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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Haven't DL'd her myself but from what I'm hearing, if you spec her for her pet and back it up with snipers, she's OP'd, turning BadAsses and Goliath's into chumps ... but then again, you might be able to say that for certain gear/skill builds of Axton's turret. Or Zero's melee. So if you like "pet" classes, she's probably awesome. If you don't like pets doing a lot of the work for you, she's probably just average.
  2. LadyCrimson


    *singing/dancing* .... "Jessie's girl! I wish that I had Jessie's girl! Where can I find a woman like that?" You wrote it? Very nice, well played and relaxing. Me likey.
  3. Feargus bobblehead. Just sayin'.
  4. This. That said, as always, I don't mind if they're included in the game as part of an optional quest, or some such. Just don't want to "have" to do one. So...I guess..."Don't care?"
  5. I definitely like defense tactics/option like these, but to repeat the others, not sure how well it could be done in P.E. Would there even be something like crouching? Would it be something we as the player would have to command/control or would party/AI use crates as cover on their own?
  6. I really like that in-your-face horse combat piece. It's the perspective. As to armor ... I'd like to see a variety of inspirations and not just the same ol' same ol'. Take a piece of this, mix and match, whatever. As long as it isn't too over the top redonkulous ... parade/ceremonial armor should be left in the parade, imo.
  7. For some reason I can't see the vid this time ... is it the same one? In any case, I do think it's best to contain the soundtrack hunt within one thread rather than make a new topic each time, so I'm closing this one. Markijoe, please feel free to continue your requests in your original thread.
  8. Blasphemy! This game does look pretty, tho. I'm not typically into space-sims (or online) but ... well, if the actual game looks anything like that trailer, it could definitely be a visual treat.
  9. Some people just love a sale. We have family that will burn $2 in gas to save $0.75 on a carton of eggs. Nothing much happening so far today....but it's still early. Planning on a short hike with the macro lenses, something I like to do after a rain.
  10. I liked Zero at the early levels, but since I'm not into melee in BL at all (I've tried...it's just so clunky/don't like it), his skill isn't interesting to me. He just becomes a super-sniper with a panic button that isn't even as good as Lilith's was in BL1. Thus ... I suspect I'd end up feeling the same. If you like his melee skill and master it tho, he's supposed to be a pretty nifty powerhouse.
  11. Oh, I'd love companions like that....at least, for most of the things. Giving them yet more of a sense of being "members of a team." I'd have no problem giving them some share of the gold I find, at least ... AI for them to loot/shop would be difficult, like the others mention, so I don't think that would happen in PE, at least. And I do like being able to choose what gear my party members wear, since that helps you build strategy re: your battles. But yes, it would be hilarious and frustrating at the same time. Completely different genre, but in the RTS game Majesty, your hero units would collect their bounties (that you put on things you wanted them to do) then go into the shops and buy item upgrades (you had little/no control over it). It was great...you'd get attached to one particular Monk, Warrior, or Wizard or whatever because he'd have bought every upgrade or something. Fun stuff.
  12. Did it come with some other velcro patch? I know this is off-topic but I'm curious what the original purpose of it was for? ...but I do think you're right and the PE cloth patch would would look pretty nifty on that spot.
  13. They put velcro squares on the outside of laptop bags? Or did you put it there ...
  14. Yeah...pre-orders get to DL the Mech class early. As I understand it everyone else will get it with the DLC release. Hubs and I need to level up - next story quest says 42 but we're 39. Just killing stuff on it's own isn't it doing it very fast, but it's making us money. Still want to avoid most side quests in PT2 until higher lvl. The ammo becomes so expensive as you level. At least you can get it cheaper in Southern Shelf still. But if you wear a max-ammo capacity mod, every time you first enter the game it doesn't include/create that extra (even if you were full when you exited the game, eg you lose that ammo), so you have to go buy ammo to fill up to your possible max before heading out. Gets expensive.
  15. Holy sudden thunder/rainstorm! Guess we didn't get the backyard "stuff" rain-covered in time. Not that I expect it to last long. I always love the first few big rains, tho.
  16. The best I've ever seen is a sort of ripple. It's not something that's necessary in a game but yeah, it would be cool to see.
  17. The issue is that, in terms of compromise (different players want different things), if there is to be only one method of saving ... then, while self-discipline isn't something we always have a lot of, all the time, it is definitely a player option to exercise it...whereas no multiple saves etc. creates a distinct lack of option. So while you're not getting what you specifically feel you need, it is, imo, the best way to handle it. The game designers are not responsible for individual's lack of gameplay self-discipline any more than an author is responsible for an individual's inability to not read the last page of the book first.
  18. You need to resize the image yourself, then upload/link to that smaller version in your signature, rather than the original sized one.
  19. I pledged my top amount on day one ... but y'all are making it really tough to stand firm on that. Really, really tough.
  20. Oh yes. I've seen that one a lot too. It's the one I was thinking of when I said "things you can do with paper," in fact. Just couldn't think of how to describe it.
  21. The save system in BL can actually be even more annoying in co-op, because the enemies become stronger/harder/more numerous and it can thus take you even longer to finish a questline/get through an area. Or like in Diablo2 where those WayPoints were few and far between. Games that have both single-player and multiplayer game modes would only have to put in a lot more "loading" points than they tend to, in order to alleviate the issue. If you're going to use that kind of system, give players more than one save/load spot per area/long quest. It's just silly, imo, when they don't. those games are designed a lot more around the action though, so in general repeating content is less of an issue. at least in my experience. I play Diablo or Borderlands to kill stuff. Everything else is tertiary. Killing stuff is something you do in a cRPG, but generally its not the sole purpose for playing the game. not saying you're wrong though. just why its not as big of a deal in those games. I agree it's not as much of an issue in those games....outside of the time issue. The time concept of having to replay areas if you can't finish a quest in the time you have available can be a big deal to some people, however. At least the first time through the game when you have no idea how long anything is going to take and can't reliably judge whether you have enough time to 'just do one quest' or not.
  22. The save system in BL can actually be even more annoying in co-op, because the enemies become stronger/harder/more numerous and it can thus take you even longer to finish a questline/get through an area. Or like in Diablo2 where those WayPoints were few and far between. Games that have both single-player and multiplayer game modes would only have to put in a lot more "loading" points than they tend to, in order to alleviate the issue. If you're going to use that kind of system, give players more than one save/load spot per area/long quest. It's just silly, imo, when they don't.
  23. I've never understood games that had tons of "rusty half-broken iron sword" type items that do less damage than even a "regular," plain, basic sword...that no one was ever going to use in the first place. Why bother. It's just clutter on the ground. In games like PE, I prefer loot that is at least somewhat randomized. Certain enemies/quest things having special gear is fine...as are hidden, secret stashes etc... but to repeat myself, on replays, I don't want to know that a chest in this one pub bedroom will always contain a sapphire and 20 gold. So at the least there should be a list of possible things that can be in common/everyday chests and enemy drops that the game randomly chooses from, so it'll feel a bit varied. I have no desire to loot someone's 5copper nose ring, unless it's a Nose Charm of Flu Immunity.
  24. Yeah, exactly. I don't always understand why people get a dog (or any pet) that they don't seem to have the time/energy for. I tried researching breeds of dogs and their common temperaments and that was when I realized I probably didn't have what it take since I'd want one of the larger, more active ones. My sister-in-law has moved out of CA, up north now, with a much much bigger yard/house vs. what she had here, so I bet that's helped. Their dog wasn't huge, but it was extremely hyper (some kind of wolf/husky looking breed). Having more than a small, fenced in suburban yard to run around in is probably heaven for him.
  25. So is that what you call those things .... I remember when I was little, some kids would be clustered around each other while one showed off with one....as well as other "things you can do with paper" items.
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