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Everything posted by ncr

  1. I just hope LA doesn't try to do it themselves or hand it to The Collective.
  2. Since Bioware has moved on and Obsidian is busy, I'll go with Pandemic, Raven or Factor 5. I'd like LA to wait for OE, but Lucasarts seems to like to churn things out at rapid pace. I doubt they've learned anything from the whole Sith Lords debacle.
  3. I thought Disciple was an awesome bad guy.
  4. It's an absolutely useless power anyway. Serves no purpose. <_<
  5. I love how they named the characters in this game. Disciple, Handmaiden, Mandalore... maybe next time we'll have Jedi, Politician, Gambler, Hot Chick...ect. Seriously, a little creativity never hurts. <_<
  6. Does anyone have Gallo the Hutt's email address? I'd like to tell him a thing or two. <_<
  7. And I thought I was gonna get some lesbian luvin' for my female PC! Damn!
  8. He can open me anytime he wants!
  9. There was a thread that had pictures of it. I'm you'll find it here if you search.
  10. I'll probably buy it too, like the trained consumer I am.
  11. Well let's see... Lucasarts could develop it internally, they've worked with The Collective before so they might take a stab at it, they've also worked with Pandemic before... who knows/cares?? <_<
  12. It's Han Solo.
  13. Actually, I wouldn't mind someone new taking over. (including LA's internal development team) I'm not saying I wouldn't trust Obsidian with it though. I just hope whoever does it is given enough time, like two years or so.
  14. Well all the hentai and anime porn always feature gang rapes, sodomy, sex with monsters, sex with people who are tied up, tortured, don't want it, peed on, pooped on, ect.
  15. In my opinion, OE is to blame. Yes LA gave them a contract to do it in said amount of time and money, but it is OE that was unable to deliver. They should of asked for more time and money in the ORIGINAL contract. They are fully to blame for the poor state of its release. LA might have put forth an unreasonable timeframe/pay for the contract but OE accepted it. It wasn't forced upon them... Quote from a Chris Parker interview: Chris Parker: We had an extremely aggressive schedule on The Sith Lords. We first started talking with LucasArts about the title in June of 2003, but at that time, we had NEVER SEEN the game except for information that was available to the general public. We signed up for the project in August and entered production, while still working on many pre-production tasks, in October of 2003. At the time, the ship date for all versions, PC and Xbox for all languages was November of 2004. Of course, it was only by that time that we really understood we were making a sequel to the game of the year for 2003 - and that really upped the pressure on us to deliver. It was around then that LucasArts decided we'd probably want to ship some of the versions in early 2005. In May of 2004, we had a great E3, and that solidified our need to ship the Xbox for Christmas. http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/575/575166p3.html From this it doesn't look like LA rushed them at all! They actually gave them an extra month for x-box and an extra 3 months for pc.
  16. No they're not.
  17. I actually liked the game until the last 1/3 of it. It's pretty bad when you get more information about the story from the little blurbs on the loading screens, than from the actually story itself. <_<
  18. Did they know the timeline when they agreed to making the game? If they didn't, then I think that was really unfair to them.
  19. Against my better judgement, even I voted Obsidian.
  20. Why was Queen Talia the only one on Onderon with an accent?... or was she?
  21. Oh no, here come the fanboys!
  22. No, but I'm watching you.
  23. Chris Avellone? Master storyteller? HA! Can we say "hype"?
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