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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. "My, you look tasty." lol Also, at least with a Luck of 5, the slots feel almost like real ones...while still losing overall, it pays out just enough for a long while to make you keep on hitting the lever.
  2. I don't have issue with knowing what area the NPC is in, but exactly where in the area/compound etc. is another story. The areas are so huge sometimes I run around & run around because I can't recall if they're upstairs or in the left wing or the right wing or in this tent or that tent. Oh well....yellow notepad time. Or stop solving side quests. ;p
  3. ....yup, that was it, thanks. And it still says it's only taken 1 pot out of your inventory. heh
  4. Can you place notes on the maps? I can place markers but don't see... I can tell I'm going to be frustrated with 'quest overload' and running around in circles like a chicken with it's head cut-off, being unable to remember where NPC's are located.
  5. So...repairing the food processor in Camp McCarron. I have all the parts but it says I don't. Is this an instance of needing all non-stolen parts?
  6. There may well be a decisive factor for the crashes, but for me at least, the crashes are seemingly so completely random that it's impossible to even try to test for triggers. It is definitely not specific area-triggered however. That is, there may be some actual area-trigger crashes in the game, but the overall problem I have of 'general random crashing' isn't.
  7. DAM of 6, you won't be hurting anything with armor. Since even leather armor has a DT of 6. I know, which is why I said my skill was at lvl17. I haven't bothered using them, obviously. :D I was just wondering if others had their energy skill at 70+ while saying they're a lot weaker than guns. It doesn't seem to affect dmg numbers by giant amounts, but it does go up. Like the wiki says, mostly accuracy and sway. Which helps me a lot. While some fights are harder than others I haven't had that much trouble with most normal things (eg, not incl. things like deathclaws haha) unless mobbed into a corner of course. Maybe it's more because of my perks tho. (edit:)that and I often shoot in the 'hidden' stance even when not hidden. It steadies my rifle and seems to give me a lot more criticals when not using VATS. It also seems to still give sneak criticals even tho enemies have spotted me.
  8. Oh another thing...by coincidence of timing, I entered the outskirts of Vegas and suddenly my companion kept saying "I knew you'd be the death of me" and "So this is how it ends". I ran around looting a hotel & exploring for 15 minutes thinking that he hated Vegas and that I was going to dump him if he was going to be this verbally morose every 30 seconds...and then finally I realized he had only 17 health left. Silly me. Got so used to his non-hardcore ability to pop back up full health that I never checked. LOL ... that's the best thing about companions imo, those funny little things they say.
  9. My energy weapon skill is at 17, so mostl of them have dmg of like 6, the rifles & bigger ones somewhat more. In other words, I assume when some of you are saying they're not powerful enough, you have energy skill up to at least 50ish or so? I have yet to feel like my Guns skill really needs to be past 50-60, but I've only just reached the outskirts of Vegas at lvl 13. Misc: --I had great fun with the mini-quest where you get to force a captured Legion to talk for an NCR commander. With my high intelligence, I was able to do it without striking a blow. But now I'm wondering if that was a Boone influence option so I'm going to reload & try it again by tossing the Legion around the room a little. Boone seems to respond to violence. Hahaha. --The Boulder City showdown seemed a bit buggy for me. I had to do it three times before the game seemed to think I'd done it in the right 'order' & I gained influence with the town/NCR. The quest log first said "help the NCR kill all the Khan" and then when I started killing Khan, also said "Help the Khan kill all the NCR" and then quests wouldn't trigger properly. If I'd ignored the NCR standing outside, would the Khan not have been 'red' from the get go so I'd have an option to talk to/help them instead, even tho I'm chasing after them because at least one of them tried to kill me?
  10. i have the impression it's a bit like Kotor2 (or other games w/similar) eg. it's influence. If you do something that a companion likes when they're in your party, they'll note it, and after a while when you talk to them, there will be more convo options or they'll say something new, until they give you a quest. For example, when I But if you do one of those things a companion likes, there's no indication that I noticed like "Influence gained" in Kotor2 only a quick spoken line, so it seems easy to miss. (edit:)and of course if you stick with one companion a long time, you may finish a lot of things/quests that would be influence for other ones...
  11. Well, I tested it. The save file clock does continue to run in ESC/pause mode. At least I know I'm not completely losing track of time, then! Loaded up the last save game (left side), immediately hit ESC, went away, came back, hit ESC to re-enter the game then saved to a new slot (right side)
  12. Was that near Scorpion Gulch, because for me that corpse held Brotherhood armor (+1 STR, +25 rad resistance, 40weight). And yea, too heavy (without mods, that is, of course). Random I assume. Interesting.
  13. Does Steam clock work if you're offline? I don't think I see a Steam clock number. Anyway, strange. Had the game 7 days, a couple days I played 6-7 hours but the rest more like 4, so it shouldn't be more than 35ish.
  14. Oh ok....for some reason I thought I'd read you could have 2 humans and 1 non human in your party for a total of 3. Thanks.
  15. So Veronica wants to come play with me, but I don't have a "yes, join me" option. Why is that? Does Boone not like her looks or something?
  16. Does the game "time played" clock still run even when you hit ESC/pause the game? Because there's no way I've played for over 51 hours. Maybe 30ish at most. But I do have this habit of hitting ESC and walking away from the PC for long periods of time.
  17. You know how in the old days you'd try to completely uninstall a video driver so you could revert back to an older (but not the oldest) driver....because you thought the newer one was worse? When I uninstall vid. driver in Win7 and then reboot, it automatically finds the driver in Win7's default driver storage and installs it without my sayso. No 'do you want to' type option. This isn't currently a problem since I only have two driver options (nvidia 258.96, which is what came w/Win7 anyway) and the current new one (260.99). But later on I might want to uninstall, for theoretical example, version 270 and install version 265....without being forced to install version 258.96 first. I've searched a little and can't seem to find a way to prevent Win7/Vista from doing this. You can prevent Windows Update from auto-installing stuff, but that's not what I'm doing (you can unplug from the internet & it still autoinstalls). So, is there way to disable auto-driver install upon reboot w/out mucking with registry/default files, or the flip side, are such 'clean' driver installs no longer necessary w/these O/S? P.S. Here's one of the several threads on the topic I've found, if you're interested.
  18. That's what I find so strange in my case. The more total hours I play, the more frequent on average the freezes become. ::scratchhead:: I only started noticing those after I began using a mod. When I don't have a mod checked, it goes away. Also with mods checked I get more slight graphic errors like gaps between my chr's wrist and hand in 1st person view. IIRC the Morrowind mods often did weird things like that too. Maybe something to do with the way it uses/copies the main file or whatever.
  19. Right then, so noted! Glad I didn't wander into Vault11 then. That's the first one I 'discovered' too.
  20. I assumed they were trying to consolidate the NV posts into a few thread categories. The spoilers were definitely jumping all over the place in the previous threads. (tho I think they still are a little, still...) I've getting close to lvl 13 now. Question: Are the Vaults something you can do as you discover them or are they quest related & I should leave them alone so I don't 'break' anything?
  21. I'm actually half-tempted to start a separate game on childishly-easy difficulty and let the companions do most of the killing while I take home videos. For amusement value.
  22. Reinstalled. Played fine for 10 minutes. Crashed. Load. Played for over an hour, going smooth...then crash. And yet I keep playing, hoping for those hour+ long chunks. Game addiction....we'll see.
  23. All right, you all have convinced me. I'll give Boone another shot. He is definitely useful outdoors since he fires/kill things before I even notice (he's "got my back!"). Plus, y'know, I kinda like him. I'm a sucker for a tragic story, as well as a guy who really loves his beret. Also: While running & shooting this guy, I started to feel like I might be killing Spock's angry, half-Romulan cousin. My guilt passed quickly.
  24. K...thanks. I'm never going to like Steam on principle or use it when I don't have to, but if those things work like (I think) they should, that'll go a long way to making me less annoyed when a game I really want insists on using it.
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