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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Proof? Gaider's comments." Not proof. You notice how he mentions games like DA, and NWN; but not JE. Go figure. Eitehr way, it's not proof. The only acceptable proof as far as I'm concerned is either BIO or MS saying that JE cost them money. BIO is on record saying they ar every much happy with the 500k sales. I'll take that over fellow posters' word any day of the week. Unless you can show that JE cost 25 mil to make, and it only made 24.9 mil in profit. Otherwise, you have NO proof!
  2. I'm nowhere near " #1 spammer" on any board except the Codex. But, theyd eserve it so I have no mercy for those stalkers, punks, and munchies. Game over.
  3. "Melee fighters seem to end up being the best characters in combat in pretty much all RPGs..." No. I take mages or clerics ANY day of ther week over wimpy fighters. In NWN, I'd take rogue/shadowdancer/assassin over fighter any day of the week. Game over.
  4. "In the end its does not matter what Volourn thinks, as said 500,000 sales are pretty disapointing on a console title, expecialy considering BioWare usual sale numbers." Proof please. Once again, comapring JE to games like BG-NWN-KOTOR is silly as they have inbuilt audience to them. 500k sales is prettyd anr good, and I ahve yet to see ANY proof otherwise. It's so good that JE is very likely to get a sequel. R00fles! To say 500k sales is disaapointing for a console game is a statement typed illogically. How many console games reach 500k sales. I bet you anything it's a very small percenatge relatively speaking. Game over.
  5. "IWD still has the best combat of all the IE games" No; but it was good though. :cool:
  6. I'm #1 poster in ZERO forums. Don't spread rumours, myths, and innuendos please.
  7. IWD2 was the worst of the IE games, and it's the only one I didn't complete because it was plain old fahsion boring. IWD was good. I enjoyed it; but still it pales incomparison to BG series or PST. Not even in the same league. IWD3 is simply not needed. It would add nothing to the series. The Bg series is a role-playing game. This is undispuatble as it does everything a RPG is supposed to - allows you to play your character in a reasonable matter. Period.
  8. I'm a violent fanboy? Really? Tell me one person who I have physically assasulted over a BIO game. Just one. Plus, when do 'violent fanboys' not play two of their obects games, believe one game is below par, trash one expansion, rate one of their major games a 75%, and also be trahsed talked by one of the employees because I had the gall tomake fun of their games. R00fles! If that's being a fanboy, yup, that's me. And, besides, being called a fanboy by Roshan who types worse than I do and actually started a whole RELIGION over a silly game is hilarious!
  9. "(insert fanboy slurping sounds here followed by swallowing sound effects) Bioware's **** sure tastes great! r00fles indeed." Reported.
  10. MDK2 sucked. So did SS. Why do is ay they suck? Easy. If I didn't play a game it automatically sucks.
  11. "I loved the reviews that said the story in Jade Empire was deeper and better than KOTOR." That's because it is. KOTOR isn't even in the same league as JE when it comes to story, and role-playing. Or combat. Or graphics. Or sound. Or music. Or character depth. Or originality. Or npcs. JE is wayyyyyyyy better than KOTOR in every way that matters. "15 hours may be accurate, and I've heard the same claim from most people who have beat the game." Proof please. Most people it's been accurately reported to be between 20-30 hours. Anyone who claims to have finished it in less 20 hours is either lying, or pretty much skipped everything but the neccessary. Those who claimed it's over 40 hours are just smokin' dope. Sorry Jaguar. That comment isn't personal. Just a fact. "The limited edition preorder copies that were supposed to sell out right away are still sitting on store shelves. Jade Empire was estimated to be a huge hit, and underperformed." Proof please. JE sold 500+k copies. You (or I) have no idea if it udnerpoerfromed. In order to make that determination we'd have to know the amount of copies that Bioware and MS expected to sell. We don't know their projected sales for the game so this opinion of yours isn't based in reality. Until we know what theye xpected, 500k + sales should be assumed to be pretty darn good since JE was sold basiclay on BIO's rep and not some pre made setting. People who actually believe that BIO is some main stream company are fooling sound. I *always* epxected JE to sell around 500k copies. Just do a search of pre release post. Then again, I am a proven genius so I'm always right in these matters. R00fles!
  12. "I was not going to say The Sith Lords. I agree with you. I have been quite busy lately and have not had time for much gaming, but I suppose I would be forced to admit that Jade Empire is the best RPG I have played recently. This is due more to lack of gaming time and scarcity of competition, than any inherent superiority, though." Well. If it's the best RPG you played recently (if not the only one) then it most certainly is the best RPG you'v eplayed recently. I've played, btw, JE, KOTOR2, BL, TOEE, HOTU, and a few other RPGs over the last two years and out of them all, JE is eaisly the best. "I simply believe it should have been better." if you enjoyed it then it was as good as it should be. Now, if you had said, it *could* have been better then I'd agree. Then again, every game I have *ever* played could have been better.
  13. Whya re people keen on blaming humans for NATURAL disasters? I blame Mother Nature. She is the evil one who coldly murders innocent people. She deserves global warming. By the time, global warming actually effects the world ina really signifacnt way I will be either dead, or the human race will be living on other planets so she will suffer in the long run and we won't. A win-win situation as far as I'm concerned. We should stop pampering such a vicious creature like Mother nature.
  14. "Do you ever shut up? Why is every piece of excrement pulled from your ass a worthy topic for discussion?" Reported. "Do the positives outweigh the negatives? Perhaps. It depends on your focus. I prefer a strong story, so I would say no. You would say yes. It doesnt matter. We are each entitled to our opinions. However, is it the best RPG within recent history? Absolutely not." Actually, it is, and it's because of it's story and role-playing. Only BL comes close but ultimately fails due to its crappy combat.
  15. "I'm still think they would be disappointed with 500k." The article suggests they aren't dissapointed nor do their posts on their forums.
  16. 1. JE's combat would be absolutely horrible on PC. I would certainly not want to try it. The role-playing part would work great on PC since that aprt is pretty much like every other BIO game (but better). The combat, however, was perfectly matched for the x-box as was BIO's intent all along. It's also why BIO faltly refuses to port it over to PC despite all the PC whiners on their boards. KOTOR was not a port so it's a horrible comparison not to mention that unlike JE; KOTOR was not full fledge RT. 2. BIO seems to be happy with 500k sales according to this article. 3. MS seems to be happy with JE's performance hence why a sequel is already in the works and is probably one of BIO's worst kept secrets. 4. Anyone who expected JE to sell as much as BG-NWN-KOTOR were in LaLaLand. JE sold 90% based on BIO's rep, and 10% on marketing. BG-NWN-KOTOR all had decades old successful licenses to pimp out. Only BIO,a nd MS know what the bottom line actual profit was made; but that's irrelevant here as it's obvious JE sold well. This is undisputable. 500k copies is pretty danr good, and remember folks that's 500k copies to date minimum. Nothing to sneeze at unless you were predicting that JE was gonna be a Halo or Diablo, or Sims type success. If so, tsk, tsk.
  17. "Vol, I know emotions are running high, but you've endured a lot worse comments from me, for crying out loud. ...And given some grief as well. Let's try to keep the thread open." I don't want to get into disucssing moderation stuff publicly; but I'm just tryin' to follow the rules. if I am gonna get chastized for flaming and 'personal attacks'; I'll follow the rules and refrain from them to the best of my abilities; but it forces me to report as many indiscrestions as possible of other people. I know it makes your job more difficult; but it's just the rulez.
  18. "And most titles lose money, so that proves nothing other than JE might not have lost as much as other titles that did even worse (or at best made a very modest profit - we don't know the production costs). 500k is not much of a hit in the modern market and 1M is definitely not a "super duper" hit in the modern market, despite what the "Platinum Hits" sign at thr shop might say to convince you otherwise. You might have predicted 500k but BioWare needs to do much better to survive in the long run. Bottom line, JE did "OK", but no more." It's funny you chastize me and others for saying if JE did this or did that fianncelly yet you go on to say it did 'ok' when you don't have the inner sources either nor do you know what its production costs are. Also, no where do I say that Bioware made millions of dollars off of JE. All I said was that JE wa sno 'financial failure' and the 500k+ copies sold proves this. "500k is not much of a hit in the modern market and 1M is definitely not a "super duper" hit in the modern market, despite what the "Platinum Hits" sign at thr shop might say to convince you otherwise." Really? Can you name the x-box titles that have sold 1 mil copies this year? How 'bout those who have reached 500k? I guarantee you that it's just a handful for 1 mil, and not many more for 500k plus. And, that's out of hundreds of games released.
  19. "Afghanistan. They leveled the place and last I checked the country and its 'democratic' government aren't doing so well." Amerika is still there. And, actually, other than the drug issue, Afghanistan is doing okay. Certainly in better shape than when they wer eunder the Taliban. You don't help improve a country that was in the state that Afghanistan was over night. It takes time, and patience - somehting that many people lack while they expect things to be perfect overnight. It took years for Europe to recover after WW2. Why should Afghanistan and Iraq be any different? "Nope. You don't take an oath to defend Iraq when you enlist/get commissioned. Trust me. But you're right, higher-ups have indeed committed the military to George's Middle Eastern Adventure, and I have little doubt that we're going to try and make it work. What I'm telling you is that from my vantage point, I don't see how it can, at all." That's what i meant. I didn't mean the individual Armed Forces soldier. I meant the Amred Forces intity. Though, many many individuals in the army have given their promise to the Iraqi people to help them. I am pro US Army. I epxect them to honour their pledges.
  20. "To put it bluntly: so? Last I heard, it wasn't the job of the American armed forces to make Iraq a better place." It is. Unless youa re saying the Amerikan armed forces should be uncaring gits who have no problem blowing things up and then leaving the mess for others to clean up. Not to mention, the US leaving would make the armed forces liars as they have promised to help the Iraqis rebuild their country? I thought the Amerikan armed forces were honourable. A part of honour is keeping your word. Your choice.
  21. "Did you honestly expect any less? JE is one of the best cRPG's of recent times. Period." Eh? I'm mocking those who tried to say that JE was a financial failure because its price was reduced in some areas of the world (not where I am, really). 500k copies is about how much I predicted it would sell pre release. people can search old posts for that. Anyone who thought JE would reach BG-NWN-KOTOR type numbers was dreaming. Period. "The simple reality is that 500k for a console title isn't a whole lot." Most console titles do not reach 500k copies. Many don't even reach 100k. 500k copies is the second tier of hits behind the super duper hits that reach 1 mil+.
  22. "What tests do you advocate for citizenship?" 1. None really other than being born in a country or being accepted in through the current means as it is. I believe there is already a test; but mine is much more reasonable. "And the system seems to be very much not working now, so I think it's up for analysis and amendment." Why isn't it working? Because Bush is the Prez, and Kanada has a crook for PM? LOL It seems to be working. Sure, not perfectly, and there are ways to improve the system; but I still don't think taking away people's right to vote is the way to fix the problems we do have. "I am almost tempted to search for one of your earlier posts where you equate "Kanada" with the USA, but I'm not that motivated" Eh? I wish you were motivated because I'd like to see those posts. i know I am pro USA; but saying Kanada = USA? Hmmm... It's a pickle, indeed.
  23. "I've never seen anyone say it "bombed", but it's certainly modest sales at best. BioWare presumably has the resources to take a long term view and grow the brand but this time around probably lost them money, which is hardly a huge success." Lots of people have. You shoudl read around. The IGN article itself says its a 'financial failure', and other sseem toa gree. In fact, on the BIO board people had a thread 'JE a financial failure'. There are other examples to. And, oh, lost money? JE sold 500k+ copies. Let's say the average retail price is $50. That is 25 million dollars. I'd be surprised if the game cost that much to make and to market. And, that's assuming 500k minimum copies were sold. My point is, few games cna even hope to reach 500k copies in about 5-6 months like JE. It didn't bomb. Sure, if you were expecting BG-NWN- KOTOR type of numbers it bombed; but I doubt that's what they were going for. Afterall, JE only had BIO's name to sell it which as much as I like BIO cannot match the selling power of the SW names or the D&D names so of course JE loses out to those other games. Just sayin'. "
  24. "Go, Volo!" R00fles! "just like you folks in the USA and your quaint "Electoral College" system )" Gah! I thought I posted this earlier in this thread: I'M NOT AMERIKAN! Don't blame for the silly EC. Anyways, Meta, it's all good to find new ways to improve one's society. I just don't think having 'tests' or 'requirements' (other than very basic ones like being a citizen) should be one of them. Most people who don't keep up with certain issues probably don't care about their issues and aren't likely to vote on those issues nayways so it seems to me a waste of time to force someone NOT to vote. People who wnat to vote likely have a basic knowledge of what their voting on. so good for them let them vote. those who don't want to vote let it be their choice. This way works for everyone, or at least should.
  25. "Long Live Bioware! (.)(.) Yeah..." Long Live Sarcasm! (.)(.) Yeah...
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