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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. WOW! Only deecnt game mentioned is Tomb Raider, and that's stretching it. Gothic series sucked thus far though G3 may be good. Nope, when it coems to gaming, Europe is a weak link.
  2. No problem. FINAL LOOSE UPDATE: Expect 3 major (okay, major is exgagerated, more like Volournian semi slightly major updates) announcements tomorrow.
  3. "Why? Europe is actually a bigger gaming market than the USA." Difference is the Amerikans (and Kanadians too) as well as Japanese actually make good games I wanna play. Size of market means little to me when I bet unless there's a secret game I don't know about in Europe that most of Europe's game market consists of games from NA or Japan. And, if not, I like to know where these great European games are. I've seen many greta European movies, heard their great music, and watched their great tv shows; but no great games. Odd to me.
  4. Name one great game to come from Europe. I can't. I can name many from North America, and many from Asia. But, none from Europe or other continents. It's not an attack on players from Europe; but from the European game industry if there even is one. R00fles! P.S. Ohoh! it wasn't my itnent to start a cross continent gaming war; but Drakron started it with his 'Europe like x', 'Europe likes y', 'Europe hates z, and Europe hates b' crap. That's too irrelevant. That is all. P.S.S. As for respect, once again, respect is only worthwhile in the RL; not the internet.
  5. Ahh.. Alanshu the Troll appears. Has nothing to add the topic (alobeit off topic to the original post; but meh) so he just whines and cries. What Drakron is doing is what is usually referred to as debating, and pointing out why he has the opinion he has. I disagee with him as is my right (as it is his right to disagree with me). But, hey, keep whining. It's entertaining. Drakron: There are lots of sports games being made. Both good, and bad. But, all in the end, are compared to the EA versions. And, it has nothing to do with what licesnes 'cause until recently EA didn't have control over them. Bottom line is that EA's sports line is awesome though admittedly they have had their share of stinkers. Of course consideirng the number of them they made that should be not surprising. As for the Sims, the fact that EA didn't come in until after the Sims series started yet hasn't messed too much with it proves that they don't go around messing with successful things after buying into. In essence, it's more proof that only garbage companies that EA buys get the trashed treatment, and deservedly so. And, last thing I'm worried about is what Europe thinks about Konami (which id o like to a degree). Europe is irrleavnt to me when it comes to gaming.
  6. That's funny. Their line of sports games is what sets the standard for sports games. All sports are comapred to EA tod etermine their quality. Last I checked, the Sims is an EA game and that doesn't follow anyone. You lose.
  7. No. I would not one some bozo half a way across the world enslaving me. No thanks. Take your one world gov't and go to a nother world where they still believe in slavery.
  8. EA is awesome. If the 'little guys' were so much better they wouldn't be bought out. They scuked, and deserved to be terminated. Blame them for their patheticness.
  9. Eh? The same cna be said about you following me around. Ha.
  10. Nowhere near Mess' level. period. This is undisputable or is by those who know sports.
  11. "The big beef I had with the KOTOR storyline was that I had already played it when I played Neverwinter Nights." False. the only similarities in the two stories were the two ladies, and both NWN and KOTOR had that in common with KOTOR2, and its leading lady. Next please.
  12. How many cups did Gretz win w/o Mess? How many did Mess win without Gretz? If you know the answer to that, and I'm sure you do, the game is over. It says a lot when Mess' best offensive year was without Gretz. It also says a lot that mess won MVP in the Oilers' first Sc run even though Gretz had like double the points I believe in was also, and still is the Overrated One.
  13. Gretzky couldn't lead himself out of a paper bag. Mess led the Rangers to their first cup in 50 years. He got ROBBED of MVP of play-offs that year. ROBBED. Leetch may had a couple of points more; but he was not the MVP. Mess should ahve won MVp every season he played in except the last 7 years where he failed to do his job, and couldn't dela with the horrible managing of the Rangers and the rookiedom of the Canucks at the time though he did show Naslund the way.
  14. Then, Jagr is a leader. Then Kovalev is a leader. Then Sosa is a leader. Then Vince Carter is a leader. Just because you are a good player does not make you a good leader. That said, i feel Jordan is a great leader; but not as great a one as Mss is. Why? NOBODY is. Moose is THE leader.
  15. UPDATE: Some good news, and some bad news because I am both good and evil. MUAHAHA! - changing spells en masse like I was planning may be too much of a challenge for a loser like me that it will either be at a limited scope or the mod will take MUCH longer to build its first completeable version. - 10,000 + words have been added - most quests in the mod are completed - a new 'secret' area has been added that will only be found under special circumstances - henchmen are making me go bananas, and I'm not sure how indepth i can make them AI wise (they will still have interesting personalities and backgrounds though) - the only major issues other than spell/henchmen stuff is finishing up dialogue which is a painful thing indeed. - expect some more magic items, and npc/area background posts in the days,a nd weeks ahead. - i hope to have the next testable version ready by the end of this month. At that time I will surely add sammael and muscoptivon? to the testing list - thankyou for your patience?
  16. That proves his greatness; not his leadership. He didn't elad them to that record, he played them to that record.
  17. Great leaders don't abandon their team to go play another sport that they suck at it and then come back with their tail between their legs when they realize they aren't good enough for that sport. The difference is is that Rodman wanted to be in Chicago; Jagr was/is in NY only for the money. Besdies, the Rangers have the worst GM/coach ever. 'Nough said.
  18. I said he was the best leader. I never said he was god. :D
  19. Nonsense. Jordan was a very good defensive player. And, he was also a solid leader. It's no wonder that someone like Rodman was on his behaviour while in Chicago. And, yes, the Moose is the best leader in all of sports. This is a factual fact.
  20. It's fun to discuss, argue, whine, debate, spit, fught, and fart over things that don't neccessarily effects one directly on the 'net. Afterall, without that, the 'net is a useless communication tool to interact with a whole bunch of morons from around of the world when we could just waste the time talking with morons from close to home. R00fles!
  21. You got me there.
  22. Irrelevant comment.
  23. Bah, Hades. Don't ruin our fun. This thread is fun. Leave us to uss walloing our own poo thinking it don't need stink in peace. It's the interent where this kind of stuff is the only way to illustrate how evil the 'net really is.
  24. "Jesus christ, i've managed to pack all my belongings, move 400km to another city and get the new apartment in order (10mbit connection, yum!) and still thread is still going?" Ha. Same here except I didn't leave the city. P.S. To find my new address search the Codex boards.
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