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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Listening to a chipmunked version of the original Oompa Loompa song would probably keep me awake all night. Unfortunately it might also have other, less desirable effects...
  2. Hubby worked 11pm-7pm (and other crazy varied start times, like 2am, 8pm, 10pm etc) a lot when he was in his early 20's. He drank lots of coffee, ate very little, took a nap an hour or two after getting off work, & another nap a few hours before having to go to work. If you have a lot of friends who like to hang out, or lots of non-work stuff to do that requires normal retail type time hours, it can be hard to maintain a regular schedule, hence why he chose multiple naps/coffee instead of an 8 hour block of sleep time. It worked for him well enough, but not everyone can manage that I guess. But...he never "liked it." I think it was more the dull job than the time of day, tho. The job didn't have lots of empty hours, but it was monotonous machinist type work.
  3. While I can understand a rational consideration of population growth concern, this guy is (imo) clearly a nutbag.
  4. Interesting. Is it working for you? Does that just disable the popup warnings, or does it also mean that programs will install with admin privileges if they need them etc? I've been getting around a lot of stuff so far by r-clicking on the exe and picking 'run as administrator.' But it is an extra little step...
  5. Not what's considered real 3d now, but at the time its "realistic & immersive 3D graphics" and "third dimension spatiality" was considered sooo l33t.
  6. Hm...I've seen Risen in the stores & thought about it, but each time I skipped it, mostly because of inconsistent reviews & not knowing much about it beyond that. *scribbles a note to buy it for a rainy day* PS Still playing Two Worlds, tho I've slowed down the per-day time quite a bit. I keep wishing I could fiddle with weather settings to make it rain 90% of the time, too.
  7. You have to remember tho, that where we live, all you have to do to grow lots of edible stuff is toss seeds/seedlings in the ground & occasionally water it. Seriously. Half my uncle's yard and a neighbor's yard are vegie garden. Another neighbor has corn growing in their backyard every year. Hardest thing would be the physical labor of tearing up the lawn and/or building low planter box rows. Now, if you want "perfect" or award winning stuff, that takes a lot more TLC but eh. A small greenhouse to grow things like tomatoes year-round would be some expense however, yes...few thousand bucks or something. Not talking about anything fancy there. Also, hubby spent a lot of his growin' years in the central CA valley farming belt. He's into fresh stuff...already put in tomatoes, jalapenos, strawberries & honeydew since we moved in here. The wild blackberries on the side of the house have gone like gangbusters too, and all I did was prop them up on sticks & give them water a few times. It's produced more than I can eat in my yogurt & ice cream all summer long. Yummy!
  8. DS1/2 had random item stats and they still didn't feel terribly diverse to me. I've never been able to quite put a finger on what it was about Diablo1/Diablo2's item stat/loot system that was so terribly addicting, compared to other similar games. Maybe the thought of getting that "perfect" Ring of the Zodiac to drop....
  9. Hm. So from that it sounds like they're complaining about lack of quality more than quantity, or something. I never actually thought the loot in the first two DS games was anything spectacular to begin with. It was enough to keep you looking a while but it wasn't terribly creative. On the flip side, the drop rate of high level runes to do all that wonderful crafting in Diablo2 was, imo, ridiculously impossible for most average players. I understood it gives incentive to keep playing/hunting, but it always felt a bit too extreme. To the point if you saw someone using certain runeword items you immediately thought they were hacked. There's a fine line between a loot/crafting system that has lots of awesome but frustratingly unrealized possibilities and one that is actually useful while playing through a game a few times. As long as the loot is useful, fun, & has at least some aspect that makes you want to keep looking for "something" for a good a while, I'm happy. But we'll see.
  10. The art style was too cartoony? Weren't the two previous DS games just as cartoony? Either that or I missed the part where they looked like a "realistic" modern day shooter. I'm not sure what they mean about the combat system, though. I'm just mentioning what they said. I personally haven't played Dungeon Siege I and II, but the colors looked a little bit more toned down. I'm not sure if that was really an art choice though. Yes, the colors in the previous two, particularly DS1, weren't as deep/saturated looking. I'm not sure if that had more to do with graphic tech or purposeful design, either, however. Maybe some of both. Edit:I'm more intrigued by the "not enough loot" complaint. I like lots of loot, but I also dislike too much useless filler-loot. I don't need 5-10 pieces of grey/white loot dropping from every monster, for example.
  11. The current egg recall/inspection has me once again reflecting on our dependence on mass-food industry. I can't raise my own cattle/pigs or grow/mill my own wheat, but I'm considering tearing up the large, useless back lawn area and replacing it with a huge garden/fruit tree set up. Maybe even a small greenhouse. It'd be a lot of work & some cost, initially, but....seriously...in the long run we'd save money & be healthier. I wonder if hubby would go for it....
  12. The Station Agent. Lovely little slice of life/chr. film from 2003. Peter Dinklage is awesome. The ending could have been a little stronger, but perhaps I only felt that way because I wanted the movie to keep going.
  13. Depends what level/version of Doom. The floors tended to be brown tho. Acid was green, walls greenish or blue/iron, sky red, etc.
  14. I think we gave a pretty good "fight" during the series considering half our team feels like it's currently made from AAA. With Youk & Pedroia both out, I've pretty much given up on the season...I suppose it's still mathematically possible for a little longer but I don't expect it. I'll have to cheer on the Braves or something now. heh ...and today we took a cruise in the hills, watched baseball, and I ate a lot of beef jerky.
  15. I'm in luv w/Cillian Murphy. Noticed him in 28 Days Later then forgot about him until Red Eye. Now he's more US mainstream I guess. Trying to catch up with some of his early/indie films. The heavy Irish brogues are sometimes difficult for me tho. The Wind That Shakes the Barley - pretty good anti-war film about the Republicans in early 20th century Ireland. Intermission - a multiple storyline movie ala Crash or Pulp Fiction. Not bad, not great. Jumps between stories are a bit abrupt for me. Colin Farrell & Colm Meaney from ST:TNG are in it too.
  16. You mean, like last night? ... Bazinga! ...but yeah, I don't have my hopes up too high or anything. heh
  17. Aye, legalities differ from place to place. Then there's also how enforceable some things are & whether companies want to go to the expense/bother of trying to enforce them. My guess is that it's often not worthwhile to do so, which can lead to ppl thinking that (from a legal standpoint) something is ok...since no one gets taken to court except in occasional extreme circumstances.
  18. Hubby has a 'guys' poker night out, so I have the house all to myself. Being happily married, this mostly means...that I can play all the music my husband can't stand, as loud as I want, have a dinner that consists entirely of stuff he hates, & watch a subtitled film. Yay!
  19. I'm going to side with Wrath on this aspect, at least in legal theory. Despite having a physical thing in your hands, you have not bought the rights to the property, only the right to use that property, and it's up to the owners of that intellectual property what they consider/want "use" to mean. Whether we think the decisions are "fair" or even rational, means nothing from a legal standpoint. And you definitely can't "resell the use-license", digital or otherwise.
  20. *giggles* The Purkstab....it should be in the dictionary, I love it. I only got about half way through Portal (puzzle games aren't really my thing) but what I did play seemed pretty cool in concept. I wouldn't personally call it 'awesome' but it was charming. But using vid games in classrooms is interesting. I had a history teacher that used classic movies a lot to teach...or maybe he just wanted to nap, I'm not sure. heh If he's still around, I bet he'd use video games these days. (edit:seriously, I find it interesting...I mean, they use manual toys/games in grade schools to teach certain things, why not vid games as well, right?)
  21. Friend got nailed doing 50 in a 25 - she was late for work. Her husband was like "I've sped on that road too, but that's really bad, lol." A few city tickets in my teens kinda cured me re:going more than 5 over, anywhere but on the freeway, heh. Bummer about the driving record tho. Mine's been clean a long long time too & I dread the day...
  22. Dr. Ned was light fun/humorous, but it was so very...monotonous...in color that my brain started to atrophy. But it did have some a couple cool new monster types. And yes, Borderlands wasn't difficult at all, except for a few boss monsters, if/when you didn't know the tricks and/or aren't a shooter type player to begin with. Those multi-hit revolvers were one of my faves too, but they seemed to become hard to find high-dmg ones later. The scoped 2-shot Pestilent Defilers rated at 500-800+ dmg are what I mostly used.
  23. Since I haven't played any, this is only random speculation based on numerous screenshots of them all...but the older games seem a lot browner, even the forests...the new ones a lot greener, with all the improved foliage textures. Plus the mentioned shiny/less blocky of course.
  24. I heard the Secret Armory is by far the best DLC. I've yet to play any of them though, got them in the recent Steam sale. I'm going through playthrough 2 right now, and my character is still in Fyrestone, so it'll be a while until I can play the DLC I think. Moxxi does give two additional skill points and some extra stash space (only accessible via the DLC, it doesn't make inventory bigger)...so I've heard. It didn't sound interesting to me either so I skipped it. Secret Armory plays more like an actual expansion, albeit a smallish one. If you enter it at lvl 50 from playthrough2, however, be prepared for it to be pretty hard. And very car-centric in the first half. But definitely the best one of the current available three. The new one, ClapTrap's Robot Revolution, is slated for Sept. I can't wait for it...sounds hilarious.
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