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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I think the rate of increase has picked up again somewhat already.
  2. And there they are! Keep on pledging, folks! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/obsidian/project-eternity/posts
  3. This produces a most amusing image in my mind of everyone grooving to some wild celebratory tunes. Doesn't help I saw a funny .gif like that earlier .... I'm just happy it's funded and will be made ... I can wait a bit for the stretch goals.
  4. Ok, that's kind of what I was thinking, in terms of visually. DS3 crossed my mind earlier, too. And in that case, I'd say I'd be absolutely fine with 3D isometric. 2D can be very nice, but I'm not convinced that it's necessarily better. Even in terms of details ... I think that is often more of an emotional perception of what "details" mean, art-wise, and not everyone is going to agree on a definition for that.
  5. I'm not really clear/up on the difference between 3D isometric and 2D isometric, visually, in terms of modern-day (eg, I do know/remember BG/IWD style but that's a long time ago). Can someone give me an example of a more modern game of each type, that I can go look at screens for? I mean, is Wasteland2 considered 3D or 2D?
  6. I wouldn't want every game to be isometric, but I do like it and sometimes miss it, and I tend to prefer that 3/4 perspective vs. 1st person or even over the shoulder, so ... looking forward to it. I'm going to be very interested in some screenshots showing what they're doing with it graphically, however. Will it be more akin to those older games, with that somewhat flatter, more sprite-y look, or more like Wasteland2, Path of Exile, etc. I liked the screens/videos of Wasteland2, in terms of graphical look. Path of Exile is nice too, overall.
  7. I disliked early versions of Steam and refused to use it for ages, but it's become tolerable to me in the past couple years. That said, I still prefer not to use Steam when it's an option and I would definitely be up for and pay extra for a GoG version.
  8. Today I spent far too much time watching some numbers on some website increase in rapid increments. It's surprisingly entertaining. Unrelated to that, I also spent quite a bit of time thinking about how one can be technically proficient at something but because of a lack of a certain type of mental creativity, still kinda suck at it.
  9. A hand cannon that rapid-fire shoots a dozen very angry hamsters onto your enemy. It shall be called ... Boo's Revenge.
  10. What I wouldn't mind seeing is a playable race that isn't humanoid. eg, one that doesn't have two legs, arms, neck, two eyes, etc ... a non-human race that looks like a human only with fish scales for skin or roots for hair gets a bit old at times.
  11. I have a feeling there's more map than can be seen in that picture. There's more red lettering under the border at the bottom. How much more tho, I couldn't guess. Could be just a little more ... or another half continent more.
  12. They are indeed. Therefore, I'm putting in my vote now for one of the male companion NPC's to have an aging, ex-boxer softening into retirement type of physique (so still rather strong) but with a large lower potbelly. From drinking all that ale in every tavern, you know. High calorie stuff.
  13. I still pine for that dev. game party but outside of that I don't really care. However, it does feel a bit different (reward tiers), for those that do care about it - mostly compared to some others I've seen. Maybe a $200 pledge with something like that chest they did for the Borderlands2, or a small statue, or ... um ... I dunno, I'm not very creative and I'm sure you know what I mean. But I have no idea how costly it is to maybe have to hire a manufacturer to create those types of things, even if you limited it to 300 or something. I'm fine with the rewards ... I'd rather more was spent on the game itself than on potentially giving me some more trinkets.
  14. My main complaint about the map we have at the moment is that the given screenshot is too small and I have to put on my reading glasses to read the names. "Lake of Drow Tombs/Lake of Drowned Tombs" ... Many of the names do feel a bit simple but like Humanoid said, I kinda like it vs. the often made-up gibberish language stuff. Having a mix of both types might feel a bit more realistic tho, as a world of multiple race/areas probably aren't all going to be commonly known with only descriptive "common language" names. That said, I have no idea what concept they have in mind for language among current race or historical (to the game world) races.
  15. I like when your actions have consequences within the game. Make someone too angry thru action or dialogue and they won't deal with you anymore, or having to choose sides in some faction/group conflict. And I do like it when having charisma or charm skills or even what I'm wearing (a uniform, badge) etc. can be influential in some way during a conversation/situation. What I don't like, however, is when you're playing, say, a Thief, who successfully steals items when no one is looking ... and somehow everyone everywhere still automatically knows you've done wrong and your rep goes down or whatever. Or in terms of alignment in some games - the notion that everyone I meet will magically know what "alignment" I am upon first sight, before I've even opened my mouth, always feels a bit silly.
  16. I keep thinking there must be 20 Resident Evil films by now, but then when I look it up, there's only like ... what ... 4? (now 5?) ... and I go "no wai is that all?" I remember I thought the first one was at least watchable. I tried to watch the last one on cable recently. I turned it off after about 30 minutes.
  17. That's a great thought/idea. A small quest npc would be perfect, but even the small shrine idea, or some other naming thing, would be something. I couldn't quite justify going up to $1000 myself, either (yet), to do it that way, alas.
  18. How about some female characters that don't have wasp waists/hour-glass hips etc, that is not a female dwarf? Not that I personally care toooo much, but it would be nice sometimes if there was more than just a token town NPC or two who was less idealized in that regard.
  19. I don't think they have it completely figured out how many/what type of options will ultimately be available, so possibly no real answer to that just yet. Yes Steam has to be open/running, but Steam does not require you to be online in order to play. So I find it tolerable in small doses/the occasional game, even if I still don't like the system as a whole. I've come to the conclusion it's just about the least annoying DRM available.
  20. I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy. Group hug! In case of emergency, I was going to offer to host some bake-sales with profits going to the project, but I think such measures won't be required. Which is good, but I'm not actually that great a baker.
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