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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Delusional. Anyways, another one: Overrated: PST Underrated: JE
  2. Overrated: Me Underrated: Me
  3. True that. Heck, that's why he might take Beau to the Finals 'cause they are future lovers. Of course, Rachel is veyr upset with Howie right now because of his bone heaed moves, and his behaviour as well. She probably regrets the two of them being partners in the house even if they are friends. LOL
  4. Remember, if by some miracle, Janelle, Rachel, and Howie make it to Final Three and she doesn't wnat the final HOH, say goodbye to her.
  5. James is such a target yet he is still there. To me, that's brillant. And, he's safe for at least the next two or three nominations as well while the others' pick each other off.
  6. Yeah. I voted for Kaysar as I liked him; but he has since made me regret that decision as I feel he's dumber than I thought he was. A/He should never have broken his oath with James and get his group to target him. That's why they're in a pickle even with janelle having HOH. B/He was dumb belieivng Jen in the hoh comp; because of course she's gonna lie to him. They all lie including Kaysar. He should take his owna dvice, and not listen to the other team. James is awesome! He has both groups wrapped around his finger. Now, that's genius! And, Howie's a perverted psyhco freak who steals girlie underwear and smells it while theatening not to return it and selling it on EB (which is disallowed per their contracts supposedly)! So, no, he's a punk too. GO JAMES GO GO RACHEL GO
  7. Yeah, yeah. I'm sure to get lots of flak for watching a 'dumb' Reality Show; but I am weak. I cna't help watching car crashes. Anyways, it's awesome. The DRAMA almost makes the internet seem lacking in that department. I love it. I hope Rachel, or James wins. They deserve it! They're amongst the very few who actually know it's a game and not to take things so personally!!!
  8. Doesn't matter what we as individuals want ESPN top show. It only matters what the majority of ESPN viewers want to watch, and if other sports or 'sports' get higher ratings than NHL Hockey than I don't blame ESPN one iota if they go another direction.
  9. Yeah. I agree. Who made that stupid decision? Lacrosse as our national sport. What a joke!
  10. Ender wins.
  11. It's not simple greed. It's being paid what you feel youa re worth, and what the market will bare. Every single one of us would do the exact same thing no matter how much we dare deny it.
  12. Belfour is awesome! one of the best goalies ever! And, without him; the Leafs would have never gotten out of the first round the last few years.
  13. I said it before, and I'll say it again to make it official: Congrats Ender!
  14. Game over. Games don't make people violence. I win. Those who think otherwise lose. Great find!
  15. "I mean, who'd you rather have on YOUR team right now? Gah." Belfour. He's one of the best goalies ever, and Toronto is lucky to have him.
  16. "What about Oblivion?" I only bothered to list 3, and I chose the ones I actually might buy at full price.
  17. 'Cause they won't. CRPGs aren't going anywhere, and DA, NWN2, and G3 are just 3 examples of high end games to illustrate this.
  18. "As far as Bethesda, they're a subsidiary of Zenimax Media, so they're not indies by my definition." Oh? So, if you are a subsidary? Then, by this defintion, BIoware is an 'indy developer'. Afterall, they aren't owned by any other company, they are privately owned, and they actually do pay to make their own games as evidenced that they are financing DA on their own as this time; not to mention the NWN Premium Mods which they are actually selling themselves much like SW does with their games. "Yep, I'm RPGDot's newest editor."
  19. "I'm thinking of putting together an article on that as my first big article for RPGDot." You write for RPGDot? Cool. Can't wait to read your articles. As for SW games, I think as far as independent devs go, they (or I should say he) is overrated. SW's famous turn base combat is very, very simple. "So by fishboot's definition.. The only real difference between a "big" developer like Bioware and a true independent developer is that an indie-developer self-publishes? And it is able to self-publish because it spends no money on advertising or retail box?" Hmm.. That definition of fishboot's as you described seems off to me. Afterall, that would make Bethesda one. I think 'indy developers' are very small devlopers who can't for whatever reason sell their products in stores, and are solely dependent on word of mouth (usually via the 'net).
  20. I read the post, and the article sincluded. My statement stands; but hey; as per usual you try to make everything personal while I was commenting strictly on the article and on the opinions about said artle. But, hey, troll on, McDuff, and let's make this about posters not topics. R00fles! P.S. Your trolling has been reported.
  21. "Well, people count the side games in Baldur's Gate 2 as well...." BG2 has no side games. It has side quests, though.
  22. This is ana wesome story! I say good job! This is what role-playing is about! That said, i'm sure some 'cheating' took place; but meh poo happens. Overall, the assassination, and conspiracy was well done. And, it's not real so don't talk like these people have no morals. Gah. I think people who takethings that happen in game sso personally are the ones who can't see the difference between RL and gaming issues. Of cours,e it would suck if it happened to you; but that's role-playing.
  23. Thibeault is overrated, and while ok will not help the Pens get anywhere in the play-offs.
  24. Yeah, it's ok to laugh; but you can laugh and help at the same time. Geez...
  25. He wans't trying to kill him. He was trying to pay back Moore for Moore injuring one of Bertuzzi's teammates from an earlier game. It's hockey culture (well.. many sports do the same). The sad fact, people encouraged and expect the type of behaviour that Bertuzzi illustrated. In fact, they cheer it on. The only reason why Bertuzzi got 'hung' in this incident is because of the serious injury that Moore suffered. Bertuzzi deserved to be punished; but I say if you are gonna punish him you should punish anyone who does 'pay back', or throws a punch since punches by default are intent to injure.
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