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Everything posted by ncr

  1. Most reviews of KOTOR II were a 9.0+ which is insane to me, since the game was clearly unfinished. It's just another example of how you can't always trust reviews. Moral of this story: No more LA games... ever!
  2. I'm not going to buy another LucasArts game again. They made it clear they don't care about the customers when they nixed the content patch.
  3. Keep writing, but stick to IP's you create. You blasphemed Star Wars!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You mean like the Planescape setting..? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, that was awesome!
  4. Consoles are better because they come with controllers and stuff works on them.
  5. Keep writing, but stick to IP's you create. You blasphemed Star Wars!!!!
  6. PC gamer: "D1z 1z why da PC r00lz j00!!!!111111!1!1" 1337!!111!1 PCz R0x0r j00!!
  7. Yes, you'd love that wouldn't you? It's not easy to watch in horror as your favorite franchise is flushed down the toilet. Thanx Obsidian and Lucasarts!
  8. I could be wrong, but I think a lot of the "lack of consequences for choices" has to due to with the cut content.
  9. You don't hate gay people, but you think a gay romance option "is completely disgusting"? Seems like doubletalk to me. <_<
  10. I have to say I was disappointed in the hollow ending as well. Although LA is ultimately at fault, Chris has continued to refer to it as an "Empire Strikes Back-type ending". If he seriously thinks that, then he doesn't deserve to write another game story.
  11. I don't know if I buy that. It would be silly to have the Juhani romance option in KOTOR I, but then not allow a gay male romance option in KOTOR II. Like a previous poster said, it would have been an option, you wouldn't have to pursue it if you didn't want to. Thereby, it would have allowed both the conservatives and the straight men to play through without even noticing it was there.
  12. Thats Mr.Coran,I'm a guy,and besides,I can do alot more than talking for punsihment*reveals room full of varios torture devices* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sorry I don't swing your way.
  13. Oh come on people KOTOR II wasn't even finished! <_<
  14. We have to be careful what we say or Mrs. Coran will give us a stern talking to.
  15. I used to watch, but have since learned not to trust anything that comes from Faux News Channel.
  16. Three things I don't want to hear in KOTOR III: Battle Meditation, True Sith, Force Bond. That's it! :D
  17. Chris Avellone says romance in games is stupid. Hence, minimal romance is KOTOR II.
  18. Traya was a Sidious clone.
  19. Do we ever learn Disciple's name or was it cut out like all the other stuff?
  20. My comment wasn't serious in the first place. Geez people lighten up!
  21. I almost wish they hadn't released a KOTOR II at all.
  22. KOTOR II was garbage.
  23. I thought this was weird too... every alien in the game has captions. Then again, if he's "just a man", what language was he speaking? Visas could understand him because he was her master, so I didn't question it. But when everyone else could, I thought it was odd. It was especially weird they didn't caption him since your character could obviously understand him. Choosing dialogue options in response to his "gargle" was unintentionally funny.
  24. Kreia, IMO was never really a "bad guy". She was a crazy b*tch, but never a bad guy. Calo Nord, on the hand, was an arrogant SOB I wanted to waste from the first second I saw him. And Malak, well he was just a pathetic attempt at a Darth Vader-like Sith Lord. He was like a kiddie version of Darth Vader, safe and very Bioware.
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