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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I dunno...how fast is fast for FO3? It's barely been over a month for NV, many are still playing the game, even if for the 2nd or 3rd time. I assume you mean new areas/quests type mods, vs. the usual common easy-to-do-stuff. I get the impression that making a serious mod that adds content is a large undertaking to get it to work right and most don't do it. Plus, there's been some question where I think people are a bit nervous that they'll plop mods into areas that will end up being used/taken over/conflict in the DLC. Or something.
  2. Even small things like the crows make me think of The Stand/other references. Some of the graffiti-ed up road signs/rocks too. I love those, sprinkled throughout the game.
  3. Yes, I've noticed some Stand-like aspects to the game...although similar to you, I'm not sure if it's really the Stand so much as a general post-apocalyptic iconic lore that is now familiar to me from years of such. I probably think of the Stand because it's a book I've read a dozen times. heh I know...it's become ridiculous even for me. It's only the 2nd time this has happened. And while I liked Atton way back when, this is on a whole 'nother scale because the gameplay allows for so much more freedom w/companions. I hoped taking on other companions would make it go away but not yet...
  4. Dear Boone:I love your quest and helping you come to terms with your emotional issues, but I wish that doing so didn't make your paper-doll quality go away. (which is why I put it off for as long as possible now). edit...there must be a way to change that via the editor...time to hunt.
  5. I'm definitely not used to buttons doing double or triple duty ala consoles, hence why it never occurred to me to hold certain buttons down longer in order to get a different function. I also had no idea how to hotkey weapons/items until I asked and spent quite some early time hitting TAB mid-combat to switch weapons. I have no issue with pdf's, but I don't see why a direct download game can't have at least a txt. file included/placed in the games main folder, with just a list of all the keyboard functions on it. I don't care about any story/monster side info or pictures...but the in-game menu doesn't have half this stuff listed, so I had no clue.
  6. What link? I see no link. When I bought the game I saw 'buy game' and 'buy official guide'. I skipped the later. There's no manual-like readme in the game folder and the start menu has nothing. ....I suppose this is a figure out where-in-the-steam-menus the link is thing. eg, not intuitive to old farts like me. Should have a readme that mentions the link. lol
  7. All these hours spent...quite a few cateyes used...a lot of "damn this game is pitch black" comments as I ran through some room...and then recently I learned that a pipboy flashlight existed. Argh. I kept seeing those in-game messages about the pipboy light 'giving you away' and I was always thinking "what light?" I'd go into pipboy and see nothing, no button to press etc. My steam copy did not come with any manual at all. *slapface*
  8. Wait. What? Oh, not my Commander Adams. ....he had a great, long-lived life and good/fun career. Definitely will be missed.
  9. Cirque du Freak ...What a strange, odd little movie. More geared for the pre to young teen set I'd guess, in that dark-in-a-youthful way like Labyrinth or something...but yet I kind of liked it. The main attraction for me was John C. Reilly playing the vampire/mentor. I'd never seen him play that sort of character before, and I think he did pretty well with it. Pretty much the only reason I kept watching. I wouldn't say it was a good film, but it was...interesting. Chris Massoglia, the guy playing the lead young male, is like a cross between a young Justine Bateman and Ashton Kutcher....and not terribly talented.
  10. This is the only reason I re-subscribed to HBO after 3 years. It had better be awesome. :D Sean Bean, Peter Dinklage...yeah baby. Also, whoever this is, he has my attention.
  11. So I dumped a whole bunch of food items in a huge pile on the floor of the 38. Craig and Arcade kept walking by every few minutes to scoop something off of the pile. The rate and amount of food your companions can eat while at the 38 is astronomical. I laughed for as long as the food lasted....which wasn't very long.
  12. I love repair in general and the jury rigging perk specifically. I haven't spent a dime on weapon/armor repairs in the game and I like it that way. But I also agree that you don't need high INT to beat the game/feel skilled enough. The game is designed fairly well where there's usually some other option even if you don't mean the skill check. Not always, but a lot of the time. Like, most of the medicine checks I've encountered also have parts ways to handle it. Only one or two I encountered actually required the check itself. Unrelated side note: I discovered companions love buffout. They'll use it with far more regularity than stimpacks when they start to take actual dmg/face strong enemies and the extra HP's saved Arcade's butt a couple times. So I'm wandering around with a couple drug addicts...hehe
  13. I encountered that group once too. I think they're just a scripted "surprise" event for curious players who go back, nothing important.
  14. No, Humanoid's right. They're even a part of the radio news if you do their related quest.
  15. @Cant - have you tried overloading Boone's weight capacity yet?
  16. I'm sorry you're having such an experience with the game. I know the last patch introduced the GUI freeze bug for me, which keeps me from using half the weapons in the game. Blargh. heh But one reason companies don't like to announce dates on patches is because it's often difficult to predict exactly when they'll decide a patch is 'ready'. Patches don't have the same kind of, say, sales/business pressures as game itself. If they name a date then realize there's one more thing that needs attention that will delay it a few days, it just makes people more angry. Better to just release it when it's ready. I'm personally confident that the next patch will be released before the DLC tho.
  17. From the Beth boards, it appears Sawyer has mentioned cutting the crit chance for the Sniper Rifle by a lot in the next patch. That should help make it less OP'd up close at least (since you can do sneak crits from distance it'll still be awesome for that). I don't have a quote from him or the post but if true, coupled with the fixes to energy weapon DT issue and some of the weapon stuff may start to feel a bit more balanced. But we'll see.
  18. There are vehicles in Borderlands. Tunnels? Not really. And yes it's a fun game. Lightweight but fun. Even my husband liked it & he doesn't play games much.
  19. Is that the same Umpa animation mod from FO3? I'd guess/say so...with some additions. It's priceless, especially with all companions at once. I love it.
  20. Many characters/npc's dancing! .... I must have this mod, I want a dancing Boone. And Vulpes, and Benny, and... Hahaha!
  21. They're a bit nutters, yup. So I loaded save game, re-entered tunnel, and Arcade didn't bug out this time. This was with the mod still on/active, so I don't think it was the mod. Just a weird glitch. Strange. heh
  22. So I ran into a strange glitch. I entered the tunnel to the Boomers (already did their stuff, but never been in the tunnel so was curious) and upon entering, Arcade immediately fell to the ground as if he'd dropped from a great height and was unconscious. When he woke up, his health bar was almost at 0, so I checked his Wheel: This has made him effectively invulnerable! I've reloaded the game, I've quit/restarted/reloaded, I've fired him and rehired, I've fired the other two companions first then removed the companion mod, fired & rehired again etc. in case that screwed anything up....but he's totally stuck this way. Much as having a SuperArcade is amusing, guess I'll have to reload before entering there and hope it doesn't happen this time.
  23. Agreed. Sometimes it is fun to create such a really 'gimped' character to give yourself an uber extra challenge, but it shouldn't feel like it's necessary to seriously gimp. From reading a lot of other boards, I'd agree here too. Like you say, many of us here...and many with these kind of complaints...are hardcore gamers who like to turn the game inside & out and learn mechanics or whatever else floats our personal boats. I don't think that's actually the majority of people who purchase the game, tho.
  24. I completely agree. It's called designers giving the player choices to do as they will. If the will isn't strong enough to NOT use those things, that's not the game's problem. Now, if my personal desire for combat challenge was 'fixed' just by not using a sniper rifle, I'd be fine with that, and conclude that the game wasn't 'easy' so much as only that one weapon is overpowered, so I should stop using it. But with a lot of testing & trials, for me at least, it's NOT just because of one weapon. It's the whole general concept of how dmg/weapons/DT blah blah works. But again, not trying to say there should be any mandatory change. Would just like another difficulty option. I personally would have no problem with this. Actually, I'd have no problem with a game that had no character-level at all, IF it was a well designed system. You could gain skill/stat increases in other ways besides "ding I'm lvl 18, time to spend points!" But the progressive clvl concept is so old and tried and true it's hard to alter it. People expect it, want it, etc.
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