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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. It may not be cool, but .... while there are some things that companies could do that would make me 'quit' them, a bad PR/transition move isn't one of them. (edit:I've seen a lot of ppl on Twitter claiming they'd quit GoG over this, which I think is a bit of an over-reaction)
  2. So I watched that video with the mumbling "monks." I'm going to have to agree with one of the user comments on that page: "Nothing changes for me. I still love their product, what they provide, and what they stand for. But if you're going to do theatrics, do it well or just don't bother." ...that said, despite poorly executed shut-down (whether it's a 'stunt' or not), I will still buy from them and am very glad it wasn't an actual closure like we all initially feared. Yeah...vague statements like that I don't find very comforting. To me it sounds like "If it comes, we hope we can, but in the end, who knows." So it's a fear of mine, with things like Steam, as well. Not a huge one, but it's always in the back of my mind, making it difficult for me get on the Steam-like bandwagon.
  3. The Twitter said: "Sometimes it's really hard being DRM-free... hard to keep things the way they are and keep management and publishers happy " Which could be interpreted in a several ways, I think, including just a complaint that yup, it's hard & we're tired. I definitely think the site interface is probably going to be different in some way...but I'm not quite convinced it means no-DRM is defunct.
  4. Imagine if Steam had done this. The world would have ended. HAHA Yeah, I don't really like this stunt. Or at least, I don't like the fact they're drawing it out so long. But I assume there's still a lot of people who've never even heard of the GoG site, so as potential marketing, it's very effective. It may alienate some customers, but then again...it may make some customers more appreciative of the site/buy more as well. Assuming, of course, that it'll still be DRM free. If it's going towards a "sometimes DRM free" model instead, that (may) change the attraction for many.
  5. You're a sick bastard-ess. The truth is that, contrary to popular opinion, every single monty python sketch is great. They range from great to so enourmously genial that it makes your pants hurt. Like this sketch that most people just dont get. I'm guessing there's some culture or history satire that I don't "get" a lot of the time, and some of their tv sketches were too bizarre for me. Ones I liked were the more generic ones like Argument Clinic, Silly Walks, Cheese Shop etc. + the songs. John Cleese was always a fave.
  6. So, who saw it? Was it any good?
  7. I guess we have to wait until Wed. to find out. Either that, or they'll keep "teasing" us with more ambiguous statements.
  8. We thought little birds were pooping on our tomatoes, but today I discovered it was something else. I've never seen one this big in person (4"-5"), don't see them in most backyards too often. Pesky for some crops, but kinda cute otherwise. Too bad the moth it turns into is so dull. It sure does produce giant caterpillar turds in large quantities...I think I'll name it "Poopy."
  9. Being entirely cat-less is harder than I anticipated. Despite my "tired of taking care of kitties, I'll be glad when I don't have to anymore" attitude the past few years, I find myself wandering the house feeling as tho I'm missing an arm. It's not missing a specific cat, it's missing that there's no cat at all. I kinda promised hubby I'd wait a year so we could take some long vacations, but...but...argh. 6 months may be all I can manage!
  10. Yea, hubs saw an ad for it the other day. I was going to get HBO again for the Game of Thrones series & this is making me consider doing that sooner. But I dunno...despite my long enduring love for Steve, the series itself doesn't necessarily seem like my kind of thing. They'll put it on DVD eventually I'm sure...
  11. I now feel very stupid for falling for it. I did notice the 'not gone forever' & 'era' parts, but coupled with their Twitter message, in my mind I was thinking that meant they might be going to a "at least some DRM" model or something...
  12. What? I was just looking at their games list, like, 7 hours ago!!! Nooo! I was going to buy several games soon since winter is coming but went to bed instead. I'm seriously bummed.
  13. My last cat Baby (my avatar) is at this stage where he eats very little & recently, his hips are stiffening up so much he wobbles when he walks/can barely stay upright to poo. He's 18-20ish (I never remember birthdates) & for last couple years he's been remarkable at bouncing back every time he's had a spell of worse, but I think this time both he & I have had enough. It's hard to decide for euthanasia when they're not immediately-painfully suffering from a disease or something, but it's time. Baby was trying very hard to live forever, I think. So I'm a little sad today. And yet...this will be the first time I haven't had any cat at all, for 30 years. A break will be nice...I think I'll wait a while before I get a new kitten. But not too long.
  14. I like 'secret' stuff in games too. Not that I feel DS3 must have them...just saying I like them. I remember a lot of extra time in DOOM running along walls, hitting the spacebar, hoping to find a secret door.
  15. That's my opinion as well. I don't mind the 'new level=buy more pots' routine that much, but it does get old, especially if they take up lots of room in inventory. It'll be interesting to see how Diablo3's 'health globe' thing will work out. It sounds good in theory but we shall see.
  16. Heh....understood. It & spelling was a pet peeve of mine when I was younger. Then I spent years on the internet & stopped caring. Not to mention, I started forgetting stuff. It happens to some of us as we age/stop doing certain things a lot, haha. The only time I become annoyed with it now is if I see it in professional/published novel/magazines or similar. ps I also edit my posts a lot.
  17. I've had waking-insomnia for some time now. Not every day, but frequently. Such has never been a problem before - I'm more the can't-sleep' insomnia. When I mentioned it & some other aggravations to some older friends they all said "Perimenopause. Sleep changes were one of the first things for me." ....it'd be a little early but not terribly uncommon at my age. I can only hope. Since I've never wanted children, I've been looking forward to menopause for a long time. The one awesome thing about getting older, to me at least. Men are so lucky.
  18. Count me in that group. I also find House really funny at times...
  19. I saw all three of your versions. Really, if nitpicking grammatical error is the only response you have, why respond at all. We're not in English class here. ...and I never said my political/voting stances/decisions were easy for me.
  20. I prefer my facts soft & fuzzy. Easier on the skin. 'Hard facts' like these don't mean a whole lot to me. It may be true that there are certain long-term trends when Democrats are in 'power' for a long while vs. when Republicans are, but imo they both produce f***ed up things in equal measure, even if they're different things. Improvement here, but worse there, bouncing back and forth. That's politics. ....and I'm neither Democratic or Republican. I vote for whomever/whatever seems to stand for more of what I believe in, not because of Party loyalty.
  21. Most British humor, for me, is very hit & miss. Even Monty Python, who in general I love, their actual series rarely made me LOL. It was more their comedy writing that I found hysterical - rather than the visualization. Fawlty Towers & Are You Being Served made me chuckle now & then too. America has made some good sitcoms for their prospective eras, but I do agree w/Kaftan that at least in a general sense, sitcoms aren't usually very good (even when they don't have a laugh track). It's pretty rare that I watch one with any regularity. It's kinda weird actually, because I love a lot of stand-up comedy but many supposedly 'funny' shows make me yawn ... including 30Rock/The Office. I love Big Bang Theory tho, since I can relate to so many of the things it affectionately satirizes. And during the era, Family Ties often made me giggle. Probably wouldn't now as much, but at the time...
  22. Free speech doesn't always mean free from some repercussions of expressing yourself in said speech. (You're free to tell some giant, aggressive, drunk bar patron that his mama is fat, but I wouldn't recommend it. ) Not that this was "speech" as such, it was private(?) email communication. Also, he's still free to go on the internet or talk to the press and express himself about the injustice of it all, all he wants, if he wants to. eg, freedom to say what he wants is not impeded. But I'd tend to agree that this banishment won't really last that long, unless it's discovered he does have 300 rifles and targets with Obama's face on them in his bedroom or something.
  23. I woke up, ate some cereal, did a few chores. I watched Jaws. I ate some Chinese food. It was yummy. I'm about to watch baseball. um....yeah, that's about it today.
  24. I tried to watch Ponyo. Some nice animation, which is to be expected from Hayao Miyazaki, but I couldn't get past the first half. Not because it was terrible or anything...just not my kind of thing. :/
  25. I don't watch the show, so it doesn't matter at all to me. I guess Ryan Seacrest couldn't get out of his AI contract, harhar. But from my strictly US-entertainment TV PoV, I'm wondering why CNN producers think America, who mostly only knows him from AGT/Apprentice, would accept him/take him seriously in this type of role in the first place? Are they banking on non-US audiences via broadcasting it over CNN International & whatnot?
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