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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Played a little Two Worlds last night. After being pummeled, knocked down, killed & reborn countless times, I can now finally .... kill a Young Grom without dying in 2 seconds! Yay! ...horseback riding is very awkward & I probably won't use it much, the combat is awkward feeling (to me) and yet...yet....I think I like this game. Something about it.
  2. I would be playing Two Worlds (from GoG) but the darn site won't let me download anything lately. Click on the download links and it just hangs and hangs and hangs....it's been like this for a few days - I tried re-downloading Divine Divinity too & same thing. Edit: Well I tried downloading from my other pc, which is using an older version of Firefox. It seems to work there. Strange. Doesn't like FF 3.6.3 maybe?
  3. Oy, thanks. Scrolled down his list & 1st one I clicked on...hilarious in the first minute. Plus I love his accent. lol Definitely one of the entertaining/charismatic ones. ....in other stuff...I'm reminded today of another reason I haven't yet bought a modern console. Arthritic thumbs + controlpads. :/
  4. Not what I'm playing but...one thing I like about the YouTube era is the "Lets Play" videos. Both useful when wondering if I want to buy a game & if the narrator is fun, occasionally just plain entertaining. Not too many made by females, tho. The ones I have seen, interesting to hear the different verbal approaches vs. average male. I'm tempted to buy a mic & make some myself, but I bet it's not easy to make a watchable Let's Play vid...
  5. Yeah, I'm sure it's tough to try to do all of those things/all those changes from the norm. Stats/level ups/points give a sense of satisfaction that's probably hard to replace, as far as character building goes, for example. Sigh. I'd be happy enough if it just had some elements/areas that deviated away, combined with some of the average methods, but prominent enough to make things feel different.
  6. Yeah, that's what I was trying to say...same here. I don't mind some combat/conflict (a few bosses, say) but after years & years it's really old when that's all there is. You don't walk through a forest and have every single creature you encounter try to kill you-every 5 feet, no less-either. I don't like action/shooters because without something else to go with it - unique item hunting, alchemy tweaking, raising skills or whatever - to occupy my mind, I get bored very fast of killkillkill. On the other hand tho, for me at least, a RPG that's too sandboxy/open is difficult for me to story-progress because I'll spend so much time on the sandboxy-tinkering aspects that I'll get sick of the game long before I've gotten very far in the actual plot-quests. Experience could be gained in a lot of other ways...or even, perhaps, get rid of the whole experience-bar thing altogether. Skills via schooling (that costs lots of gold or reputation or something else more complex) instead. Edit:the obsession with stat points gained -"I can now wear this armor because I finally have 210 in strength!" - in videogames is boring too, imo. I know it's tradition in rpg's but...
  7. I'm fairly impressed with it. Obscure/not widely popular stuff would be hard for even a human to guess, imo. I only stumped it with less known actors & such, maybe because of my answers, too. Some of those questions are pretty odd. I was thinking of David Ortiz & with all the other good questions (real person? sports? associated with NY? linked w/color red? etc) it suddenly popped out with "Does your chr. travel in a flying saucer?" btw, it always asks all 20 questions when I do it. Reading back in this thread...it's supposed to do less if it thinks it's right sooner?
  8. DS1 solo MP...completely forgot about hidden-til-you-walk-by ambushes like these. Ran out of pots. Died. Hah. SP campaign: Just taking a break. Sadly, I can't drown them.
  9. Maybe it's not so much difficult to make, so much as difficult to appeal to (majority) gamers. To be clear, I'd be all for a rpg set in modern day times, with non-fantastical enemies & weapons. But perhaps if you make it too non-fantastical, even with a good story, it's not compelling enough to play thru (vs. just sit & watch like a film). ie, not escapist enough. I also wouldn't mind a RPG where the main focus didn't have to be on ratatat combat for progressing through a storyline. Some combat, yes, but not every single encounter being solved/reached by fighting thru hordes of dudes/almost everything is an enemy worlds. A mystery type RPG might be interesting.
  10. Hubby's been living in the garage again. Every time I go in there he yaks about his stuff & I pretend to understand. He's been trying to photoetch a pcb circuit or something. Not hard apparently, but does take some practice I guess. Red light/develop, etchant fluid, drill the tiny holes, solder. One try had a hairline crack in the board he didn't notice, another he messed up in some other way, and then he got it right. Kinda cool, even if I have no idea what it's for. Maybe with more practice, he can make me a computer!
  11. Shots of rum, headphones, The Police, and the funky chicken.
  12. Hehe, true enough. Can't believe it's been over 5 years for me. Seems like yesterday I came here all full of Kotor2 fangirldom. Wonder if this forum lowers post count when forums/threads are deleted. If so, combined with OT posts I think my true count would be a lot more. *grin*
  13. I just noticed that despite the fact I've gone for long off and on periods of not posting at all - as well as posting a lot in the OT section - I'm still on the top half of the 3rd page of 'all time top posters' on this forum.
  14. @'Krezack - I have no idea how many total people comprise Runic Games or Flagship Seattle (wiki says 14 from Flagship Seattle went to Runic) but anyway...yes it's very influenced by Diablo ppl, was just saying Runic Games is not Blizzard North reincarnated. Especially after so many years for those people to get different ideas of what they like in a game then they once had. I can understand disappointment from the 'it's Diablo ppl' perspective, tho. I remember when Peter Molyneux, one of the main guys for Bullfrog/Dungeon Keeper etc. made Lionhead Studios, I was all excited. But....
  15. I know...was just saying it'd be interesting if you could use a combo of such + skill trees. In any action-rpg game. There might be a way to do it that would be fun/cool/effective.
  16. I don't think I'd say it's 'most of the team' behind Diablo 1 & 2. It's most of the founding members/executives of Blizzard North...(who used to be another company before Blizzard bought & renamed them) they went from Blizzard North to making Flagship Studios (Mythos & Hellgate: London) and then teamed up with the guy who made Fate (which is what Torchlight looks a lot like) to create Runic. Or something like that. So it's not like you're taking Blizzard North wholesale & immediately dumping them into Runic. Different team and minds. I don't know if you ever played Fate, but Torchlight is basically Fate but with a lot more Diablo/action-rpg touches. The pets, the fishing, the cartoony look, the item enchanting method (complete w/ability to over abuse it, lol) etc...all Fate.
  17. There's a thread in the Gearbox forums, started yesterday, about a new Borderlands DLC 4. They released a new game update patch and within it some people found all kinds of files/dialogue info etc. that made them think new content...so the (wildly popular) thread is all speculation based on this. Two gearbox staff replied in the thread, saying neither yay or nay, but they sounded "teasing" so I'd say...good bet it's true. If so...awesome for me! Now, if you want to read the thread, go ahead, but be warned that info in there is #1, very spoilery, and #2, possibly inaccurate. http://gbxforums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=108873
  18. Not funny just interesting (to me). Most vids I see of one-hand clapping, the person is shaking their forearm like a spastic madman. But this guy can do it keeping his arms/wrists pretty still. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooj1noUU2NM ...I can't do it at all...
  19. There's something a little off about the mouse-clicking in the game. You/I aren't the only ones to notice. Hard to explain it...most of the time it seems fine, but then it just...doesn't. Also... version 1.005a? I think mine is 1.004a (has the hi-res also). Did u buy on GOG? Can I download the new version from there if I already purchased it? (Hmm. Their page doesn't say what version I'd be downloading...) (edit: nvm, I found the forum thread. Have to uninstall, DL, reinstall).
  20. DS1 was the better game overall, imo. Although when I say that, I'm mostly referring to the MP world map & playing solo which I did for ages, vs. the SP campaign. The SP was fun, don't get me wrong, but while I made several parties of varying sizes (once using only mules) I never did actually finish it... When I first tried DS2, I was 'wtf this sucks' and didn't play long. Later I tried again, forced myself to play further and by the halfway point I'd come to like it quite a lot. It just wasn't what I was expecting in a DS sequel & I had to get used to it. But I came to appreciate it/had fun. DS2's expansion Broken Sword, however...I didn't like that at all. In terms of stats...while the 'use skill to gain skill in it' was tedious & could/would gimp chrs. if you weren't careful, I found it a bit more interesting technically than the now-common skill-tree where you put pts. in pre-determined sequences of pre-made skills and carry on. ie, I actually liked the challenge aspect to switching between sword and spell to raise str/intel more equally. It felt like my chr. strengths, then, where actually based on actions I did, not just leveling up so I could place points. Ho-hum. If that makes sense. I wish there was a way to combine both aspects into one fun system....hm.
  21. I'm kind of in the middle. I think it depends a bit on whether it's single player or multiplayer, too. Multiplayer needs at least some stations/waypoints in various towns or meet-greet hubs, imo. Single player it's a bit optional. If SP and MP have the same maps, then likely you're going to have some teleport aspect. But yes, I'm tired of "town scrolls", ala Diablo. In multiplayer it's kinda disruptive when ppl in your party constantly want to go to town. However, to accommodate loot-gathers, if you don't have 'town scrolls', you need to have moderate backpack space. DS1 was highly frustrating with its original backpack size (try playing it solo), non-stacking potions, length of time between shops, and no stash. Backpack size mods to double & triple size were the first thing I stuck in the mod folder. The multiplayer of DS1 was a nice middle ground for me. Huge relatively open world that had area towns, but a town HUB teleport system you could use. You had to be a certain chr. lvl to use each town's teleport pad, so unless you liked grinding low lvl monsters endlessly to lvl up, you couldn't skip areas 1st time thru by teleporting, thus it retained the exploration factor. Titan Quest, as mentioned, did a fair job with it too.
  22. I remember I liked the semi-random aspect to Diablo1's campaign side quests. Several sets of quests available but you couldn't get all of them in one game. But that was in single-player. In multiplayer it was always the same few, just the boss monster could be in a different spot on the map each time. I used to like random level maze designs when levels were smaller, but after being annoyed with Diablo2's Flayer Jungle one too many times-trying to get past it as fast as possible, made slower by figuring out which 'map' version you had- I decided they didn't add much. Random in games such as these aren't typically 'new over & over again', at least in my experience. It's more a number of set map patterns that the game randomly switches between. If you play the game a lot, you become familiar with them all before long, and thus fan-made designs are still appealing...especially if the mods are interesting in other aspects as well.
  23. Nox was fun. The furniture roadblocks weren't. It is nice when the breakables feel like they make a little sense for the game world. Lots of urns in crypts, check. Tons of crates in town where no one cares that you're robbing & looting, silly. And if there's a chance of finding 'forgotten trinkets' in multiple areas, it helps a little to break up the boss run concept. Diablo2 with its other 'item hunt' areas, for instance. The top-top items were still Baal runs, but you could still get a lot of good gear from those other areas if you were patient.
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