagine Hades Ones' reaction to this :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This would be better because you would use the same character each time like Kyle Katarn. You could watch the same character develop his story over an extended period of time. This would allow for more emotional investment. It would also prevent nightmare situations like what we've got now with Revan. In KOTOR II, we still haven't determined whether or not our PC from the first game is dead or alive. I mean come on! Now, if KOTOR III is made, we've got Revan running around (or dead) and Exile living or dead. In addition, all the choices: were the two PCs characters LS or DS, is Revan/Exile male or female, did he/she kill any party members or NPCs (if so we can't use those characters again)... ect. ect. KOTOR should have had a strong, defined PC to begin with.
  3. Well at the end of the game Kreia says: Your guess is as good as mine.
  4. Kreia is DS because she doesn't care who she has to hurt to get what she wants. I think Jolee starts out as sort of lost. But you can direct him back to "clarity"(LS) if you so choose.
  5. I don't necessarily agree, but I do feel like a planet from the movies would have been nice.
  6. But Vader is called Dark Lord of the Sith at starwars.com, but he's still the apprentice of Darth Sidious. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But that's after Darth Bane's "one master, one apprentice" rule came into effect. After that, all Sith used the "Darth" title.
  7. I used Bao-Dur to get through force fields. You have to use him on Telos for this purpose. Because a large part of G0-T0's story was cut, they should have had the player destroy him on his yacht. As it stands, his story after that point never really picks up for me.
  8. If Shadow his basing his claim on the fact that Obsidian allows us to give suggestions/ideas for KOTOR III, then Bioware must be making it as well. They allow KOTOR III posts on their forum.
  9. I can't believe they cut all that stuff!
  10. Why would Obsidian not want to develop KOTOR III? Everyone knows it will be a hit. Besides, I bet half of those who bash KOTOR II will still purchase III, if it is made.
  11. I'll go with Dantooine, even though the first time I liked it better. The sunset sky, water and grass were realistic. It was a nice break from running through metallic corridors. The second time, was scarier building up to entering the enclave. But once inside, the poor graphics and lack of artifacts/story made it really boring. Plus, you meet Disciple there...
  12. I pretty much second everything Nightclever said, especially the part about Czerka being dumbed down.
  13. All I'm saying is that you're as much of one if not more than I.
  14. You did this to me. I had turned around and started posting positive stuff. But then you had to redicule and berate me!!
  15. If they're going to use the influence system again, then make more opportunities to gain it.
  16. I would say "no" to an official gender. Females got slighted on the love interest department, but the male romances in Sith Lords really weren't as deep as they could have been either.
  17. I don't disagree with Nightcleaver, but it's still confusing.
  18. There's another strike against Star Wars "canon" in my book.
  19. Okay, this line makes me laugh. In order to achieve suspension of disbelief, one must convince someone else that a fictional event is actually taking place. The ball is in their court, not ours.
  20. Kreia's morality is generally the opposite of yours. If you go Light, she's Dark. If you sig, she'll zag. I wonder how much of this is "left overs" from the original, pre cut content version? (the one where Atris is Traya if you are evil)
  21. Maybe Kreia never really wanted to destroy The Force after all.
  22. Here's a better (face) pic:http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/luminaraunduli/
  23. Plano I hope you don't actually think I mean killing Revan in an accident is a good idea. I think Revan should go down in a blaze of glory befitting any major character in a story. But I think as long as there are two former player characters out there (Revan and Exile), it will still be their stories. My hope for KOTOR III is that it will be a new story with a new PC.
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