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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Really? According to this Bioware didn't branch out into the console arena until 2000 with MDK2. This is a full 5 years after Bioware's inception and by that same year it had already made BGI, BGII, ToB, TotSC, and Shattered Steel which are *all* PC titles. Up until 2000, Bioware hadn't made any console titles. Since then they have developed the following console titles: MDK series, KOTOR, and JE. Undoubtedly more console projects are along the way." Ok. 'From their inception' is probably a tad too far; but you make it sound like it's a recent devlopment when it's not. Also, KOTOR is not a console project. It's a console-pc project. "And if you can't discuss things without trolling or insulting then I will ignore your future posts. Just to let you know in advance." a) I wasn't trolling nor did I flame. I merely mentioned in a R00fles kinda away that your information was wrong. You see, you pointed out my info about BIO's first console project was off, and you ain't gonna see me cry about it. Not a biggie. b) Please don't threaten me. IGnore my posts. I definitely won't cry about that. LOL I think I'll survive. Unlike you, I don't try to make things personality. I disagreed with your post, and said so. if you take that as a personal attack; it ain't my problem. "As for Bethesda releasing horribly buggy games, I didn't think that Morrowind was that buggy." MW wa sbuggy; but anyways, the reason Betehsda gets away with bugginess and Troika seemingly didn't is obvious for several reasons. a) Overall, most people who play Bethesda games go away enjoying their time with said game. b) Bethesda has no problem making patches. c) They don't go blame other companies for their shoddy work. And, all that's coming from someone who despises Bethesda games, and enjoyed Troika games for the most part. "So you don't care in the foreseeable future that the only RPGs around are Final Fantasy-style RPGS. Obviously, PC RPGS with strong narrative and character interaction don't fall into that characterization." DA, NWN2, ES4, and G3 are all in the foreseeable future, and from what i've heard NONE of them are FinaL Fantasy style RPGs. Hmmm..
  2. "BGDA means Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance which was published by BIOWARE for the PS2." Bioware had nothing to do with BGDA. It was published by Interplay, and developed by Snowblind. BGDA2 was devloped by Black Isle. Again, Bioware had nothing to do with either BGDA outside that BGDA shares the same city as Bioware's Baldur's Gate game series. "I wasn't at all talking about Dragon Age." You were saying that Bioware has made the move to console because it's 'where the money is' yet Dragon Age - a Bioware game - is for PC only. Not to mention the fact that it is impossible for Bioware 'to move' to console since they have been virtually devloping console or console/PC games since their inception. "I am sorry that you missed that. *shrugs* " I am sorry your facts are wrong. Don't blame me for pointing that fact out.
  3. NWN2, DA, NHL 2006, JE2 and Madden 2006. Maybe The Fall, NBA 2006 if it ends up being any good unlike 2005 which sucked.
  4. "Bioware making the move over to consoles because that is "where the money is" concerns me." I'm out of the loop as I was so sure that Dragon Age was PC only. I didn't know BIO decided to make DA console. This is HUGE news! I'm gonna make a new thread dedicated to this very shocking news bit! WOWSERS! Thanks for the heads up.
  5. People should get over the Bertuzzi incident. Things that pretty much happen every game. Players are always intentionally trying to hurt each other, and THE LEAGUE ALLOWS IT. It's called fighting. Outside of boxing (duh!) no other sport encourages such goon behaviour - in fact, guys in the NHL make a good living being nothing but thugs. I mean, sorry, penalty minutes don';t count as 'punishment enough' in this case. I say as long as the NHL allows fighting to be acceptable then they and the fans (bloodthirsty Kanadians who thinking aiming your first at another's head is a-ok, for example); they shouldn't whine when an NHLer basically does the same thing. And, don't harp about the stupid prehistoric 'macho' aspect of fighting. And, if Messier ends up retiring, that just plain sucks. Bah. Another reason to hate the New NHL. Bring on more!
  6. "I don't think that anyone really expects Lindros to put up fifty points." if Lindros is reasonably healthy, and plays a decent amount of games this year; I expect NO LESS than 50 points for him. I think peple including Leaf fans have underestimated what Lidnros can still do. the only big mark against him is his concussions. If he stays away from those, after the 1 year of his 1.5 mil contratc; he is once again likely able to ask to be one of the highest paid players. If he stays healthy. If. If is very big for Lindros..
  7. This console vs. PC thing needs to stop. PC games have crappy RPGs. So does consoles. PC has good RPGs. So does consoles. The point? As for Guantlet. It looks to be a fun action game. I'll enjoy playing it on the PS2 if it actually comes out.
  8. Hmm.. Lindros to Toronto. Meh. The Rangers fail again. Lindros may not be the premiere center in the game anymore; but he's still top of the line. At 1.5 mil that's a plain old fashion 'steal' even with the risk of another concussion. Don't forget, he's had an entire year to relax (other than keeping in shape, I presume), and to further recover from the repeated concussions. That cna only be good. I'm no Leaf fan; but they are gonna be even more dnagerous. As for the Penguins, I think people are overrating how good the Pens will be this year. With an unproven goalie, an older Lemieux, and a rookie even with some of their other additions; I don't think they'll be a threat to win the cup. they *might* pull off .500 and a play-off spot though which is huge improvement from 2003-2004. And, the Ranger falls continues... The one good thing about being a Rnager fan beofre was even though it failed in the end, the Rangers as an organization were always trying to win. Now, it seems they are purposefully trying to lose all their good players which means they are gonna waste Jagr, and Bure (is he still playing?)... Gah.
  9. "I would say the new economics of the NHL rewards teams that have smart management, not just a pile of cash to throw around." Sad to say it; but the Rangers are proof that having a 'pile of cash' doesn't help. You need smart managment. Period.
  10. Teams like Nashville shouldn't even be in the league. And, no, most Championship teams don't lose all their main players. Don't spread myths.
  11. "They wouldn't be the first and they wouldn't be the last. This fact has nothing to do with the new CBA." Yes, it does. The difference betwene TB this year and other defending champions who fialed the following year is those other teams because entered the season the with esentially the team and had a chance to repeat. Sadly, because of the new CBA and the loss of all their good players, TB is not even the same team despite the same uniform and in fact aren't even gonna be in the top ten when it comes to favorites to win the cup. That is because of the CBA.
  12. Poor Tampa Bay. They are likely the first SC champions who have NO chance to repeat. Another reason to dislike the new look NHL. Meh. And, come on people, someone sign the Moose!
  13. Come on, Lidnros! Sign with the Rangers! geez.. The Rangers aren't even TRYING to win. Bunch of crap.Mr. GM, get off your butt and sign the players that can help. Pavel Bure can't win a cup or even make the play-offs by himself. It's abd enough the Rangers miss the play-offs 7 years in a row with no salary cap; but I fear they are gonna have the worst record this year. Theya ren't even trying now. Someone better sign the Moose, or I'll hate the new NHL even more! And, don't get me started with the shootout! That's just dumb. Worst new 'rule' they came up with - even worse than the salary cap. *BARF*
  14. Charisma Carpenter is a good actress. Don't udnerrate her just because she also looks good. Most actresses are attractive so in reality that means nothing.
  15. "Yeah, part of my reservation over Peca was the fact that he had held out." It's good that unlike Yashin you can overlook Peca's holdout. Not as evil when a player you like holds out, I guess. Anyways, sucks that Leetch went to Boston. He belongs with the Rangers.
  16. Firefly is overrated, and I'm ashamed of my fellow geeks for liking it so much. I like to watch shows with actual good acting; nut awful ones. Two episodes was enough for me.
  17. "I don't see them bullying the Koreas, Japan, Vietnam, Mongolia, or any other of their neighbours for that matter." Eh. They already 'bully' the Koreas and Japan.
  18. "Marek Malik" Who?
  19. "Right." Right. "Just because we gave up on the guy when he injured his eye?" Exactly. Why would he want to return to a team who threw him in the trash when they thought he was useless? He should go to a team that will try to treat him with respect when he becomes a cripple again.
  20. The Moose should be in NY where he wasn't treated like a second class citizen l(well.. most of the time, anyways) like he was in Edmonton!
  21. I think it should be obvious why the US is so aggreisve in their foreign policy - it's how they got their dependence. Unlike us Kanadians who got our 'independence' handed to us a silver platter, Amerikans had to spill their blood to gain their independence from the Brits. In fact, I think Kanada's peaceful journey independence is owed a lot to the Brits learning from the War of Independence, and they didn't want a repeat.
  22. Hey, my first post wa son topic but others who didn't like my comments drgaged it off course... Anyways, like I said, the article itself is humours in parts; but some people who are bigots will use it as 'fact' when arguing against the 'evils' of Amerikans.
  23. A/S/L?
  24. I don't thank murderers.
  25. No. The ones who actually believe that's how Amerikans are/think/act.
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