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Everything posted by ncr

  1. There was another purpose. The journey was to establish the Exile's connection to the Force, so Exile would be strong enough to fight the True Sith. Side Note: I've heard that in the Darkside ending, Kreia tells Exile that both Exile and she are True Sith. Can anyone confirm?
  2. But after the contract expires they can say whatever they want?
  3. Here ya go:http://www.starwars.com/episode-ii/explore...ck20030523.html
  4. Take your meds Nartwak.
  5. Well I'm just in shock at your level of hate.
  6. Actually, it's me confusing Dantooine for Alderaan. I failed my Lore check you see. Thanks for playing the freak out game. You won. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't care if it's Dantoone or Alderaan the fact that you would do that says you're a sick individual.
  7. Thanks for bringing it back up! (w00t)
  8. If you have something against Obsidian, feel free to leave. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't. So f*ck off!
  9. Does anyone think Feargus looks a bit like Disciple?
  10. Basically, they could do it as long as people don't expect to hear/see about their former PC every game. I'd understand, but I doubt many others would.
  11. What does that make Palpatine?
  12. This will be an ongoing problem unless each PC dies after every story... or there won't be another KOTOR.
  13. No, that's Kreia.
  14. Right, execpt there was always one Dark Lord of the Sith (Darth), even if the "Darth title" wasn't used.
  15. I wouldn't mind if Exile had an unfortunate "accident" and died either. :ph34r:
  16. Obsh1tian Entertainment?
  17. This ruined the game for me more than anything else.
  18. Yes and we have to remember Obsidian's official statement is that it was cut intentionally. It was not cut due to time restraints. It's like in a movie where the some stuff gets cut because it's uninteresting and/or unimportant to the overall story. This is coming directly from them and I don't believe they'd lie to us.
  19. There were always many Sith Lords, but for a time, there was only one Dark Lord of the Sith (Darth). Whether the Dark Lord of the Sith used the "Darth" title is irrelavant... He still held that title and was like a king/emperor and all the other Sith Lords were like... Barons or Counts or whatever.
  20. KOTOR II is definitely more feminine than the first KOTOR due to the number of female characters. Although I suppose one could argue it's more male oriented since most of those female characters look like *cough*pornstars*cough*.
  21. I thought the lightsaber combat was fine.
  22. In KOTOR I, when Bastila turned to the Darkside, did she ever get one?
  23. Yes they have some great moves.
  24. OMG... Can't... stop... laughing... Edit: Although part of that could be attributed to the fact that I'm almost unconcious.
  25. You obviously haven't watched Demolition Man. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I meant Star Wars movies. It's an ability right? How come Obi-Wan Kenobi didn't teach this to Luke?
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