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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. You want a sexist pervert to stay? WOW! Let him go try to rape Jennifer, and Rachel. i'm honestly suprised Howie has never been charged, or convicted for rape or sexual harassment yet. There's like 100s of documented cases just inside the BB House this year. Hehe.
  2. I find their reactions hilarious! Great entertainment!
  3. If your goal is for the smoking to kill me, NumbersU, you do realzie it takes decades for it to do that. I start today, and I'll die from lung cancer when I'm 70 (if I'm unlucky). I'm not too worried about that.
  4. People should let smokers alone. Smoking isn't as bad as people claim, and you can tell this is true by the complete baloney of the mythical myth of '2nd hand smoke being more deadly than 1st hand smoke'. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! All this ludicrous anti smoking talk makes me WANT to TAKE UP smoking just in spite.
  5. Torn deserved to be trashed. It would have sucked, and everyome knew it - that's why it was canceled. Unlike BG3, and FO3; it had very little going for it other than the SPECIAL system. I dance a little jig smiling at its deserved failure while a cry a little ter pouting for BG's undeserved canning.
  6. BILLIONS (of repeat customers) agree with me. I am NOT alone.
  7. "IMHO Jade Empire is a decent action/adventure game but it's not really an RPG." Eh. Quality issues aside, JE is very much a RPG. Afterall, you ROLE-PLAY a character making decisions thate ffect your PC, the npcs, and the world. You get multiple solutions to quests, and you 'level up' which effects what your character can do and how well they do it. You also have the ability to learn new skills, collect equipment, and absolutely everything else one can do in a RPG. The only 'non typical RPGish' thing that JE offers is RT combat. Bottom line is JE is a RPG. And, a better one than either KOTOR. Heck, Vampire would likely be as good as JE if it wasn't for the bugs, and the lame combat as it story, characters,a nd role-playing is mostly top notch.
  8. McD tastes awesomeeeeeee! Some of the BEST food in the WORLD! Go McD! And, no, it's not fattening! If it was I'd be fat instead of skinny! Go figure!
  9. Neverwinter Nights.
  10. I like the mod who does his or her job. Game over.
  11. No, I don't. Janelle is scum (just like the 'cult'). The only worthy player sstill in the game are James and April.
  12. "In fact, this was moved from WoT." Still, 'way off topic' can include games. I've seen it before. "Hey, do you hear that? What is it? Ah, yeah. It's Volourn being completely clueless again." Reported for flaming.
  13. He has every right to pose his question here. This is the 'Other Games's ection and this one is certainly udner the category of 'other games'. Now, will the trolls sliming this thread cease or else I will report you to the proper authorities. Thank you for your co-operation.
  14. I hope Ivette wins POV, and doesn't use it so all hell can break loose!
  15. It is all bunk. Why do people feel the need to blame mega corporations for their problems? I know why. They are faceless, and it's easier to blame someone else than yourself. It's not like anyone forces one to buy at McD or elswwhere. And, no, McD is not addictive in the truest sense. It's like saying I'm 'addicted' to the Obsidian boards just because I keep returning.
  16. If the coffee was 'too damn hot' the woman should use her brain i.e her common sense... ie. her intelligence... ie her IQ (all 10 points of it) and not drink it until it cools down. Or not spill it. She wa sbrain dead. She deserved to suffer the burns. It was a frivilous lawsuit deisgned to STEAL money from a business. People don't care though because hey it's only McDonalds. They have billions of dollars anyways. Meh.
  17. Answer to Your Question: No.
  18. The McDonalds case was frivilous. And, so is the cigar-fire cases. Both the cigar company, and the lawyer should be ahsamed. As if the guy was thrown in prison for smoking cigars. Whatever.
  19. That is just... I ... uhh.. eh.. H E L P!
  20. WOW! No wonder Battle wookiee is a mod. He can reply to posts that werne't evenw ritten yet! That's impresisve. Anyways, on topic, JE deserves the award more than KOTOR for many reasons.
  21. Don't get me started on MW.
  22. Movie: Independence Day Game: Arcanum (I'd say JE; but a sequel for that is almost inevitable) Book: The Stand or It
  23. My real name isn't Volourn.
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