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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Ok I found some of the companion NPC info. The stats I've seen for them are correct. But I can't find what perks (if any) they're granted. Their skills seem to be under named class categories and the window for those don't show anything but the base SPECIAL stats and order of TAG skills. If they have personal 'perks' (besides their special ones) I can't find them. Tag skill order (I don't know if this matters...) for Boone is Guns, Sneak, Melee Weapons, and Cass is Melee, Guns, Sneak. Boone is class "SuperSniper" and Cass is "CassClass" Under Confidence, Boone is "Foolhardy" and Cass is "Brave." ...there's gotta be perk info in this thing somewhere... *mumbles* Edit:found it but it doesn't say anything either. Oh well. But according to what I can tell, your Luck number is actually your critical chance number. I don't know if this means actual = percentage chance, but if your Luck is 4, your Critical Chance is also 4. (maybe you guys knew that already, I'm new to all this still). ED-E has Luck/Crit. 9.
  2. I'm not sure. I've been trying to find the NPC info in GECK but I haven't located it yet. The best I know of Boone is that he does have very high crit. chance, even without his hat. From wiki they supposedly both have 10/10/10 in STR/PE/AG, but Boone has 2 more Luck. (6 vs 4)
  3. I'd say something but....PG-13 fora...so I'll just go - Ick! Also, that evil gnome would make a good lawn ornament. If there were lawns.
  4. Apparently I approached from the "wrong direction" during the retrieve the corpse quest. The NPC guard who's apparently supposed to warn you about the goons as you approach showed up right by the body after I'd killed everyone on the rooftops and then I got lost as to where I was supposed to take the body, so I was marching all over the place with it for long minutes. That was annoying. It appears that while you can rush to Vegas/away from the normal order of doing things, it can mildly mess up some of those scripting events. Same thing with Victor showing up. He all-of-a-sudden showed up in some radiated pool I was near, nowhere near any town, to tell me to meet House, and then got stuck in the pool trying to roll away. And I have yet to get the guy telling me about the star bottle caps. Also:this time I wanted the point w/Boone by killing Silus during the interrogation. So first I tried killing him right off. The NRC woman rushed in, admonished me, and left the room. The 2nd time I used INT to get half of Silus info then attacked him. But the NRC gal came in and started her spiel about 'great job' right as I landed the killing blow. She continued to tell me how awesome I was for getting info w/out killing Silus, and then turned to talk to Silus...only Silus was dead, so now she appears stuck in the interrogation room and won't come out. But I got my point with Boone!
  5. I find that ED-E can't hit the broad side of a barn half of the time. True enough. He doesn't seem to do much damage either. But I mean at least EDE's tough enough to serve as a distraction while Boone & I are lining up our shots. :D
  6. I haven't found EDE to be all that "weak" yet either, like I keep reading about. Course I also have Boone, but I mean EDE has been 'toe to toe' many times, shooting that little laser as a baddie tries to wail on him, and hasn't dropped once. ...seems like there were other unrelated things re:game things I noticed that I was going to comment on but by the time I get here/read everyone else's replies I always forget what they were...
  7. My impression has been that companions can/will wear anything that they consider to be 'better' than their default weapons. If something isn't, they won't equip it. I'm not sure if for weapons it's damage or DPS based but I have the feeling it's more the DPS, since Boone preferred higher dps rifle to a high dmg. one. Other than I don't think there are any specific limits. On the companions & voices: ED-E has music for a voice, which he uses constantly for warnings...it's cute for a while but...he's NOT silent. Another thing I'm finding disconcerting about him is that far-sight perk. I'm undecided whether I like being able to see red lines sooooo long before I can see them. I haven't found any VO that I truly dislike yet. Some better than others of course. But considering how difficult it must be to read short lines like "No" "Yeah" and "All right" that won't sound annoying when repeated in-game 100's of times, it's fine. The longer dialogues have all seemed to be ok too. Sometimes for me it's more a disconnect between ch. appearance and the voice. If I just listen to the voice, the VO is actually fine, but if I listen and look at the face, it's not what I'm expecting so it seems strange, if that makes sense.
  8. LOL....yeah...so far the bubble helmet is the only one I've found that makes Boone take off his red beret. It's been making me laugh for a while now.
  9. Yup....8 Luck...won the oranges slot jackpot in about 10 minutes. I know about the casino-banning tho, and since I don't know what amount-'cleaning them out' I bet low & left with my 750caps winnings. I'll come back later, I have sufficient money for now. lol Playing the 2nd chr. it sure does feel like Luck also affects loot. But could also be coincidence. I found it interesting too that Boone prefers the Service Rifle (lower dmg./high dps) over the Hunting Rifle (much higher dmg, lower dps). He wouldn't equip the latter if I put both in his inventory. Guess he likes the fast-firing 20 bullets at a time dps. Giant Scorps & Caz-flies are not a problem. Neither was a mutant I encountered in the hills. Packs of those orangeish dogs were more troublesome. Things definitely hit a lot harder in Very Hard...but that's why I'm a sniper. ps I don't like ED-E making my weapons deteriorate faster tho. I think it's because of him...
  10. WHHOOOOOHOOOOO SF Giants win the World Series! Neighbors banging fireworks, hollering. Whee.
  11. I'm actually looking forward to those things. A lot. Very a lot. *rubs hands together* ...now that I have all the voice sound files, I've been listening to all the companion battle cries to see if any would annoy me so much I wouldn't want them. Cass has some funny lines ('wouldn't say no to a stimpack'), I think I'll have to try her next time. I don't like to switch my companions once chosen. I'm loyal that way.
  12. On the PC, look in your installation folder under Game\Data\textures\interface\loading They are all in .dds format so you will probably want to convert them. Hey, thank you very much for responding, but [ ... ] Other than that, sounds like exactly what I'd want Hey Taviow, I got around to downloading a bsa converter and the dds converter and have all the loading screen files in jpg format now. One caveat is they all seem to be 1024x512 in size - but when viewed on my 1920x1080 desktop they still looked pretty ok. Depends on your video card I guess. Anyway, if you want them I can put them in a zipfile. Since I don't know which ones you want, and there's a lot of them, the file would be around 15MB or so if that matters to you.
  13. Stayed up a couple hours later than I should have, on a day I had to get up early. Curses. Hope I don't fall asleep in the middle of a convo or something.
  14. So I noticed someone on the Beth boards saying that after you do their quests, companions can die even in non-hardcore mode? Is this true or was the person just mistaken/full of it. I tried picking up ED-E, took him to the junkyard, talked to the lady, and ED-E spewed out a msg., but the quest log didn't change. There's no more map indicator, it's not completed, no new message, nothing. Oh well? I find his constant little gear-whine noise following behind me a bit annoying anyway. It reminds me of that sound TV's & lightbulbs make.
  15. Well, between my slow daily pace, multiple factions/endings/companions and my silly habit of spending inordinate amounts of time goofing off with dino toys or torturing/testing companions for giggles etc. ...a couple months, yup. A month is more my average for a game now, but in the old days I played many games for 4-6 months before setting aside them for a long while. I'm just one of those folk that when a game especially tickles my fancy for some reason, a couple months is nothing. I'm sure there's still a few here who remember my Kotor2 obsessions. So are you unable to hear those ambient sounds even with the radio volume turned really low? I can still hear them above the music. Creaky metal, footsteps, wind, and so on. To me it was like walking around with headphones around your neck instead of over your ears. But I did turn the music off simply for being repetitious.
  16. Maybe I'm confused because it was two patches, I think I got them separately. At any rate a higher speed connection would make short work of it. ------------------ P.S. And thanks once more to Obsidian for making a game that's made me stay up late, lose sleep, and ignore my spouse again. If we get divorced in the next couple months, it's all your fault. Not mine, of course not.
  17. I don't know what your connection speed is, but IIRC the patch was around 18MB, so not too big. But I could be remembering wrong.
  18. Steam definitely seems better than when I tried it for the Orange Box. If you're in offline mode it still pops up the "connecting to your account" box for several seconds before Steam window actually loads (I don't have it run at bootup) but it's really not. I've unplugged the internet cable and it still pops up. There's no delay in offline mode for starting/loading actual game. But you can't talk to ppl/do steam achievements etc. then of course.
  19. Why do the late game armors always have to look so....silly? Not that they look bad, they're silver/blackish (I think) so almost cool. But still kinda silly. I prefer the clothing-look I guess.
  20. I obsessively reloaded my save game of the battle against the robots trying to see how much it would take to make Boone fail in that one situation. He did fine three times in a row, needed a lot of help the fourth, and then apparently there are a few keys when combined together had him fall down in about one minute: don't approach while initially sneaking, but do approach head-on so he just walks forward instead of tending to strafe from side to side as he closes in, and give him a weapon which (seemingly) unlike his default rifle, can be shot to pieces in his hands, twice. Then he fell down, and I fell down with him. lol Ok that was hilarious fun, but enough of that...back to the actual game. haha
  21. It's not a picture, but a video. Just 1 min. 40 seconds so if you think it sucks the pain won't be long. First 40 seconds is multiple very brief bits of Boone killing early stuff (I'm lvl 6-8 in all bits) but the last minute is from him killing those 9 robots for me (showing the last 4 I think it was). There's no game spoilers in it, just brief bits of combat. I remember why I stopped making videos tho (compilation ones vs. simple straight record/upload)...even just splicing out/merging pieces together from lots of diff. videos gets time consuming. I wish I could catch more of the funny stuff (not just Boone either) for an actual really good vid, but it's so hard to catch those moments when they happen.
  22. I don't have ED-E with me & quest isn't broken. But I'll keep that in mind in case I ever do pick him up. :D
  23. I can't wait to get higher up/give Boone some awesome rifle or something. The companions are all 'too strong' perhaps but I don't care. I find it crazy fun. I hope they don't patch 'em to make them weaker, like Blizzard tends to since people can just not use them. I must have that bug then, because I've killed him twice in daylight while he just stands near the rock going 'heh heh' to himself. I shoot him once and he attacks, I kill him, take his note, done.
  24. Did more reading and I guess companion skills don't rise, the varied numbers must be for difficulty setting? Because I put my current game on Very Hard and I think Boone is even more bad-ass than he was in Normal! He hasn't 'died' even once, where in Normal it felt like he was always falling over if outnumbered & I'd mop up the rest & wait for him to get back up again. Now it's like he's a superpowered machine of death, even in tight indoor quarters. Just his default rifle/hat/armor too, and not just the easy 1 on 1 from a great distance stuff. He wiped out a cluster of 9 sentry/gutsy's mostly by himself that I bumped into when I was lvl 6, taking hardly any dmg (he must have Miraculous Avoidance now) so yeah. This may not sound like 'fun' but it was. Very very fun & made me giggle like mad a lot. Especially outdoors, we're like the best most awesome team of death ever. Sorry I ever doubted you, Boone, you're a seriously kick-ass dude. Don't ever change. Btw, if you don't want him to shoot things until you're ready, but don't quite want to leave him at the hotel either, I found the convo option "I want to talk about your tactics" eventually leads to an "I want you not to attack enemies until I've engaged them" selection. It seemed to work, but I haven't really put it to the test yet ... just found it before I went to bed last night.
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