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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. That's why I said relative to all the rest of the story arcs....they're all kind of petty & hiding behind noble speeches. But then, that's kind of how I think of humanity as a whole so, y'know....been there, seen that. I mean, people (the media) romanticize Capone/gangsters. Don't see how Benny is any worse than that sort of type. But yes, I haven't read any extension of his story in another form. Just based on the in-game.
  2. That's too bad about Skyline...oh well, I'll probably still catch it on cable. I watched the 1st episode of the new AMC series The Walking Dead. Seemed to have a fairly high production value/quality and it wasn't too bad....but it's slow and the lead actor didn't entirely connect for me in the role. That and I'm really not into zombies all that much. But it might pick up as the plot moves along.
  3. I didn't get much of Caesar's story beyond a few forced encounters since I pretty much killed every Legion, named and unnamed, that I ran across. Relative to the general story power-hungry arcs, however, Benny didn't seem any worse. So he wanted to throw over House or whatever it was...I probably would too. House is kind of a creepy fellow when it comes down to it. The aspect of the Legion that I couldn't abide was their form of slavery. I won't tolerate it and I won't even roleplay acceptance of it. ;p
  4. I was half-tempted to leave Benny alone too...he didn't seem such a bad fellow...but I really wanted his suit and he wouldn't give it to me, so...
  5. Reached a point that happens a lot for me, in these types of games....where even tho there's still lots of 'paths' I haven't done/could explore in terms of story arcs, the role playing etc. kind of disappears & I mostly fool around via save games or quick test runs. Altering mechanics, testing them out, seeing what they affect or don't. Taking the phone apart, in other words. I can't help myself. At some point I'll tire of that, and playing the game 'properly' for another run or two will appeal. It's a cycle I go through. So from my point of view, FO:NV works on both of the levels that I really enjoy...it made me want to explore the world (what's around this corner?) for long enough to actually finish the game at least once...which is always a feat since overall I'm a terrible finisher of games....and it has the oddball tinkering & amusement aspects that keeps me mucking about long after the exploring/story arcs stop motivating me. I don't think I've bought a game in a long time that had this much replay incentive, whatever the reason.
  6. I'm normally a "good" type, but I wonder what would happen if you were Vilified by every faction. Would it break the game or is there a plan for that...
  7. Hm...hm...I freed Nelson, but I don't think I did any Golf/Forlorn quests (never went back after getting them on my map) and only about half the McCarran ones (got bugged). Don't remember now tho, it's all a blur. Oh...I did do the This Machine in a non-NCR way because that one chick was bugged out, so for a bit I was a Smiling Troublemaker, but that was the only NCR infamy I had...then I had it all supposedly erased.
  8. Hm, yes, that Battle:LA film looks interesting. There's another aliens vs. everyone movie I keep seeing ads for recently too, but the name keeps slipping my mind. I'm such a sucker for these type of movies.
  9. Did anyone manage to get "Idolized" with the NCR? I probably missed some of their quests in my NCR game but once I reached Liked, even with all the other Fame I received, it never went past that. I may have to reload that series and finish more of their stuff. I did rush the end.
  10. Why I like games like this:even after you think you're familiar with a part/quest, it can still surprise you. All the other times I did the Ranger Charlie quest for the guy in Novac, the outer area was always "safe" and I just entered the building to grab the holotapes and stuff. But this time I fast traveled there, expecting the same, and 4 Legion guys were in the outer yard/on top of the motorhomes, launching spears and dynamite at me. That was a good/dangerous fight because I was taken completely by surprise and didn't yet have good guns for their DT rating. But then a pack of 4 NCR came wandering by and helped me out. I'm not sure if they weren't there before because I waited too long the other times before going, or if it was random. At any rate, it was awesome.
  11. Since I have the Steam DD version I got around to trying uninstall/redownload/reinstall yet again to see if that would help. But no, the reload/GUI is still there. But this time, if after reloading the weapons in question, if I hit the movement keys for a 'step' or immediately fire the weapon it seems to unlock the GUI, so that kind of makes them usable again since most of the time that's what you do after reload. I don't know if this was the actual 'fix' or not, but at least it works, kinda. Before reinstalling, even the movement keys were frozen for a while, I couldn't bring up Pipboy, etc. This all makes me feel like Steam (at least for this game & on my system) has a terrible patch installer. Definitely. Not all systems are the same and all that.
  12. Oh? Interesting. I've never encountered that issue, thankfully. My thought was that it was because she turned hostile. I'd imagine this would negate the 'come with me' script and thus not activate Boone's script to shoot her, if that makes sense. Did you pick the lock when she was still in the room, gifted? I always wait until she leave for home, get the note, go into her house and wake her up. As she walks, I put on the hat. You also have to be somewhat close to where she ends up standing, or Boone doesn't seem to "notice" you. Not right next to her, but not too far away either.
  13. Early to bed, early to rise, exercised, showered, dressed, and now I'm heading out to catch some early morning light.
  14. Congratulations. This might be the first post about Fallout: New Vegas from you that did not contain the word "Boone". What? *looks* Oh no, and I can't go back and edit it now. I was going for a record, too, dang it!....but at any rate, you're wrong, since the first 2-3 days of the game I didn't even know you could hire companions, so I probably made at least 30-40 non-Craigy NV posts! So there. Nyah. And....Boone! Or Craig, if you prefer. Or I could call him Atton2 if you like. So for thirst, does one bottle=one dose or are they reusable if what you need to drink isn't actually 100?
  15. Btw, boxing gloves do a base 1 dmg according to the geck item file. I'm not sure if this then means Boone would do 1x5 (for his STR) or 1x1.25 dmg (for his Unarmed) or a combo of both.
  16. @thepixiesrock -- Now don't take this as gospel because I'm only guessing based on what I'm looking at, but my impression is that hands-only damage essentially=0 (it may not be quite 0) and all dmg is based on STR and perks affecting the base damage of a weapon. I base this unverified opinion on the fact that despite all the blood spots that appear on his shirt, when I hit either a "naked" Boone or an armored Boone with nothing but my fists (I have 6 STR), I do either 1 dmg or 0 dmg. Critical strikes still did only 1 dmg. (I have no str/dmg/melee perks and my unarmed/melee skills are below 20 on the chr. I used). Boone has STR10, 54 Melee Weapons and 15 Unarmed, and his stat sheet says Melee Damage 5.00 and Unarmed Damage 1.25...which I'm taking to mean that if he were to hit me w/only his fists, he'd do up to about 1-2 dmg. But without knowing more about the math involved I could be interpreting things incorrectly. So if anyone else can come in and show how I'm totally wrong/harder numbers I'd be glad to see it.
  17. Damage bonus per point of STR is not a whole lot, for instance I think 10 STR gives you a 5dmg bonus (1 STR=.5) but I don't know what the base-base is. Most melee/unarmed builds I see people tossing around are at least based on things like Oh Baby & Love & Hate, not fists-only. I can try to look it up in the editor but right now I'm waiting for some ginormous videos to compress. edit:I should probably say I'm not sure if that's 5 pts of extra dmg. or some kind of 5 modifier, like a percentage.
  18. I don't like melee combat, in any game. Not generally my thing. But yeah, I hear they kick butt.
  19. Helping people like the nutter Boomers...it's all for the greater good, man, the greater good!! .....I think I had to reload 5 times to reach the Boomers. There weren't that many quests for them when I did it. I got the idolized doing just a few quests seemed like. I had more trouble doing the Omertias (sp?) & trying to find all those bloody people in the hotel, when the local map doesn't tell me what floor each marker is on.
  20. For me it seems to be done in the background as soon as I go 'online.' It doesn't give me a big splash 'now downloading' screen, or 'do you want to download now' it just does it. I could see the icon in the systray blinking a little and if I mouse-hovered over it it would say %done and such. If the patch is big enough (hence slow to download) you can go into the Download section of the Steam menu and see it there. While in-game (a game loaded) if you hit ESC then Help, you can see the version number. Latest is 1.2 Edits: I'll still go for the next 'big' patch. Sometimes intermediate patches don't work as well as the final bigger one. But if that one makes anything much worse, I won't try any others if there are any others. Side bug note: the weapon/GUI lockup bug also affects my 357 pistols.
  21. Six shots=2 decapitated heads, 1 exploded head, and 1 just plain dead guy (with apparently instant-rigor-mortis, judging by his upright arm) No more whiskey for you, dear. They should know better than to threaten me when Boone is standing BEHIND them... Sunny & Boone teaming up in the tutorial mission (grabbed him at lvl 1, then went back). Haha! Curse you Obsidian, you made him too sexy. Arcade isn't the same.
  22. The store retailers are definitely the reason I can't buy hard copy PC games half the time anymore. Unless they're super-duper AAAAAA titles, they won't stock them, whatever the reasoning. So it's either online or DD. Based on my recent re-trying of Steam, I would not mind having to use them for the game-check so much IF they got rid of the must auto-patch feature, that still happens even if you have the 'don't auto-update' option checked.
  23. With one of my characters, I decided I would collect every single teddy bear and toy car. It's like pillows in Morrowind...I wonder if you could create a giant stack of 'burned books'...
  24. I know that, but when I start a new game, since I know of the quest, I may as well pick them early on and then I don't have to think about it later.
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