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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. But, but, but, you get a statue built in your honour! Makes it all worthwhile!
  2. "I have played the game many times. The only option in each time was to kill Li." Like Ghost stated, you are wrong. I am surprised that even if you didn't get this ending yourself that you at least didn't hear about the not so secret third ending. It's a pretty cool ending; but bittersweet. Let's just say it isn't 'happily ever after' type of ending - at least not for the PC. LOL (w00t) HINT: Accept Li's final offer.
  3. Huh? You don't have to kill Li. Why are you lying? Did you even play the game? And, no, while most decisions give you open palm or closed fist ways there was usually more than one weay to achieve that in each quest.
  4. "One good way and one evil way isn't all that great or that far greater than BG." JE quests often have 3+ ways to solve quests. There are also more (percentage wise) quests that have a non combat way to solve them compared to BG series. Why make things up, Willis?
  5. Yeah; but the fact that 99% of JE's quests have multiple ways to complete them does...
  6. JE had better role-playing than BG series. While I liked BG's graphics; it's not even in the same league as JE's. I personally preferred Bg's combat system because, well, I'm bias towards D&D and tunr or semi turn base style (evn though I did enjoy JE's RT combat). Game over.
  7. Your loss. EB is awesome. :cool:
  8. Then name one.
  9. "They appear to have thrown away the gratuitous tanks wizards and sorcerers got in NWN as their familiars and replaced them with familiars more in the spirit of the pen-and-paper game..." No, they aren't. Familairs in pnp cna be used as pretty effective combaters. Obsidian's version in NWN2 seems to be anti combat. Afterall, pnp familairs have to be some type of valuableness in melee since they are often used to make touch attack spells. If a familiar sucked in combat why would a wizard use them for that. No logic there at all. The NWN familair while 'beefed up' a little bit from pnp are a lot closer to the 'spirit' of pnp familairs than any other D&D game familiar used. Heck, pnp familairs tend to have better ac, better sr, and better special abilities than NWN familiar. Heck, under the right circumsatnce,s pnp familiars cna even have more hp. The only thing NWN familairs did better was increased damage (for some of the familairs).
  10. "And how will I play it? I don't own a computer any more and i doubt my roommate would want me to clutter his computer with my games." I doubt he'd mind; but I don't know him so meh. Still, you cna always get a computer again. "Pocket Familiars?" Things aren't crystal clear; but supposedly familiars can't be used in combat. ie. They're as useful (useless) as BG2 and worse yet TOEE familairs were. People may whine about how 'overpowered' NWN1 familiars were; but at least in that game that had a use instea dof playing tidlywinks with. LOL
  11. Dungeon Adventures 1-3 are a series of very fun, well made combat focused PWs as well. Nowadays, when I'm not working on my mod or spamming the 'net; my computer time is spent there.
  12. Come on, Hades. You say D&D game ar eoverrated, and say what's the point of NWN2 yet you'll be one of the first in line to buy NWN2. As for this talk about too much fantasy RPGs; to those whining I say tough. People love fantasy games, and therefore those games are made; those games are made so people have to buy them. It's a cyclical nature. If you don't like fantasy or are sick of them then don't buy them. Of course, like Hades those crying will be first in line to buy the next fantasy RPG released. And, NWN2 should have a solid OC around 40-60 hours much like NWN1. It surely can't be much worse than KOTOR2. Despite the fact that the intro Obsidian is planning is underhwelming to me; the rest of their plans for the game sound promising except for a few silly things like their total destruction of familiars. Say hello to Pocket Familiars. HAHA!
  13. So, who's right? Meta or Ender? Hmmm... It's a pickle to be sure.
  14. "Ultimas." Really? If so, someone finally named one great European game. Hiphiphooray! Europe has one hit!!!
  15. Yup, which is why I'm wodnering why people ar emaking such a fuss. LA is a good publisher. They seemed to have no problem publishing all the other SW games they have including KOTOR; but because of one unreleased patch for KOTOR2; people are whining. Go figure. LONG LIVE LA AND OBSIDIAN!
  16. Treated Obsidian poorly? They agreed to allow Obsidian to develop a sequel to a top selling game? I;m sure Obsidian made some decent money off this, and got a good, solid start off their first game. if that's being treated poorlt, wowsers! So, they weren't allowed to release a single patch for sound, and movies. Big whoop! Oooo the humanity of it all!
  17. A straight CRPG is one that is not a gay CRPG. Though, I disagree with JE's complaints about JE's combat. It may not be the best fighting game combat ever (I cna think of more than few that are better like some of the ones JE mentioned); but it's a heck of a fun. And, I had no problem with frame rate though load times did suck big time. <>
  18. The mystery deepens! :ph34r:
  19. Better look more closely. I do tend to make mistakes; but that's not me. Of course, it's still Volourn; but not THE Volourn. I surely don't make that many mistakes. It's someone trying too hard to copy me. R00fles!
  20. Huh? Your arguing how they handle npcs; not dialogue system. As far as npcs go, yes, it's obvious that PST's npcs are 100x better than FO's. However, youw ere disucssing dialogue systems; not npcs. Please clarify. Afterall, PST has the same dialogue system that the other IE games have. It just uses the system more which is why as far as dialogue options goes; PST wins over BG2 (though BG2 is very good in this regard too); but as far as actual systems go; no.
  21. Good game. And,d on't forget it. And, saying it's combat is weak shouldn't be so hurtful for PST fanboys to read if PST didn't focus on combat as much as they claim, right? In the end, the fact that PST is a good RPG inspite of the poor combat is a benefit for it. Imagine PST with actual fun combat, and wowsers. I might even let it into my top 10!!!! Weell, along with fixing 3 of the worse, and unimaginative npcs of all time that is!! "If you think that FO had a better dialogue system than Torment. I have nothing else to say to you" PST doesn't even a dialogue focused skill. heck, it has nothing but combat skills which is why it and all the IE games - svae IWD2 - all are lacking in the dialogue system. They'r egood with what they have - espicially PST in that regard - but they don't come close to the above games. Not even close. FO has dialogue skills. It has abilty scores it sues. It has non weapons kills it uses in dialogue. In conclusion: FO, NWN, JE, ARC, KOTOR (and 2), and BL all CRUSH PST in dialogue systems. P.S. We're replying way too quick here. LOL :D
  22. Whine all you want, the evidenc eis in. PST has lots of combat - you even admitted it. I gave exmaples of more thana few PST areas that ahve tons of combat. Bottom line is PST is as combat focused as most of the 'new age RPGs' are. Period. This is undisputable by anyone who has played the game, and is honest about it. It's in the item selection, spell election, character selection, in the story, everything. And, your lame 'it must be you' speech is just that - lame. i ddin't make PST have so much combat. I did not create it, afterall. I have NEVER played any RPG that didn't have a lot of focus on combat, and PST is NO exception. Period. edit: Torment's dialogue system isn't anything special. And, it isn't the best. That would be FO, NWN, JE, Arcanum, and KOTOR. And, maybe Ultima series if I can even remember.. And, anything good about PST's dialogue had to do with the story. And, PST's writing isn't superior to anything that matters. I am watching an amnesia story right now that has more heart, more soul, more oompth, and superior writing than anything in PST's amnesia story. Game over.
  23. Basketball, writing, playing cards, swimming, and watching people get drunk while I laugh at them as they puke their guts out. Muahahah!!!
  24. "OTOH, I can play Torment today and derive the same enjoyment I did then." OTOH, I find no need to play Torment even more than once - believe me I tried - because as good as the story is; one play through and you get the story. And,s ince Torment is a game where everything but the story sucks there's no need to replay it. And, oh, there was lots of combat in PST. only a blind perosn would miss it. And, a good protion of it is forced unless you avoid the area altogetehr or run like a coward. Heck, just running around Sigil is liable to have you attacked by a random peon thug. Not to mention Curst, the slums, Undersigil, Fortress of Regrets, and the list goes on. PST is full of combat hevay and combat focused areas just like the BG series. Period.
  25. There was no hard battle in PST. None. Zero. Zilch. There w ere a few challenging one;s but no hard ones. Not even close. And, for agame that focused on combat as PST, that's pretty sad. And, don't deny it. When a game has places that is enmasse combat like Curst, the rat tunnels, FOR, and a host of others; it automatically has a focus on combat.
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