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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I only know what wiki's for Fallout3 say, but it seems to be the 'evil/good' rating. If you go past 'neutral' too much either way I think it eventually affects how factions/groups react to you, or something. I have no idea if it's exactly the same as in FO3 tho, so....
  2. Spent some time trying these out: --The dll fix didn't do a thing for my Ultra-Settings mouse-jerk problem & made the graphics rather fuzzy. I think it reset the resolution to a lower one, don't know if it did more than that, didn't seem to. Removed. --the multiple core .ini line fix didn't do anything for my specific issue either. Nor did it seem to improve FPS, but I don't have issue with very low FPS anyway. Changed it back. --the mouse acceleration .ini line fix didn't help either, so strike three. I thought that might be it, since iirc Borderlands had a similar fix, but no. Oddly, so far the thing that helps the mouse-jerk in Ultra settings seems to be to increase mouse sensitivity. Default is a couple 'bars' and by increasing it to about the middle, it smooths out & I don't notice the jerks anymore. Of course then everything spins really fast, but it's better than jerk. So I can play in Ultra if I want now. Weird. *shrug* Enough tech fiddling, I have to play the game. You guys are all so speedy compared to me.
  3. Using a GTX275, still running fine on high for me. Bought it a year (?) or so ago, I think I updated the drivers once since then. But experimentally, I tried clicking the "ultra" option. Frame rate dropped by half to about 40-45fps and the mouse turning motion became skip-frame herky-jerky. Running straight ahead etc. was fine, but big mouse turns were ugly. I then tried turning the AF back down to 4 instead of 15, slightly decreased view distance away from full on a few things & lowered shadow quality to medium, which improved the jerkiness but it was still there. Haven't tried funroc's fix to see if it would enable me to run in Ultra without the mouse motion turning into chop suey since I don't have a big need/desire to run the game in ultra. Game stuff: --How do I reholster a weapon? I equip one, I press the 'ready' key to unholster it, but now I can't figure out how to put it away. Unarmed it works to go between a boxer stance & relaxed arms...but guns? It feels rude walking up to all these people with my gun pointed at their chest. --I don't like the VAT thing, decided I won't use it.
  4. People can, and do, play older games AND buy/play new games as well, you know.
  5. Do agree that a business, over time it's (generally) going to move towards whatever seems to generate sales & this can definitely affect what ends up on the shelf. Happens to everything. Sometimes I like a 'trend', sometimes I don't. Goes up & down. If you're using 'length of time a game is still played by huge numbers online' as the marker of quality, then perhaps it's less. Hard to measure non-online game longevity, obviously. But I see the degrees of quality in games as being more like books. That is, there are books that I really enjoyed reading once or twice but have no desire to read again, and those that I read over & over for years. Not every game/book has to be an outlandishly long-lived product in order to be a good product.
  6. If I'd known, I'd have made her much browner! I should mention the sky in-game is more blue than in the screenshot. I'm not sure why Fraps is muting blues on me.
  7. Installed, chr. made...never played a Fallout before so stats/karma/combat all new to me. Didn't get far because I'm now watching baseball. I'll play more late-night. Brief first impressions: I don't know what cutting-edge graphics are supposed to be these days, but to me it looks pretty good. Steam install went fine & my FPS is 70-90 w/everything high & some things like various view distances boosted even higher than default. But like I said, haven't done much so we'll see if I run into anything later.
  8. I make a Fallout:NV chick, & she looked like this in the editor: Then I step outside and...holy yellow face! Must be all that radiation or something. Also, her hands are huge. They're as long as her whole head. *giggles* And for anyone who might want a full-size of chr+starter area background:
  9. Thanks Tale. Guess I'll do some chores while waiting. Then I can dive in and experience all the (possibly) glitchy glory myself. Hoping my rig won't have any tho...but I'll manually save just in case!
  10. So if I did want to play a game on my other PC, can you copy saves manually as well? ...purchased & downloading Fallout:NV. *taps foot* Edit:3 hours. Blargh. (2ndedit) now it says 2hrs.
  11. Installed Steam. Hey my 6 yr old account is still there. Question, I always uncheck all possible options stuff on such clients, do I need to have SteamCloud on to install/play games?
  12. I don't actually care that much about game-specific industry sales or other impact concerns. I'm sure if I worked in that industry I'd care, but frankly I'm more about the issue that video games/movies/books aren't tobacco/booze etc. that either is or is potentially harmful to everybody. Until they prove otherwise, leave it up to the parents, not the government. I think the hysteria comes from the issue that games require participatory action (player must initiate the game violence) rather than just watching or reading, if that makes sense. Rubbernecking vs. conscious decision to shoot animated ppl in the face. I'm not saying I agree with that notion, just my thought as to why it may seem worse to some.
  13. Oooo, I love naan. 'Nother topic:Since I can make a sandwich/meal & read or compute in near darkness, I don't understand why my husband has to turn on every kitchen/room light when he does the same. During the daytime no less. I guess I have the eyes of a cat & he has the eyes of a mole.
  14. I can't stand most curry based dishes. They have a strange smell & flavor to me, like some old women's sachet combined with hot pepper. I don't know which spice/s that the curries are using that are the ones I don't like the taste of tho.
  15. I'm not for censorship & as written I don't agree with CA's 2005 law to criminalize such sales. I do, however, think the ESRB needs a better system of ratings (for that matter, so do the movies) that better reflect current social trends of the day. Such things aren't static & the boards need to re-evaluate/change ratings systems (to apply to new releases after said change) more frequently then they do, imo. As long as there are parents tools to help them block out what they don't want their kids playing, I don't see an issue beyond that. I mean, if parents of relatively young children are that worried, don't buy them an Xbox/tv & keep the child's PC in a public viewable room blah blah. That's up to the parent. I wouldn't be adverse to having better, much more descriptive content 'warnings' in larger text on the front of the box & game disc. I don't think that would be "bad" and at least parents can't then say they were "unaware" of what the game contained because it was unclear what "Violence & Blood Gore" actually meant.
  16. I pay no attention to the "metacritic score' but I do like it as a page to get a lot of review links. Trying to swallow my aversion to Steam long enough to force myself to install it & buy the game. 'Cause I'd like to play the game.
  17. This is one of those games where feel I'm no better off buying a hard copy vs. direct Steam purchase. If I finally install Steam again, the game better be friggin' awesome.
  18. Comments: ---Nice presentation, good job guys. ---Love the spiders/combat moves & graphic/engine. ---I like/prefer the "story event" concept (vs too many full cutscenes). ---"And I died, great." Idle Questions: ---Is treasure mostly in containers & bosses? Part of keeping the action flowing? I have no issue w/it...just curious. Can't remember if that was announced in one of the many long threads already, if it was, sorry. ---What kind of PC rig were you using for the demo? Misc: ---Can I get one of those Obsidian logo t-shirts somewhere?
  19. Just had to say - that cartoon pic is hilarious...and too true.
  20. Had a nice evening with mom, hanging out on the couch watching the Phillies game & eating take out from Max's. She can be pretty cool sometimes, my mom. Didn't watch today's 49er's game, but reading the recaps/seeing highlights...geez...the 49er's haven't done this badly since I was...um...11? And the Smith/Singletary public squabbling was embarrassing to see. *shakes head*
  21. Beginning to think this old house (50's) needs a complete rewiring. It hasn't been a major issue even with all the pc's/cable-tv but now and then HD channels stop coming in or the 'net seems to die briefly. Weak/leaking signals perhaps. Since not a frequent occurrence could live with it but when it does happen it can be bloody annoying. There's even a few visible knob and tube wires (black cloth covering) in the garage. (edit)P.S. - Some work has already been done on the house by others (some 3prong/grounded outlets, the "panel") & no circuits ever trip from power use abuse, but still needs a total haul.
  22. Iron Man2 - meh, not as good as the first, but did have fun/good action scenes & mayhem.
  23. Runs very choppily on that rig. Wonder what the specs are. To be fair to Arcania, Gothic would look boring too shown like that. Still, considering the reviews it'll probably be ****. Not good enough for both playing & recording, apparently. Haha. Altho, there's also a lot of horizontal jerk (vs. lag-chop) that feels more like the too-fast mouse spin giving the sensation of missed frames. Couldn't understand a word, but the guy in the turtleneck is rather handsome. All the lines I've read about how it just gets worse after the demo-areas/few hours doesn't build confidence for me. The demo was enough to show me that it might be an ok romp on a rainy day, but I didn't find it very immersive - that "just one more quest/level" feeling - which prevents me from caring too much about getting it right away.
  24. Yes, it could be the PSU but it could also be other hardware failure or related issues (including bad video drivers or RAM) or software/file corruption etc. issues. Unfortunately it's one of those "could be a whole lot of things" symptoms. Is there an error message at all, even if there's no time for you to read it? Could it be something as silly as, say, a too loose/wiggly power cord/outlet? If it keeps happening, the PSU's one of the easiest thing to try first to see if that fixes things -especially if it's an aging one anyway- before spending hours tweaking other stuff. Or take it to a shop. Disclaimer:I'm not a pc-tech expert.
  25. Believe me, I'm not. I left the gal at the house, met the dude in the other house, followed him to the swamps, and am now pretty stuck. The enemies in that tutorial area were easier but in swamps/that farm area, bah. I have barely any gold, wielding the 15dmg sword from the house & am still in my bare feet. I can (sometimes) kill a single bird or porcupine but they almost always come in 3's. Luring one at a time hasn't worked yet. Single wolves, boars, & moths pretty much kill me. I even finally put the game on Easy...helped a tiny bit but not much. I suck.
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