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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'm not impressed. Not unimpressed, mind you, but not impressed either. This caravan will 'follow' you from town to town and can be upgraded? Seems odd. Also, if you pause the video I notice that one attribute of an item is "increases vendor value"....oh boy? I do like being able to craft more freely via a NPC rather than everyone rushing to that Act quest. Breaking down stuff for parts could be useful, but knowing Blizzard the chance of getting good parts from that will be 1 in 7 trillion. hehe And...is that 20 detached human feet he has in inventory, or just hunks of meat, or something else? I can't quite tell.
  2. Thanks, that's what I thought. And yes, that's a common problematic aspect in terms of balance for wide-appeal....but I personally don't mind much.
  3. Eh? I don't think I've seen that before. Sometimes ppl cut/paste the linked story text & wrap it in quote tags but that's all I've noticed. As to the moon...if it's actually relatively recent geological activity, I can see why it would excite certain circles. But if it's not going to create tidalwaves or change my astrological sign (haha) doesn't mean that much to me.
  4. Hey mkreku, I'm curious about what level you finished Two Worlds with? I know there's technically no level cap but with random wandering/alchemy hunting I'm already level 31 and I haven't even come close to "seeing" even half the map or started on the main quest yet. I mean, I talked to that robed man in the starter area, got his instructions, and have ignored that quest line ever since. I realize that'll make those quests easy when I get back around to them. I prefer exploring at the moment. Done quite a few of available side/faction quests however. You can get around most of the town guards beforehand by hopping fences in certain spots. I'M SO SNEAKY. Altho, once I couldn't get back out again & had to reload, and once I stood on the spiked wooden palisade logs for too long/slipped or something and managed to impale myself, taking damage that almost killed me. heheh
  5. That's with the HDR slider turned almost off, too. It's not the physical dimensions I'm old-fashioned about, it's the file size your browser loads in the thread, which the forum does not actually alter. But yeah...these days I shouldn't be bothered if they're 300+MB. There's a lot of things like that I need mentally to 'get over', unless I want to emulate my grumpy "internet shouldn't be for giant video-streaming/media!" husband heh I'd post more Two Worlds screens but I think you covered all the armor and vista concepts back when.
  6. Took 15-20 seconds to load, it looks pretty, but yeah...on hindsight I see the light fog-swirl but I thought that was just part of the image design, since there's lots of fog around the (non-clickable) game title icon too. Still waiting patiently for there to be more under the "Video" button.
  7. This is true. Which is why it can look so garish in a screenshot. Often times in actual combat I'm too busy to notice specific spell effects. And then I die. lol
  8. JJ Abrams really went nuts with it didn't he? Flare is usually avoided by cinematographers. In some photographer circles, (good, artistic) lens flare is a major attribute. Not as much as bokeh, but...I've seen some pretty creative & often subtle uses of it in photos. imo it doesn't translate too well in games yet tho.
  9. All right...fine. I like Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" song. It is dance-catchy & over exposure breeds some attachment, like Put a Ring On It. But that's it! And while I can see the resemblance to Madonna's career I still can't relate to her as an artist at all. God I feel old.
  10. Nice shots. I'm wondering, are any of those the 'maxed out' distance viewpoint? Like, #1, #8 & #9 appear to be further away view wise, are those the farthest outward zoom? Also..it looks like the adorable piranha-head is helping. Please let him be helping. I want him. It is a bit extreme in a few of the shots (looks like a spell?), but hard to say how it seems when in motion. Screens can capture big balls of still flare, while in motion it's barely a micro-second that's not distracting to actual gameplay.
  11. When I started up The Longest Journey years ago, I found it interesting & the art style was different in a nice way. But I felt pretty much the same. Adventure games such as those aren't generally my thing tho. I could appreciate why people liked it so much, but I felt lost and not entertained by it. Then a bug happened & I couldn't continue so I quit, never to return. It's possible if I tried it again now I might like it better, being older w/slightly different tastes perhaps, but ... nah.
  12. There's no actual requirement to post at max resolution in this thread. hehe ....sometimes I think about posting full size, since everyone else seems to now, but the old-fashioned goof in me still rebels against it for most screenies.
  13. *reads thread* Did it ever? ...but yeah, I did like IWD a lot when it came out.
  14. For the record, I found the 1st RE to be watchable but nothing that great. My spouse, who doesn't like horror movies that much, thought it 'wasn't too bad' - which means he found it tolerable. Haven't seen the 2nd, and I caught the 3rd on cable. I remember the beginning but can't recall if I watched it all or if I turned it off. Haven't played the games either. Yet I still kinda want to see the new film.
  15. Sure, Two Worlds has some hilariously bad voice acting in spots, but I've decided that all games should have your chr. drolly sing "It's raining, it's pouring..." during thunderstorms.
  16. That is one big (and glaring bright) sun in the sky. You'd think it'd be too hot to wear any armor, let alone have lush forests.
  17. Every time I see Milla Jovovich in some other movie, I always have to remind myself "Wasn't she in Fifth Element?" I guess without the orange hair she looks so different to me. Her eyes are distinctive/memorable tho. Also, I kinda want to see Resident Evil: Afterlife. In 3D. I'm not sure why, but I do. Looks visually cool & wondering what an action-horror film in 3D would be like I guess.
  18. Figuring out all the little doo-dads in hubby's new van. There's a lot. Watching baseball...or more specifically, watching my injured Red Sox team limp along the rest of the season. Sigh.
  19. I agree w/that in principle, but it applies to almost everything in games, not just teleport. At least in singeplayer. Think a skill is overpowered? Don't use it. etc. But I also understand that just because you can choose not to use something, it doesn't mean a game can't be made better if those elements were/had been improved in some way. As long as there aren't horses in the game. The only game where I liked riding horses was Mount & Blade. The others, controlling/keeping track of horses were so annoying I just walked instead. And if you're going to allow anytime-teleport, don't make us buy constant teleport scrolls. Just give us a teleport stone that takes up room in inventory or something.
  20. Sounds hilarious! I think the 1st & 2nd one is on GoG too...I'll have to try when I'm done w/Two Worlds.
  21. Bought hubby a new van! It's hard to find one in good shape for a good (read:cheap) price, we've been looking off & on for a few years. His old one was a '94, had 2 bench seats, more of a passenger/bus feel, going on 200K miles I think. The new one is same brand/model, but a '97/different package. It was almost always garaged by an old lady until the person we bought it from got it. But he had MS & they decided it was too big/not right for their needs, so now we have it. Has only 43K and 4 captain/bucket seats+back bench. All kinds of little features & stuff...great shape...slightly bigger than our old one but not by much. Only six thousand. Pretty sweet for the mileage/condition. ....I know, it's not eco-friendly but hubs needs a van cargo space for work at times, so tiny little cars won't do. Also, it's good for camping/crusin' trips. Pimpin'!
  22. He has gained weight, other than that he kind of looks the same. The weight plumped out his face (some are more prone to that w/weight gain than others) which does make him look different. Kind of has that shiny surgery-lift look a bit, too. I don't think he looks horribly old or anything but not the picture of robust, natural health like he was at one time.
  23. Outside of a few days very early on, there is no summer this year. Just a prolonged late fall or early Spring or something. Temps in the upper 60's/mid-70's most of the time. I like cooler weather so I'm not complaining, but it's usually a little warmer on average here. Maybe we'll have a late burst of 90 degree heat in October. Haven't had one of those in a while.
  24. I don't think my backlog is quite that bad, but I've probably got around a dozen or so games that I haven't finished yet. I have several I never came even came close to finishing. I probably won't, either. Tho a couple I still mean to go back and try to play more, someday. ...After all the bad reviews of Two Worlds (which is why I didnt' get it when it came out), I'm surprised I like it as much as I am. Course I am playing the patched/updated version, no bugs problems so far. I thought it would be a more 'serious' RPG but despite all the quests it's really very action-rpg. Diabloish+Oblivion-landscape indeed. Plus it looks pretty w/all the bells whistles on.
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