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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I guess you didn't notice that I said: Sometimes I think you work for Steam, Purkake.
  2. I think his question is in regarding ...
  3. Balthamael already made a thread for that. Most ignored it tho...too early (most hadn't seen it yet) perhaps. Or I annoyed them away w/my tech nitpicking. http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=55888
  4. Ok, thanks for the details...I didn't realize you had to be logged into bnet the whole time. That would make it kinda like Steam I guess, except with no single-player offline mode or whatever. It does sound like a pain in the arse. I saw one bnet forum thread where some ppl were having a lot of trouble getting it to work, too (the single-player login part), some kind of tech issue perhaps. *frown* D3 I wasn't originally worried about in this area since the Diablo's are one of the few where I do like playing MP-server most of the time (even if I'm playing solo), but...yeah, understand the objections. Acti-Blizzard hasn't been pleasing me of late.
  5. Yeah, in terms of graphical peeks, screenshots are great and all, but I'm waiting for some video, which we'll hopefully get at some point. This too.
  6. Spock, the "Pain" remix! (a friend & I used to watch the Horta episode & cracked up every time at that scene) Edit: Oh wait, this Khan/Sparta remix is awesome too, especially around the 1 minute mark. Deserves more than 2100 views. God how I love the creative silliness of YouTube users.
  7. I wouldn't worry about it. Either it'll hit this hypothetical person eventually, like some of the others have said, or it won't. If this hypothetical person was close to the grandmother, cared for, had a connection with, & loved her when she was alive, that's indication enough of 'humanity' right there, imo. After that...well we all grieve differently. Not everyone cries or has deep sad emotions immediately after a loss, particularly when the loss is not a surprise. My husband had very little reaction when his mother died (suddenly/unexpectedly). He & his mother weren't super close at that point but there was no animosity/resentment either & we saw her semi-frequently. But...it just wasn't a surprise to him, I think.
  8. I guess the artists stroke the right tone with that one. Well, I have no idea what a Vodyanoi is, but that's pretty much a many-sharp-teeth fish-head on the thing. If that's what a Vodyanoi is supposed to be, then yes, I'd agree. Edit: The only reason I knew the term outside of this thread was because one website labeled the screenshot as a 'Vodyanoi Cavern.' heh
  9. What exactly is so draconic about SC2's DRM? From what I understand it's just the 'need a bnet account' and 'online check when you install.' While I'm not a huge fan of that, it's not that terrible as far as DRM goes. I don't keep great track of game news tho, maybe I missed something? In terms of D3 and LAN, last I heard Bashiok had hinted at a LAN replacement that should satisfy people. Probably something like, you connect to Battle.net once to ensure that everyone's got legit copies, then you can play over LAN as normal. Or something to that effect. Don't know for sure, but probably won't be a 'need constant online connection/verification to play SP' like Ubisoft. But I do agree that if Acti-Blizzard did do something akin to Ubisoft, I would be....mighty...angry. Edit:I see one thread that mentions the possibility of a bnet LAN server....which if true, I guess necessitates being online for LAN like MP. Hm.
  10. I like shown environment as well. Also, the way the colors/contrast look vibrant without (imo) giving the impression of being overdone/cartoony. At least in the screenies. Plus, I think the creature (a Vodyanoi?) in the last pic is really cute. I think I'll call him Piranha-Head.
  11. I'm not a man but if my date told me to get rid of my pets (any pet) for whatever reason, that date would be out the door in a hurry. Anyone who isn't either as passionate about pets as I am, or at least willing to tolerate my passion for pets with an affectionate smile, isn't going to be the right person for me. Now, of course plenty of differences can be tolerated or enhance/grow a relationship...but other differences mean you're just incompatible. Knowing what the latter are for you is a good thing, imo. *high five*
  12. NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo!!! Haven't kept up with Star Trek news in ages so I just now read about the 'remastered' version of Star Trek:OS with all the CGI crap. Ack! No! Sacrilege! Oh sure some of the cgi new city background mattes are ok...but CGI ship & some of those effects...no...no...just no. I want the silly model on a string Enterprise & stuff, not this CGI version that doesn't match the tone/tech of the rest of the non-altered frames. I have season 1 & 2 DVD's in original format (those hard plastic cases) but never bought season 3. Looked at some big store sites, all they have is the 'new' versions now...*panic*...looked at Amazon...they still have a few places selling that plastic box 3rd season. YES! Must buy before you can't get them anymore. Glad I bought the animated series already. Why oh why must they do this stuff to old classic series? Are they going to release CGI versions of Twilight Zone someday? Argh! Better get the rest of the ST:TNG too, before they muck with those 10 years from now....
  13. I was just curious...is it still true that you can't do AA w/ATI cards in SC2 but can with nvidia? Obviously forcing AA via the card driver or whatever = a pretty big performance hit on many cards, like the graphs show. I personally don't care much about AA but just seems like a strange thing/decision by Blizz since they're usually careful to make their games not too demanding to begin with. Do you end up with so many 'things' on-screen in missions that it would bog down even on today's pc's?
  14. Every great once in a while I have an urge for some KFC. The day after, my intestines remind me why it's always a bad idea. Also...I've been trying to decide between the Flip UltimaHD, Kodak PlaysportHD (shoot under water, woot) and the Kodak Zi8 palm size, casual camcorders. Tough decision.
  15. Yeah, AoE (and LotR2) were what pulled me into strategy genre. Then I burnt out on the gather/construct/conflict pattern. I find such more interesting in a board game face-to-face than pcgaming/online I guess. @Tale - I'm the same way...not competitive enough. And for me, even when I play Skirmish it's not the winning at speed that entertains me...it's actually the prolonging of watching the AI opponent make a fool of itself. Cracks me up. I blame Dungeon Keeper for showing me how silly-fun that could be.
  16. I have 2 experiences with StarCraft1. The 1st was me buying it not long after it came out and having it crash on my then-PC to the point that I shelved/forgot about it. The 2nd was hubby later, on different pc's, trying it out & watching him play for a bit before he decided it wasn't for him. Currently in the not interested category but if the reviews spark my interest I may try it at some late date.
  17. He should've carried one of those Spyder III Pro Arctic Wicked laser pointers.
  18. I'm not sure the complaints in the article are unique to the 'gaming industry' - while of course it depends on the company you work for & what position you hold, such complaints seem fairly common all over. Perhaps particularly in careers that deal with entertainment formats. In other words, such is life.
  19. I forgot how much GoG's version of Divine Divinity crashes the more saves you have or over time after a lot of quick-save/quick-reloads, even if you regularly delete those files so game will make new ones. Also, it randomly crashes in specific places and frequently when I try to fight in Vest. sewers. Not sure if that's a graphic issue (the spells monsters use) or what. Usually restarting/reloading means I can continue for a while but it's aggravating.
  20. You might want to put the word "SPOILERS" in the main title of thread, not just the subtitle, which doesn't show up on forum's main page 'last recent post' sidebar. --A technical nitpick, not plot. Hubby pointed it out and we had a brief debate about it - more I think about it, the more I think he was right. The nitpick is how time works in the different layers of dreams. They said a few times how speed of time passing is different in each layer, going slower and slower the deeper you go. That is, the van falling off bridge = 10 seconds or less in layer1 but in layer 2 that meant long, long minutes of slo-mo anti-gravity & in layer 3 even more time to finish their mission before being kicked awake. The nitpick is that the van is being chased in layer 1 & in layer 2, they can hear/see this sometimes (the shaking of coffee in a cup & booming noises for instance). The inconsistency is how the shaking of coffee in the cup doesn't take a lot longer to occur than it might in layer 1. Where's the time dilation, then? Is it just supposed to be that the cup in layer 2 doesn't shake until minutes after it happens in layer 1? Also, if time slows down in deeper layers, why does "limbo" seem to age you so rapidly? Wouldn't it slow down instead? I know it's just a movie, but it felt inconsistent within the frame of the movie. Did anyone notice/hear something we didn't that would explain that? --On the ending:IMO it's one of those purposely open-ended things that allows you to decide what you think/want it to be, but imo has no true "answer" - everything most people see as clues are probably red herrings or purposefully inserted/omitted in order to invoke endless debate and it does that quite effectively. However... That happens in almost all movies, especially action ones. I don't think I'd say it's necessarily anything significant in this one. Not saying it couldn't be, but by itself it's not particularly significant. But my personal interpretation would lean towards everything being a dream, too. The biggest thing for me is whether the children were wearing the same clothes at the end as in the supposed dream sessions, but unfortunately I can't remember if they were. They seemed similar at least. Also, I can't recall how long Leo's chr. was supposed to have been away from the US - did they ever actually say? a purposeful omission to retain mystery? -ie, should the children be older in 'reality.' Remember the early phone call where the kids voice went from young to older to young again? One theory I read on the ending being a dream was that Leo's chr. was the actual person being inception-ized, to get rid of his guilt, and his 'team' were the ones doing the job on him - which I find as plausible a plot-theory as any.
  21. Any of you console people played the action/rpg+tiny bit of adventure "Deathspank" yet? Humorous & silly, in a fun way, as it looks? It looks like something I'd like, if only for the over-the-top humor in it. Here's one vid. review from Bing's videos: http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/pre...spanked/6ms0p33 (vid takes a bit to load) Edit:here's the game website: http://www.deathspank.com/
  22. The Hidden, my old letterboxed videotape copy. Ah, videotape. How quaint. Movie still holds up fairly well today. One of my fave, oft overlooked B-grade films.
  23. Mel Gibson phone call rant to Old Spice guy [animated] (language NSFW) ...guy took audio from Mel's alleged call and the Old Spice dude's recent many YT video responses campaign and strung them together.
  24. Inception = 4 to 4.5 stars out of 5. Pretty darn good...I didn't find it hard to "follow" at all, but it's definitely mind-boggling, especially in the aftermath sense. Cerebral fantasy/sci-fi at some of its best, with enough action/neat cgi to keep things moving too. In the ladies restroom after, overheard lots of babbling/debating along the likes of "wait, if this was this, then..." & other musings - that kind of movie. Plus Leo didn't bug me too much, a good role for him. Rest of cast excellent.
  25. You have to drag him kicking and screaming to see Inception? O.o Not just Inception...any movie, really...but yeah, the ambiguous ads didn't make him all that interested, he's not a DiCaprio fan + he's almost crowd-phobic.
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