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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. That 2nd Divinity2 pic made me think of Drakan. I always like flying transportation mounts in games...just not fighting from their backs. That's always awkward.
  2. Yeah, that's what I ideally like in expansions as well. I like new areas too, but I like when they mix some new stuff into the original game. Kind of like what they did with Diablo2:LOD/patches. There was the whole new Act5 bit, but also skill changes, item changes, etc. that were implemented across the board. However I don't like the way Blizzard completely changes skills & rules as drastically and constantly as they do...I mostly want to see new enemies, npc's, skills/options etc. to choose from to add incentive to start a new chr with, plus the new "area". You can still give players the option to use their leveled up chr. to leap into the new area if they want...but...yeah.
  3. I went against my usual magical inclination and went for swords, and came out some kind of Paladin.
  4. Hm. That longer description doesn't intrigue me too much. My only experience with DLC is Borderlands, and while I did like those quite a bit, I found one issue I have is that they felt disconnected from the main/original game that got you hooked in the first place. Just new set pieces for your chr. to run through, with harder difficulty or new monsters etc. I understand why that is (DLC isn't "expansion") but I'm not sure if I can look past that for a game like this vs. BL. But I'll still give this a shot when it's out for pc, I'm sure. I'm weak willed, and I must have more. :D
  5. @cant - I know, it's crazy, isn't it? Even pre-Vegas-main-plot, where I've spent a lot more time, I still come across the occasional quest I missed or skipped (and forgot I'd skipped) before. I think I read there's over 150 known quests...even if you can't do them all in one run, that's still a heck of a lot to discover.
  6. Largely agree, hindsight is always 20/20. I certainly wasn't trying to plink Cottonwood cove at lvl 3 on my first playthrough. heh It's what I love about this game tho...for me even when I know how to do something, how to do a quest, there's so many different ways to approach it combat wise (even when using the same weapons tactics) that I can do it over and over and still giggle. Yeah, I had to reload there a few times too. Close quarters is my enemy. I finally had to use a Stealthboy to get to the top ridge (still had to fight the smaller ones on the way) and it seemed to confuse the legendary one enough that I could snipe it from there.
  7. Snipers are definitely balance breaking too, imo....but since I love sniping, I don't care. There's nothing like taking down Cottonwood Cove at lvl 3 by sniping, and all those named Legion guys can do is run around the buildings like aimless chickens because they can't see me squatting at the top of the hill. I did try melee once, and only once, so I do kinda know what you mean, tho. I had maybe 17melee skill, was lvl1, and I took a half-broken baseball bat to three Viper bandits or some such (not deathclaws, but hey, I was lvl1) and it seemed to break their arms in 1 swing, causing them to drop their guns and then they were dead. (edit) I can definitely see if you build w/melee in mind you'd be a powerhouse. I just don't find melee emotionally satisfying, that's all.
  8. I think the point/issue that most (or at least many) people don't build their characters with destroying DeathClaws hand to hand in mind. I sure don't. I still refuse to use melee/build with melee in mind, so it's nigh impossible for my chrs. Guns of some kind or nothing, baby, it's how I roll.
  9. I've been playing more FNV as time goes on, & starting to neglect a lot of little things in order to do so. Like, right now I'm wearing a pair of ragged pants I haven't worn in years, because the dirty clothes pile is just shy of the ceiling. But at least it's not as bad as when I first started WoW, or even Diablo2, years ago. eg, at least I still eat and sleep regularly.
  10. It's not that great killing wise, imo. But it is a good weapon. Sometimes I wish I could get him to use a laser rifle something, tho, either for tactic preferences or for kicks if nothing else....and he won't.
  11. Arcade's default weapon is also "powerful" enough that it's difficult to get him to use anything else. But since it's a pretty good weapon I don't mind.
  12. I'm not sure if you actually wanted spoilers so I'm covering them up: There's a bunch of temporary ones that will follow you for short period of time, but I don't usually bother with those. In terms of Boone....again not sure if you really wanted outright spoilers or not but here's the really big hints:Save any Legion hostages and kill/destroy Legion. Peaceful solutions to anti-Legion quests won't impress Boone. Craigy does have quite a few rep-building quests (edit:&once u know what they are, easy to do early) but one problem is that at least two of them many people will do before even meeting him in Novac, so you can lose those opportunities very early in the game. There aren't many for him in the late-game stage so if you wait to hire him you may have done most of them already. Then there's that one where trying to gain the rep point may result in a bugged-out, locked-in-room Boyd, which is bad for other quests.
  13. If you're getting nvidia driver errors that sometimes crash the game, apparently some people have issues with the Realtek PCIe Gigabyte (onboard) LAN Card. It's used on the ASUS P6T mobo, maybe others. Drivers for this hardware can have issues with some nvidia cards & driver version 7.3+ may make it worse. Not that this would be/is the source of all or even most of FNV CTD's...just one of them. But for me if it means even one less CTD per play session...going to put in different LAN hardware see what happens.
  14. --Deathclaws from a distance are no problem. Up close they are definitely SuperBad, put there to knock the gamer-ego out of you. That ignoring DT thing is so not right. heh --I've been 'testing' perks w/one character and Living Anatomy seems bugged? Or maybe I don't know how to use it? When I first picked/activated it and left the level up screen, I saw HP/DT numbers under my companion's health bar. Then I went into the world and I saw....nothing. No numbers or health bars anywhere. Not under companion name, not under enemy names (yes I got up close to them), not under NPC names. --Higher charisma works well for companions, but that Ferocious Loyalty perk is useless. If I'm at 50% or lower health, it's usually because I'm also 1 second from death by a 2nd hit...and companions can't pull aggro away from you most of the time so...useless. I figured it would be, but had to check it out. --Arcade has one of the best lines when you tell him to use melee. And why is he taller than everyone else, by default? Guess he's special. --I finally figured out which setting controlled player height. I can no longer look through door peepholes, just like in real life. It's great!
  15. I've seen it in NV, but not often....and not in the sense where they're traps or something. Just when someone shoots in the direction of a large vehicle and I guess the shots make the gas tanks explode. One time I was standing next near an abandoned truck near one of those ant desert areas and you-know-who fired at an ant from the other side of the truck, shouted 'look out' and then the tanks on the truck exploded, killing me. Another time a fleeing Fiend ran behind a car and some NCR blew it up.
  16. I used Good Natured a couple times, it's a good one. Lately I use both the Four Eyes and the Small Build so I can put more points in the SPECIAL I want w/out sacrificing those stats too much. I noticed that with 7 INT, the amount of skill pts. per level goes up and down by 1 every other level. 13 one time, 14 the next, instead of always 14 like when I had 8INT. Interesting way to do things. Also, if you do like to use companions, I really do notice a difference in their durability between fairly high charisma and very low charisma. The numbers for it might not seem that impressive, but gameplay wise it seems to be. So I like to keep that at a decent level. Obviously if you don't care about companion durability, then it's best to drop it low/much better uses for those stat points.
  17. I've been avoiding the general voice actor lists for the game, because I don't like to have preconceptions in my head....but I finally went and looked through it. Some of them I recognized (or at least thought they sounded very familiar, like Kristofferson) but the actual list had me smiling. Michael Dorn? Didn't see that one. Wil Wheaton instantly knew. Rene Auberjonois, too. lol, Star Trek. Dave Foley, William Sadler, Alex Rocco, Ron Perlman? Totally awesome. Felicia Day is awesome too, even if I didn't love Veronica.
  18. Talking to Sirus for Boyd when you have a high Speech is a much different conversation than the one for high INT. I actually enjoyed it better, made Sirus seem less arrogant/slightly more grey or something. Still an ass, but I mean relatively. I guess he required an 8 INT because I have 7INT and the option didn't even show up...anyway, that was refreshing to have such a dramatic change in the dialogue for a different skill/stat option, vs. the sometimes small changes a lot of the other times.
  19. If there isn't a Bogart-like NPC in the DLC, I'll be hugely disappointed. ....since I'm still very wrapped up in the original game/GECK, I personally have no problems with waiting a few extra months or whatnot for the DLC to be given to the PC. By then I'll know better whether it seems like something I want. Thanks console people for being the guinea pigs. Hopefully tho, it'll be just as good as my experience with the Borderlands DLC's.
  20. I had horrendous fun setting Boone to a height of 10 and having him be as tall or taller as the big dino statue. He was so large he could no longer aim properly when enemies got too close & he only had to take 1 tiny jerky half-step to keep up behind me. Making him be about 2 inches tall was also funny, especially since he kept sinking underneath the ground & disappearing from view. Plus I could totally outrun him. What I really wanted, however, was to make ED-E into a tiny floating dot so it'd look like lasers were shooting out of thin air. Unfortunately ED-E doesn't seem to have height/weight values in his stat block. I was disappointed. ...speaking of easily amused...that would be me.
  21. The compass & local map do not help when there are multiple floors and multiple "triangles" and elevators like in some of the casinos. I don't find it a "really big problem" or anything...but it does occasionally become a little annoying because I'm wasting all this time running circles.
  22. Sun. night I went to sleep at 1am and woke up at 4am. Last night I fell asleep while watching 'House' and woke up at 1am. I'm now wide awake and can't go back to sleep for anything. Usually have trouble going to sleep (bad inner clock syndrome), not staying asleep.
  23. Outdoors, it gave me the sense of marching around an area I was unfamiliar with. I'd been shot in the head after all....probably amnesia. But I did find the indoor/building/Vault areas to be confusing, because much of the hallways etc. felt the same & the maps were terrible with multiple floors so I'd get all turned around/lost when trying to find one particular room or NPC.
  24. TBH I can't think of any best....not because there weren't any, but because I can't remember. I haven't played nearly as many rpg's or adventure or other plot driven games as most here, I think, and most were years ago now. Kotor2's ending got the shaft, but I still didn't feel like it was a 'worst'. I think one of the earlier Tombraider endings really annoyed me, but I can't recall why. In recent memory however, for me one of the worst was Borderlands. Not because of story (what story haha) but that was one terrible ending (and boss monster).
  25. Except for my constantly crashing 1st character, I haven't had too many crashes since w/others. A few here and there, but tolerable. Now if they'd just reliably get rid of the cowboy repeater/revolver action GUI bug.... For me enemies have always used dynamite, and grenades, and spears. Usually crippling one my limbs if it hits. Haven't seen too many heal themselves. Usually only when they run away. Edit:And yes, I agree that I like how NV area feels like one world. Visually and town wise etc. it makes sense as I go from place to place.
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