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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Hmmmmmmmmm......this one actually looks promising. Sandbox and editor tools a huge huge huge ++++++ in my book. Hmmmmmmmm.....
  2. That Oblivion trailer seems to have been pulled, since it's not officially supposed to be out until tomorrow I think. Anyway, I can't see it. I'm not a fan of Cruise as RL persona or actor, but I think he has been in some decent movies. He (or his agents) know what scripts to pick, most of the time. I generally like him better when he's playing the stoic, action type (like in Collateral or MI) vs. the heroic, human drama type. Most of the time I ignore him and just focus on the movie/other actors. Anyway, I'll look for the trailer tomorrow. If he's playing a loner-type in a sci-fi movie, I might find that decent.
  3. Yeah....the sister-in-law's son did that Boy Scout overnight thing too. I think they should do that for adults as well ... pay more, get to stay overnight. Maybe they do, for all I know. Heh. Didn't know that about The Rock bit tho...I love that silly movie. Well, parts of it anyway. Had a giggle-filled night with the hubs (only he can make me laugh like that all the time.... ), soon off to dreamland.
  4. This website/article still has it up (it's not a YouTube embed). Both the VGA intro and the trailer (at about 5minutes in): http://www.polygon.com/2012/12/7/3741834/south-park-the-stick-of-truth-vga-trailer ...I still have no interest in South Park, but the Spock joke moment made me lol.
  5. There's The Kickstarter thread in the "Computer and Console" forum, with occasional dedicated threads to a few specific projects as well. The C&C is the forum for generalized/other game/gaming news discussion. Edit: ...that's if you were asking about a place on the Obsidian fora. If not ... nvm, just ignore me. :laugh:
  6. YES!! this was a key reference image that I used. Again this drawing was exploratory, to contribute to the conversation of architectural style. It's not necessarily going to be in the game. There are others, and they are all color, but i didn't post them yet. Can you post the buildings location in Google maps?? Are there other buildings in your town like this, because yes! we do like Romanesque. For some reason, I find this really awesome. That someone came to this forum, looked at the pics, thought one of them reminded of something in his town, mentions it....and it turns out they're right and it was a major part of the inspiration.
  7. It's cute, but it would have been more funny if the cat was stamping its paws on the keyboard and at the monitor or something. Even the GoG version of BG1?
  8. One of those games eh? Can you run up to them and talk to them first, or does that have the opposite issue of running up to say hi and they shoot you dead?
  9. I don't like unrelenting tension in games. Wait, no that's not entirely true. I admire/respect it, because games that manage to put me in that sort of state are rare, but I won't generally get far/play a game of that type even if I think it's awesome (Amnesia). I don't want to play an RPG to be sweaty-palm stressed out all the time. :laugh: So I'd rather not have that. Horror graphical elements, horror-like creatures to set a mood in some dungeons etc. are fine tho.
  10. I was briefly engaged to Pac-Man once. Unfortunately he was too much of a celebrity and it caused some strife, plus that mouth of his...he just would not shut up.
  11. I did take pictures, but mostly nothing different from 7trillion other photos of the place, out there in the world. But here's a couple: When the boat approaches close to the island, lots of people take pictures. There's this tiny sign visible in many of those, and this is what it says: My husband is about 6' 1". He's standing there for scale. Most of the cells are tiny. There are some "luxury" cells, a bit deeper/wider and facing outer wall windows (sun)..those were like the Hilton of jail cells.
  12. "Is that the key to your heart?" "Don't button that up." Haha, that was great.
  13. Y'know, Alcatraz is a neat place, but I think visiting it twice is about all I need for my lifetime. That said, it would be kind of cool if you could hang out on the island overnight all by yourself. I'd love to have a house on a small island like that. It's always great to see the sibling in-laws. They're always fun. After spending a couple hours on the island we had some great BBQ lunch and wandered around Ghirardelli a while. I really miss them living closer. The Alcatraz tour people do that thing where they take a picture of you in front of a large picture of Alcatraz island and then sell it to you when you get back. They're always quite terrible, but the sibling in-laws bought them anyway. The most interesting thing about that photo was how startled I was by how grey my temples have become. It's really noticeable in the pic (vs. when I glance idly in a mirror).
  14. I tried that once....never again. I can think of a few things that might be worse, but not a whole lot of them.
  15. Looks like it might be sunny...do I take just the general, fairly wide-to-fairly-zoomed zoom lens for flexibility, or the much higher quality 100mm macro lens? Or I could take both, but that gets to be a pain to carry around when you just want to enjoy yourself on a short touristy thingie. Considering how picky I am about camera glass, I'd prefer the macro, but it is limited...this isn't a bug-watching or portrait-taking photo op. Decisions, decisions.
  16. This .... makes total sense. And that would be the awesome, actually. I mean, the whole Khan thing was never completely officially confirmed, was it? Even on IMDB it says (rumored). So they could be thinking "everyone thinks it's Khan? Great, let them think that." Note: the character also wears a black shirt with the Federation emblem on it. I suppose he could have stolen the shirt to wear, but if not, that would make Mitchell even more likely (Khan was never originally in Starfleet...). Regardless, I love Benedict, and he's the main reason I'd go see this new ST....in the theater. Even if he is Khan, I bet he'll surprise people and make a decent one for an alternate-reality backstory-Khan. He won't be Ricardo, but no one could be.
  17. Having characters/races that I like aesthetically is always a bonus, but I ultimately don't care that much whether they're cool or unique or whatever. I care about their "personality." They could all have Pac-Man heads as long as I like their dialogues and attitudes and how useful they are. I've shunned/ignored companions in other games simply because I don't like their character, even if they were aesthetically pleasing. I don't think the concept arts look like beast people either. Not sure where that's coming from. And I like the wizard one...he's not Tolkien-elf uber handsome or Conan-like. I find his painted face interesting, like he might have stories to tell. The warrior does remind me a bit of an Orc, tho. I think it's the fierce expression and pulled back hair more than anything else. Not like there are sharp protruding teeth or something.
  18. Not like humans are an endangered species at the moment!
  19. Falling behind in "stuff" again... The Alcatraz thing is a go for tomorrow. At least I don't have to drive, because I can make hubby drive. I don't like driving in the city anymore, if I don't have to. We'll have to rely on hub's sister for the lunch spot. They're a lot more familiar with SF places than we are (they have a time-share in the city and spend several weekends a year there as casual vacations). Just hoping we can leave the city before 3:30pm or so, or we'll get stuck in traffic. Hubs is wondering if he'll get seasick since he hasn't been on a boat since he was a kid. I'm all "It's 15 minutes on a Bay, not a wild ocean. You'll be fine."
  20. For me it's all about taste. Which is why I don't like most seafood. Don't like the taste or smell. Lobster/oysters makes me a bit queasy (belly doesn't like it). Smoked salmon and some of the meatier fish can be cool, tho. And yeah....I don't like food that's staring at me. Gotta be butchered, no heads. Chopped off a giant catfish head once. That was tougher to do than it sounds. I mean physically...didn't have a huge chopper knife so we had to hack and hack at it before succeeding.
  21. No moral objection, but I would definitely have an emotional objection to eating cats. Or a few other fave animals. That said, if I'm lost in the woods or there's a zombie apocalypse and I'm starving, everything is fair game.
  22. I stopped watching about halfway through the 2nd season. Peter's Tyrion will always be a legend in my eyes, however. HBO's Rome did the politics/scheming stuff much better.
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