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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Today, since I apparently have been posting so much in the FONV threads, I've moved into the 2nd page of top posters for the first time ever. At least temporarily. It won't last long I'm sure. Good games make me chatty. Well, actually a lot of things make me chatty, but that's another issue.
  2. Not sure what you're referring to exactly but there at least a few quests I think that are time of day based, among other things. But yes, some quests seem to get broken with no indication. Different radio stations play different songs, and some stations don't come in, in all areas. I haven't counted to see if all of the music in the game folder is played between all of the stations, tho.
  3. lol, that's ok. It's a spoiler thread after all. I just don't want a bulleted listing of all their locations type thing. heh
  4. That's what I liked about Boone, and will probably like about some of the others when I try them, based on what I already know. It felt more like they were just plain ol' folk I might meet in such a world and decide to travel with as "we" all tried to figure out a way to survive/what to do in the crap wasteland the world has become. No save the universe and you are the foretold "one" type stuff...er, well, at least not yet, since I haven't actually finished the main plot myself. Edit: I'm fairly convinced of that as well, but it's impossible to be certain since there's a random factor of a lot of the loot. But it sure felt/feels like I'm finding a lot more stuff/higher end stuff faster, and more of it, w/my higher luck chr.
  5. @WorstusernameEver - yeah, that's kinda my take on it too.
  6. If you haven't done it yet, I found this amusing: fire your companion far away from it's 'home' location and then follow as they walk back. They'll still fight enemies they encounter. Just save your game first since they can die when not your companion (not 'essential'). Which probably explains why some people can't find their companions to rehire...they get shot on the way home. LOL So if you want to 'fire' someone, better to do it when close to their home. Oh that. Yeah, she was interesting, but I actually didn't use her much as a companion, so I guess I thought of her as more of a main-plot NPC rather than a companion, if that makes sense. I don't recall the others being all the integral to the main plot, tho. They had their influence bits and story cutscenes and stuff, but you didn't have to do them/could progress/win if they weren't there. (edit:it's been years since I played however)
  7. Based (only) on the voice files of Veron & Cass, I'd disagree (Cass sounds like she'd annoy me a lot less than Veron). But then that's probably because 1-I tend to always prefer male NPC's in games and 2-liking voices is subjective. I love Boone's low pitched dour & gruff delivery. I haven't even run into the geeky science guy yet I think.
  8. Oh...I must've missed that. I do that a lot these days. Read something and space out on what it said right after. My brain doesn't like getting older...more than most perhaps...sigh. heh
  9. Yeah, the House one is the 2nd one, the 1st is the Goodsprings one. I haven't seen any others. But if there's only 5 more, I feel less bad. I thought maybe there were twice that or whatever, and that I must be blind or something.
  10. I've only tried EDE & Boone so far, and I've liked both their stories and quests, even if the Brotherhood did make me mad. What's wrong with the companions? I don't find them any worse (or better) than, say, Kotor2. Like in most games, most of the time they have nothing to say as they follow you around like drones, but when their story does come out, the two I've tried were fine. Boone's personal quest he was even making comments as I marched around (not a menu-dialogue) which gave it a nice feel and made me feel sad. EDE doesn't talk but he does have a nice chain. Are the other's not as good? The one thing I don't like with companions is how easy it is/can be to completely miss gaining their rep. or notice you have. I imagine some people go thru the game never triggering companion quests or realizing they have any, at all. (edit:I constantly checked Boone's Talk menu after every quest to see if there had been anything...he doesn't always give a verbal clue)
  11. I've been consistently ignoring Benny as well. My re-made chr. is now lvl 16 (or 17, I lose track). I keep telling myself I'm going to 'get on' the main quest but I keep not wanting to. Plenty of side quests to keep me busy anyway. I haven't visited many of the Vaults yet either. You can't keep playing after you 'win' the game, right? That's probably one reason I put main quests off for so long. I think this is going to be one of those games where I'll absolutely love to start over all the time...the building up/finding your gear, the gaining rep for and doing companion quests, the random exploring, testing different stat/perk builds for a while etc...but the main story doesn't grab me much. I'm not all that fond of the Strip/Freeside areas either. Btw, how many snow globes have people found? Don't tell me where they are....but I've only found the two easy ones. I'm sure I've run past many of them without noticing...
  12. Yeah, I noticed that with Luck, the adding to all skills, when I raised it by 1 using Intense Training. It's a tiny amount tho, so if you're talking about 5 Luck vs. 7 Luck, it doesn't make a huge difference, especially if you have a high INT. But I've become a big fan of Luck myself. I have it at 8 (plus Boone's hat) and everything has felt a lot easier than when I had it atl 5. I don't even have Finesse yet. I'm not sure if it's more criticals or something harder to define, but it's been very satisfactory. It seems to help me a lot in tight spaces/close fights where it's very hard to accurately aim & shoot w/short distances (since I try very hard not to use VATS, too). Or I let Boone do it. As a sniper sort, I put STR at 4 because there's that Perk that lowers weapon requirements by 2, so I can still (eventually) use the Sniper Rifle, and I could raise it by 1 w/ IT if I wanted (I decided not to, yet). I have 4 END and it's been just fine. I've heard that Agility might also affect run speed a little. Do you know if that's true, or was that for FO3 and changed to not be, in NV?
  13. I dunno....I have the feeling only a few npc's are truly necessary. But you'd miss out on lots of quests, yes. My favorite aspect of the game is the wandering/regenerating enemies, as well as a few scripted events/fights that I've run into. I guess I'm not a big quest after quest after quest person. I try, but....the open road keeps calling.
  14. AHAHAHA....AHAHAHAHA..... The Brotherhood aren't long for this world.
  15. I have a problem in that I don't like any of the factions enough to feel like supporting them very much. They're all a bunch of busy-bodies who take my weapons & clothes and tell me to do silly errands. Can I kill them all?
  16. Nope. I figured there'd be one somewhere, but I haven't run across it yet. It's not the breathing that bothers me, it's just awkward overall. And companions don't seem to like it much either. Other: --Couldn't there be an option to show a mini-map in one corner, if a player wanted? It gets so annoying having to constantly hit TAB to pull up the PipBoy mid-jog all the time. --too...many...factions w/side quests! lol ... don't get me wrong, the choices are great. But I think I'm going to have to ignore some of them for other playthroughs!
  17. I've been tempted to start pumping the skill to use Laser guns, because I keep finding the coolest sounding special lasers. I love the Nikola Tesla references... P.S. I don't like swimming in FONV.
  18. I have a free day today so I'm going to play FONV until I drop. I love my life.
  19. Dear Diary A pleasant sounding voice spoke through EDE today. It told me he was from Hidden Valley, he was interested in seeing my robot, and to meet some cronies of his at the REPCONN HQ. Boone argued against it of course. "It's probably a dirty Legion trap so they can get their hands on me." I had to remind Boone that the Legion weren't known for their technical prowess, and hacking into EDE wasn't their style. I was, as always, curious, and since it close to a trading post anyway, why not. Dear Diary REPCONN HQ uneventful, although the guard robots inside were a bit pushy about wanting to check ID's;they seemed unaware that all their employers were long dead. But I found a security badge on an old, moldering corpse and used that to make my way upstairs. On the executive floor, another annoying robot demanded not only a badge, but a verbal password check. Uh-oh. Boone leaned over and whispered in my ear: "Don't worry, I got your back." So I readied my weapons and took a stab in the dark at the password. "Uh....ICE CREAM?" The security robot didn't even blink an eye receptor. "Thank you, please proceed. And have a nice day." Boone gave me a funny look, and I mumbled, "Hunger and past dreaming. First thing came to mind." Boone shook his head. "First the gambling, now this. You have to be one of the luckiest bitches I've ever known." I just smiled. Oh and the meeting? We found the guys, all right. Turns out they were Brotherhood, and they were dead. But I found a recording with a password on their bodies, so I think we can still get into that bunker in Hidden Valley. And of course I stripped the corpses of their power armor;they wouldn't need it anymore. I don't have Power Armor training and even if I did I wouldn't wear the stuff - power armor tends to chafe in all the wrong places - but it fetches a tidy sum in trade. I did try to get my companion to wear one, seeing as how he already had on a Recon suit, but of course Boone wouldn't consider it. He literally threw it on the floor in disgust in front of his feet, saying he refused to wear anything that might declare him as part of a faction he didn't belong to. Whatever...the trade price of the two armor suits, as well as the fancy laser gun I'd also found, would enable me to restock in style. "Don't forget more .308 shells," Boone reminded me. "We're running a little low." "Again? You do know that's a sniper rifle you have there, not a machine gun, right?" Boone shrugged. "It saves your ass all the time, doesn't it, so don't complain." New Vegas to shop, than off to Hidden Valley. I'm sure Boone will complain the entire way.
  20. Dear Diary: Boone has become restless & moody over the past few days. More moody than usual, that is. I asked if it was because I had yet to take him to the areas known to be crawling with Legion troops, and if my doing so might help his mood. "Couldn't hurt," he growled back. I reminded him that I'd already promised to do several tasks and I couldn't just abandon my responsibilities quite yet. Boone frowned and turned away, muttering "Bounties are nothing and I weary of people who can't do for themselves;I think you just don't know how to say no. They're not my concern." There's only so far you can push a man like Boone, dear diary, and I knew it. So I put on my best smile. "All right, but I at least want to explore a couple Vaults, maybe find some new gear before we take on the Legion, and I'm going to need someone big and strong like you to help plumb dark depths." Boone was having none of this flattery and hrumphed in response. "I really don't care about your treasure hunting," he said. "Although I admit that this Pushy contraption you found is a nice little toy...can't wait to try it on some Legionaries..." He grunted and folded his arms. "But I think I'll stay here & wait while you idiotically explore the Vaults, how about that?" "But I don't know what's down there, and you know I'm terrible in close quarters. I rely on distance and sharp aim. I don't have your strength or stamina - I can barely swing a machete. Just help me explore Vault11 a bit then we'll go kick Legion arse back down into the hell they belong in, I promise. Please?" He frowned. Then he abruptly nodded. "You helped me back in Novac and I've seen with my own eyes your hatred of the Legion. Killing Silus despite instructions not to was proof of that. You've earned a tiny bit of respect." His eyes scrunched down into narrow slits. "But you had better keep your promise." Then Boone pointed towards ED-E, who as usual was floating in a corner, making soft humming noises. "And tell that junk-metal basketball to stay in the hotel this time. In close quarters it'll just get in my way. Plus his damn cheery combat jingle is driving me nuts and has no place in combat. I wish you could Repair him to make him stop doing that." So I agreed to leave EDE behind. It's a useful robot when outdoors, with its long radar, but I see no need to bring it with us this time. We leave tomorrow morning. Dear Diary: I'm exhausted. We're resting inside Vault11 because I'm still recovering from a bad injury. Boone is standing outside a door, keeping watch. I think that man never sleeps. We had risen early this morning, packed some extra gear, and set off for the Vault. Upon arrival, I told Boone to take the lead, and he quietly sneaked through the many hallways, opening doors and confronting everything in his path. He 'hmm-ed' to himself as he went. I don't think he knows he does that, and it's not a nervous sound, either. More like a tuneless dirge. I was keeping several feet behind him, letting him do all the killing. As it turns out, there really wasn't too much danger:a lot of mutated, giant bugs and rats mostly. Boone was so efficient that it seemed only a few minutes passed and the first floor and living quarters had been cleared. I was able to safely scrounge through the wreckage for a while. It's amazing how many goodies were still lying around. I even found a Recon Armor suit in a battered storage locker, which I immediately gave to Boone since it was too large and heavy for me. Despite his claims that he didn't care about treasure, Boone seemed pleased by the find. When I was done scavenging, we decided to go further in. As we neared the stairs to another, lower level, Boone paused. "I smell a gas leak. Be careful what you do in here, don't wander and stick close to me. Real close." Things proceeded without event for the next few minutes. Then Boone went down another short flight of stairs and turned a corner, immediately stepping through the first doorway, 'hmm-hmm-ing' all the way. I started to follow, when Boone suddenly stopped mid-hmm and hollered, "Heads Up!!" I saw him dash forward and had time to shout "Crap what did you do?!" just before a massive explosion went off near my feet, which sent me flying back into the hallway. As I lay there groaning, Boone came rushing towards me. "I told you to stay close!" he barked, a look of scowling concern on his face. And I don't mind telling you, dear diary, that even through my pain I felt a small sense of satisfaction. Boone is a hard & bitter man who doesn't let people in close, but maybe he's finally beginning to see me as something more than just a second gun or occasional useful tool. Not a friend, exactly. I'm not sure Boone knows what that word means anymore. On some days I'm not even sure I still do. But in this wild wasteland, even the smallest sense of being needed or wanted is hard to come by - y'know, that feeling of knowing that someone might actually miss you a little when your head is finally blown off or torn to pieces? - and to see something that almost resembled that, on Boone's face, after all our adventures together...well, I hope it's true, and I hope it lasts. Not much does in this world. As he was rummaging through his gear for the stimpacks that would save my life, I managed a small grin and forced my burned lips to move. "Your sniper & combat prowess may be legendary, but your trap disarming sucks." Then I apparently fainted. Dear Diary: The stimpacks have done their magic and I'm all rested up. We're about to move ahead again...and this time I've told Boone to leave the traps alone & let me handle them. Wish us luck.
  21. Ok, thanks! I'll look it up. I know nothing about ammo sizes and all that (which is better etc), but am assuming bigger the number the better. I just read in the wiki I could've just picked up a Sniper Rifle off someone's cot but oh well....that one can be mine. I love this game! Curious:Has anyone tried to seriously go (at least mostly) melee? How's that working out? Boone's supposed to...has a few. I don't know what triggers which ones tho....
  22. Anyone know the biggest caliber rifle ammo/gun? I don't want to go all out on buying Boone ammo if there's going to be something w/a bigger ammo type later.... Cause I just bought Boone a .308 Sniper Rifle for 2200caps (ouch). He's loaded for bear (has 15DT nopenalty combat armor too). I ran him to the clump of DeathClaws near the Farm House (still on VH diff.) and he took out the 1st w/one shot and killed two others before the last two took him (and me, now lvl 11) down.
  23. you could say they're important. she actually gives you the whole branch of McCarran quests linked to the Legion spy and Vault 3 I don't care much about the monorail/spy quest (especially since I hear it can bug out on some ppl) and The White Wash/No Not Much isn't a Boone thing. IIRC have a Vault 3 quest in my log that doesn't seem (yet) to have anything to do with her at all. Hmm. Edit:Reloaded the game, she's still stuck. Left area, waited 24 hours, went back, still stuck. lol Oh well, don't care. Or rather I kinda do, but I don't want to retrieve the corpse, kill Cook-Cook and all that again right now. My Vault3 quest had to do w/that bounty hunter dude.
  24. Reporting that after 25 hrs. w/2nd chr., it's crashed only twice. Currently have the .dll vid. fps 'fix' back in and self-made mod to alter weight carrying capacity. Also, I put virtual memory setting at 0. If you have the memory to do the same, imo it sometimes seems to help with that sudden sense of lurching in the game (less/no swapping maybe?).
  25. oh? Just side quests or important ones (or more Boone ones)? I was kind of hoping she might come out upon quit/reloading the game or something. As usual I went to bed after playing a while after that happened and didn't reload it yet. If she doesn't, I can reload the savegame from then and try again, but I'd rather not. That's what I get for trying to have my cake (some info from Silus) and eat it too (kill him for Boone). heh
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