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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I want more rpg's (or any games, really) where I play the bad guy who wants to take over/invade the world, or destroy the world, instead of the heroic schmuck who is always trying to save the world from some demon. I want to BE the demon...or the demon's henchman, or something. Sure the game mechanics would be similar/the same - quests, npc's, battles blah blah - but the setting would be different. Lots of opportunities for black humor, too.
  2. Since I figured out Netflix likes my XP pc better than my Win7 PC (dunno why), I was finally able to watch all of the BBC series "The Human Face" (John Cleese hosts). It was quite interesting. I have no idea about scientific accuracy vs. mumbo jumbo theories, but it was still fascinating to hear about symmetry affecting athlete speed & 'beauty' ratio (1:1.6 or something like that) and see the line 'mask' drawing that one guy thinks is a fit over every face that most humans regard as aesthetically pleasing, even when their overall features make them look very different from each other. Specific beauty is in the eye of the beholder, no doubt, but at the same time, there's probably (instinctive? biological? evolutionary?) reasons why "beauty," or at least symmetry, is so compelling to us.
  3. I suddenly feel better for not being able to remember what I had for breakfast or the date of my wedding anniversary.
  4. Yes, that's what I have mine set to, from the very beginning. It's not that intrusive, but it's still a bit annoying, to me, to be constantly asked, precisely because I already know the risks & if I click on something, it's because I've already decided. But I understand I'm not the 'user type' those warnings are made for, so I live with it, and every once in a great while it even comes in handy.
  5. General muse:I think, barring some cataclysm such as the one that destroyed the dinosaurs (or something nearly as destructive, population-wise), humanity will survive and build new cultures. They may not be exactly the same, but I'd agree w/Orogun01 that it's unlikely all the advances would be lost this time around. eg, we won't go back to the stone age or whatever. However, I do find it sad that it feels like our dominance seems to have to be based on destroying current planet diversity. Such isn't actually necessary for species survival, thus it's not very rational, thus not a situation created from our supposed intellectual superiority, but rather, imo, from our instinctive & selfish animal brain. But such is life, and I'm as big a part of it as anyone else. *sits down to eat her mass produced, chemical-laden food while sitting in front of a polluting, factory-made computer before she gets in her emission-spouting car to run a bunch of superfluous errands* Edit: by "not necessary for 'species survival'" I don't mean just simple caveman survival, but even with retaining/expanding our tech/knowledge.
  6. Well, since I believe there are no known tiger populations there....no. Hence the "anything." Always wanted to go on a two month safari/camp/walkabout or something in those places, as well as Alaska. Armed with that video camera, of course. I'm a wildlife documentary filmmaker in my fantasy life. Heh.
  7. Bokishi, what is that little rounded-screen item, to the right of the monitor, behind the stack of books, in the first pic? Edit:oh wait, maybe it's a speaker? The lightning makes it look kinda like a screen...
  8. Was that because you had to rush to get somewhere else, or because you didn't like the movie? I admit seeing all those action ppl in one film would amuse me, but so far the movie itself has no see-it appeal. Maybe when it comes to Netflix.
  9. That's just stupid-reckless, on everyone's part. Sure maybe if you raised it from a cub like in Born Free, but other than that...yeah. They're not tabby house cats where if you startle/annoy them you'll only get a minor scratch. If I ever get to Africa/Australia, I'm going armed with a huge expensive major-zoom video camera, because I'm not going anywhere near anything. Glass walls are annoying for photos because of reflections and foggy dirt, that's all. Maybe they could build the front section viewing area higher so you look downwards more, thus retaining safe height distance that way, rather than trying to keep it at low eye level. But for SF that'd be more expensive rebuilding of whole thing so glass walls it is. Zoos are a paradox for me...on one hand I like seeing 'em, on the other, I hate the big animals confined to small spaces. One day that's the only place we'll get to see them tho, probably. :/
  10. Ballroom dancing is so much fun. I stopped when I met hubby. He has two left feet. :/
  11. The SF zoo looks much the same. It was strange to see the glass walls around the big cats. When I went there long ago there was none of that: I recall taking pics. of African lions w/no glass. At any rate, glass walls suck for photos. Most of the cages had small wire fence bits at the edges of the glass, where you could poke your lens through for side angle non-glass photos. Still sucked. For photos that is. I'm sure it's much safer. ;p Anyway...a little story: there was zero parking in on the main road by the zoo so we parked way around the block on another street. Then we started walking towards/on Hi1 to get to the zoo entrance (about a mile or so). There was a young couple ahead of us doing the same thing. Now, this isn't maybe the safest thing to do...there was no official sidewalk & it's a busy/fast road. So a cop car pulled up next to us as we were walking. She griped that ppl were doing this all day, how unsafe it was, and how busy the zoo must be. Then she offered us a ride. So we got in & she drove us to the zoo entrance. Very cool. There was a 20 minute line to get into the zoo and as we waited, the young couple who were ahead of us before finally walked by. They saw us and did a double-take, probably wondering how we arrived before them. We waved & smiled...it was so funny. No one gave us a ride on the walk back tho. And despite the tiger's seeming desire to maybe get out & eat someone (haha), the walls did their job & all he could do was pace and growl in the trench at the bottom of the stairs. Eventually, like all cats, he sat down to wash and pretended that "he never wanted to go up there anyway."
  12. Sexual experiences, while usually always at least pleasurable, are not always equal. That's all I have to say about that. ------------------------------- Today, in one of our occasional attempts to force ourselves out of our usual habit of stay at home tech/game-geekiness, we're going to the big SF zoo. We've thought about it off and on for a long while but SF always feels like a hassle so it always gets put off, haha. Last time we went I was still shooting with a 35mm Pentax, so it's been a long while & I'm interested to see what's changed. I hear a lot of good things about the changes and I'll get to take tons of easy photos ala the digital age. But I'll be sure not to tease the tigers...
  13. Walter White: "Orogun01, I am your father. Together we can eliminate Gus & rule New Mexico!" Well most regulars know what my mug is like, but here's a quickie one anyway.
  14. Repo Men - really over the top/ridiculous action/violence but with too many points where action/story lagged. Interesting premise, but not a great overall package. The ending ticked me off, too. The Lovely Bones - Never heard of/read the book or even the movie before I watched it. Liked the parts dealing w/the family & creepy neighbor & the attempted theme of hope/moving on in face of tragedy, but the parts frolicking around in a childlike purgatory were boring, if well animated. The resolution felt unsatisfying, too.
  15. That old thread was definitely good times. Nice to see some updates. ....I look pretty much the same, except a little rounder of cheek & paler. The last pic was when I shaved my eyebrows off. Nothing since. Maybe later. Got a game to watch.
  16. The only place I noticed any jaggy was some of the close up/scenic views & to me that looked more like compressed video effect...but not sure. Funny how eyes work. I notice colors and contrast like a bloodhound, but jaggies have to be pretty bad (usually on narrow lines like telephone wires) before I pay any attention.
  17. K, thanks. I think I'll leave it alone then. I don't mind the small extra step in return for more control over what I wish to give admin rights access to.
  18. It's the first one, so I don't really expect long length. The slow-mo wasn't the best, I agree. But it wasn't that bad. Had nice "what's up ahead?" atmosphere. The FX & combat moves were awesome!
  19. Awesome! While the effects are bright, I definitely don't notice the "flare" as much in movement. I think it looks good, actually. I like the sound effects too, what I can hear over the music. ...and I guess the cute blue guys aren't helping. :thumbsup:
  20. Pac-Man needs encounters where there's the chance to be melted by dragons breath or alien lasers or something. So if they're alien, laser-toting hard boiled detectives, sure, that'd be groovy.
  21. Well....a small plane just crashed into the lagoon near the offices of hub's main client. We can see the news helicopters flying by. Pilot dead. Freaky. And sad. And a little scary.
  22. ...not interested myself, but probably a lot of time to make a new environment for a game so plus points for the effort. ...One day someone will make a full fledged Pac-Man RPG and I will die of happiness. Or laughter. Depends.
  23. Lounging on our wood chaise loungers that we got for free. With our laptops hooked up to long orange extension cords, of course. They even have slide-out mini-table for drinks & books & stuff. The chairs, not the laptops. It's a nice day. Hope the holiday weekend will be as nice.
  24. AHAHAHAHAA!!! ...must find/see this movie now.
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