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Everything posted by ncr

  1. I think each gender should have at least one homosexual romance. Thar ya go! SPAM ON!
  2. Love the work, keep it up!
  3. All I heard was "Dynasty-style" fighting. I'm all for pushing Atris in a pool and ripping her hair out.
  4. I'd like to see more PC actions like swimming, climbing, ect. Also, like the previous poster mentioned, more acrobatic moves would be cool. Yes... I've been watching Ep. III again.
  5. Geez... the tight schedule really messed up the game on so many different levels.
  6. I wouldn't have minded going back to Dantooine and Korriban as much if they were different areas. But I still agree with you, it's a big galaxy. There's no reason we should have to visit the same planets over and over again. I think I would have enjoyed KOTOR II more if there had been at least one planet from the movies in the game.
  7. Palpatine was on the floor, pleading like a dog. Major ownage there.
  8. Evil never wins in Star Wars. Mace would have won.
  9. Tatooine should be in every Star Wars game.
  10. I don't want this to turn into Starship Troopers.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Who's DL?
  13. You mean like he replaced Anakin's ghost in ROTJ with Hayden Christensen? <_<
  14. That was too stupid to believe. <_<
  15. You're placing the blame on LA here. Then later you say they're both to blame. Make up your mind you silly rabbit.
  16. Eternal optimist.
  17. What if it's a good game with good support?
  18. LA is definitely at fault for approving the "True Sith" thing. Do you think they came up with the idea though?
  19. That was a bit much, but I still think he could have taken him.
  20. Mace could have killed him hands down. I don't read novelizations of movies. It's a movie. You watch it. Just kidding, but seriously, I took it as his (Windu's) own self doubt. Believing you can't defeat someone is not the same thing as actually being unable to do it. He would have if not for Anakin.
  21. I didn't say I was going to buy a PS3 the day it comes out. But at this point, the PS3 looks more promising.
  22. It's wasn't a stalemate, Mace was wiping the floor with Sidious. He would have killed him, if not for Anakin.
  23. I'll wait for Playstation 3. Thank you very much!
  24. Still sounds like alien gibberish to me.
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