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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. What I did was I edited one of the Traits.- Add new perk entry - Entry point: Adjust Experience Points - Function: Multiply Value = 0.50 Just make sure you pick that trait and you'll get the adjusted XP from everything. Should work like a charm, unless you of course are looking for more sophisticated adjustment. That'd certainly work. It pretty much would do the same thing as what I'm doing, just taking an opposite route to it (decreasing xp for actions instead of increasing xp needed for level up). I think I prefer it to not be a trait/perk I have to choose, tho. Basically I want the first 4-5 levels to take longer but not tooo long, and then have it slow down dramatically. I'm having difficulty finding a good balance I like...if you set the XPBase/BumpBase low enough to feel like you can still get to at least lvl 3 or 4 without it taking fooorrrever it's still far too easy to get past lvl 5. If you make it so the higher levels take very long to reach, like I want, you can be stuck at lvl 1 or 2 for a very very long time. heh
  2. Convinced of what, that the combat is easy? I've kept in on VH since I first put it there. At least I have a chance of dying occasionally if someone manages to melee me (I always go 4 or less END...) or gang up on me. The hardest part in the game for me is level 1 to 2, when you have nothing. Then convicts & viper gangs start dropping 10mm's, cowboy repeaters and leather armor and the challenge is over. Thus I go get Boone and have silly fun instead. Like Cant, I don't mind if it's easy as long as there's tons of other things I love, which there are. I noticed for the first time last night that if you loot Jeannie May's corpse, when you close the loot window Boone mumbles down at you from his dinosaur perch the "I'd really like my beret back please" line. I only looted her the first time I did it (I've killed her dozens of times now, lol) and didn't have headphones on that time....he says it so quietly from the distance that if you have music on etc you canl miss it. Made me laugh. I also really love on the first journey to Novac, how those armed merchants & NRC tend to meet up on the road & fight Legion together. Then I follow them in safety the rest of the way, looting as I go. Just love the things in game like that, watching/seeing groups fight each other... I still haven't finished the game. My lvl 23 chr. is close to it, but then I get distracted by wanting to test or goof off... (edit:too many smilies look funny...)
  3. Meh, Boone only feels bugged until you're about lvl 12 or 14 or so. From what I got out of that info was he's supposed to start at 53 but ends up with 100 no matter what so until you catch up to him he seems overpowered. After that any of them can kick butt with the right gear on for their skills, or something like Pushy. I could make a player-chr. that has 100 in guns at lvl 6-7 if I really wanted...but I'm not an aim-bot. He also made it sound like some of the others might be starting a bit lower than they should, skillswise. Not sure on that tho. if they really wanted to decrease the overpoweredness of companions they should decrease their "I'm gonna attack now" range. I mean, I put cyberdog on Wait and he still ran down stairs, a hallway, and into a room to beat up on some bad guys. Boone/others literally walk entire floors or more of the Vaults on their own, flinging open doors while hunting baddies. To me that's what's wrong with them more than anything.
  4. Stayed up all night, playing/testing FONV stuff while listening to the loud rain. Rain rain rain rain! And Hurl, I'd advise at least learning some basic music-reading. It's not hard learn the basics of that at all, and it doesn't hurt to know, even if you end up mostly using tabs.
  5. I'm double-posting again! ...so far setting iXPBase (what a lvl1 chr. starts out needing to reach lvl2) at 250-300 and the iXPBumpBase (the multiplier?) between 180 & 200 seems to be making a decent difference w/out forcing you to be level 1 forever....much better. Editors are fun.
  6. It wasn't easy/felt terrible, lol. But I'm also fickle, and anything goes when it comes to testing stuff. It's also the Normal difficulty. But yeah...early game the extra hp's help a lot. And the high str.
  7. Yup, HBO...just cable's version of HD. Plus, it wasn't in 3D. The 3D in the theater wasn't that "awesome" or eye-pop stuff, but it did add a little dimension, and at home I could easily tell what bits were filmed w/the 3D in mind...also distracting.
  8. Count me in the camp that would've been more interested in the Legion is they didn't feel so obviously "the EVVVVVILLLLL ones." If they had been a bit more grey. 'Cause while I often play semi-evil, I rarely play EVVVVILLLLLL.
  9. So testing exp. lowering mods I snuck over to Novac at lvl2 on very hard, that was fun. But when I got there I decided to try and kill Boone. Heard he might have a letter on his corpse. What I found interesting was that I only got one critical hit on the guy but HE only got one on me. So it was very very close thing, but I killed him with about 10-12 bullets. I was expecting to die? Now I'm interested if I reload and hire him, if he'll waste everything like usual even tho I have him at lvl 2, which would mean it's only the player character that he sucks at hitting. I had the varmit rifle (at low repair), a 6DT leather armor, a red baseball hat...that's it. p.s. almost forgot...no letter on him. If he gets one it must be after you've gained history, or not at all...
  10. Raising both those bases by 50 makes the experience needed for next level increase by about 30-35%. Like to get from 16 to 17 need to reach 28000xp instead of 21200xp. Maybe that's a little too much. I just don't want to reach high lvls before I even start the Vegas main stuff simply because I like to explore and roam & randomly kill "everything". Agree about the stimpacks, I have over 220 of them and I think I only bought about 40. I also have about 180 Sas. sodas in storage. Doesn't bother me to have too many since I can volunteer not to use them, the thing for me is I haven't needed to use them much at all since lvl 8....not even to heal companions. Oh, that's another one...maybe auto-self-healing of companions could be removed. Most of the time they seem to do that after they put away their weapon, unless they're crippled.
  11. I think I've found the basic settings for XP related things, but there must be 60ish of them. Specific rewards seem to go in series like: iXPRewardHackComputer 20 iXPRewardHackComputerAverage 40 iXPRewardHackComputerEasy 30 iXPRewardHackComputerHard 50 iXPRewardHackComputerVeryEasy 20 But then there's also (many) ones like these: iXPKillCreatureAverage 6 ...which look like multipliers. And then these two: iXPBase 200 iXPBumpBase 150 But can't tell what they really mean/would do if I altered them or if they're even the right ones. I guess it's time to put on the experiment hat. Maybe just changing the "Reward" ones to be very low would at least help a lot. (edit:I can't search Beth's fora without signing up. Phooey....) (2nd edit:doh, LC, doh... http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Experience_Settings ... still doesn't tell me what kind of ratio they might be but I can try lowering/increasing the bases by 50 and see how that works...
  12. I'd still love a slower-leveling mod. I feel like I level up with every 2-4 quests and/or a few bunches of monsters, even post-lvl 20. Too fast for my liking.
  13. I'm becoming more annoyed at quests that break other quests. Killed Motor Runner for someone and now I can't do one of the options in a Khan's series. One could argue that it's 'realistic consequences', I get that, but it's still extremely frustrating when you encounter it, because when you get that quest failed message you may have no idea if it'll be something you'll care about until maybe hours later. On the plus side, those NCR quests that dealt with the King etc. sure gave me a lot of experience, and I didn't have to kill anybody. It's one thing I've liked a lot about FONV...so many non-violent options. 80-90% of the time for actual quests I haven't had to kill anyone. Except for Legion, of course. *looks askance at Boone*
  14. Just watched Avatar on the 50" tv, via HBO. It's the 2nd viewing for me. On the big screen I think I gave it a B+, maybe a little higher. On the TV I'd give it a B- or slightly lower. All the bright, over-saturated/shiny CGI that I could tell was CGI +story weakness became that much more noticeable when not being awed by huge screen and really detracted for me. Older action movies like Aliens translate to the small screen a lot better.
  15. Ok, thank you! Rex is adorable. I like him much better than EDE. Can't recruit Arcade right now but he seems nice enough on intro. Pleasant voice tone. Might try him for a few minutes if I can make myself send Boone back to his dinosaur.
  16. lol, don't you love new games where half the info are still 'maybes?' I'd heard that the original elder had to still be in place for that to work. I guess only one way to find out for sure what works in your game. I'm a bit confused tho...I've decided I want to stick with NCR because of Boone-roleplaying, but I have no NCR quest that seems related to the chip at all. The Ambassador sent his messenger when I arrived, but his quests don't seem very related...am I on the right path?
  17. No, I think there's no way around it.... I'm having 'moral' dilemma because I've been siding with the NCR for a long time but I have the feeling its' going to come down to House vs. everyone else. Haven't given the chip to House yet, can't decide. All I know is I don't want YesMan this time.
  18. I left Boone to 'wait' outside the bunker and had no difficulty getting in/them turning violent. No NCR armor, that's a no-no. I think one of the companions is supposed to make a negative reaction but it isn't Boone. edit:checked, think I was wrong, no companion makes a bad reaction. Just the NCR armor (any kind/form). They "arrest" you the first time I think no matter what. But I don't know about the crash. Some report that wearing the rebreather causes consistent crash there. Come to think of it, I think I did crash when I first entered their stairways after being 'arrested' but I reloaded and it was fine. :/
  19. Yes, I'm at the point where I have the chip. Guess I'll just go for it. I can always reload if it turns into game-break bug disaster or something.
  20. I'm level 19 or 20, I forget. Boone pretty much wipes everything to the floor now, toe to toe or ranged, but of course sometimes enemies get repeated lucky crits on him. Myself...8Luck, 95Guns, +Boone's hat +Finesse & other perks +Sniper rifle +booster drugs and even w/my slow reflexes I'm not terrible. Besides, as hard as the worst baddies can hit in Very Hard, I don't think another 30 or 60 hit points is going to make too much difference.
  21. (sorry the color's a bit wonky. So dark...had to alter stuff...)
  22. Ok then, how about this....what I mean is, I read there's stuff to do with House in the space beneath the Fort...does killing Caesar break this in any way? Or do they give you other options, like I'm hoping & that they have in other things. I don't know if that part is integral to the main plot, hence my slight worry. (p.s. in case it's not obvious I'm going the House/NCR route...not the YesMan or other route)
  23. I'm fine with Boone wiping Legion. I only care if it'll break the game by not letting me talk to Caesar when I have to, or whatever.
  24. Getting to the Boomers was aggravating, lol! But their chain of s hort quests was kinda fun to do. In terms of meeting Caesar...I assume Boone wiping Cottontown off the map means I can still take the ferry to get to Caesar, right? Boone won't kill the ferry service dude or something?
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