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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'd give a lot, sometimes, if someone would invent a product that would allow cats to open cans of cat food and feed themselves. Also, it's funny how if you watch someone sing, they can sound fine to your ears because their facial expressions help convey emotion to you which somehow elevates it, but if you listen without looking at them, they suddenly sound terrible. Or, vice versa.
  2. Stupid Planet Explorer's alpha has me locked in and forgetting about time. Gah, I'm running late on some errands. The alpha does have rough spots but with a year to refine it hopefully they'll be smoothed over. Still highly addictive. I might even up my pledge a bit. But just to say ... if you aren't into building/creation/exploration-while-gathering-resource type games it's probably not a game for you. There is a story and quests, but it's not like Skyrim or something. ...must turn off game now...to do other things...
  3. So what do people think about things like this one? http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1030276638/911-cross-country-road-trip ...does that qualify as "fund my car/vacation?" and not "fund my documentary?" Or this one (image) http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3sdrv4jhE1rugltbo1_1280.png I see stuff like that on KS all the time. The difference is, usually they're ignored or not noticed by backers. Your Kickstarter Sucks - all kinds wonky, weird, silly, and sometimes borderline projects from the past year.
  4. You'll be an old fart in only 7 more years? Wouldn't that mean you're already an old fart? Just admit it.
  5. I think concepts like Kickstarter are going to be prone to growing pains as they figure out whether rules they have work or don't work and how/when they wish to enforce them. I believe they have, in the past, been fairly harsh/closed down on some projects that broke rules, here and there but it wouldn't surprise me if they let some borderline ones slide all the time. I guess it still doesn't bother me in terms of the company itself and whether I want to fund interesting, legitimate projects. They'd have to do more over a longer period of time for me to think they're actually morally bankrupt or something. But anyway, to close/not close now is likely more about embarrassment ... someone at KS thought it was cute/adorable and promoted it, then other well knowns promoted it, etc. To turn around and then cancel it admits they were taken in, or maybe they think it'd make them look callous to youth, or whatever. So it'd likely take a bit more than email complaints to shut it down at this point. National broadcast investigative news story might work. I do think it's a valid point, now, that if the mom is now going to pay for the camp herself and donate the funds to some other organization (to which she's whining that she's not sure which place to donate to that doesn't break the KS rules), why not just close the project. The kid's point was made, mom's now going to pay for the camp, so there's no point in the KS at all.
  6. Apparently those night crabs in Planet Explorers are afraid of light. So I put on a headlamp ... we shall see if that helps. Otherwise I'll pretty much have to sleep through the darkness, until I have better weapons anyway. I can't wait to make some swords and guns (some animals run away so gonna need ranged to hunt them), but I don't think I have the materials yet. The crafting screen seems like one of those easy to use, long time to master sort of things. Alpha .53 has it so one can't really dig straight/even floored tunnels/lines easily, which is frustrating if you're trying to level ground. ... I think they're planning on implementing such as a feature eventually tho. Yup, like this game. At least if it doesn't get funded, I'll still have this partial alpha to mess with. Pretty awesome for a KS creator to have such a playable version for DL like that.
  7. When you're wearing a plumed hat, you'll be able to cast the Fluffy Feather of Paralyzing Tickles, which will easily allow you to dispatch your giggling and helpless opponent....unless, of course, they make their Not-Ticklish saving throw.
  8. The Planet Explorers (KS) public alpha build.
  9. If a cereal called CinnaMoons actually existed, I would probably have to try it. Game looks candilicious and a bit creepy-surreal at the same time.
  10. Oh, I think I like this PlanetExplorers game. Definitely will back it. At first I tried the just-build mode, but had no clue what to do. Just dug holes in the dirt. Then I tried Story mode, which had me next to a crashed plane with some lady to talk to/get easy starter missions from. Wandered around, collected resources, made some starter gear. All nice stuff. Then it got dark. Really dark. And I was still running around (not too far from the ship tho) on the beach nearby. Giant crabs or something just appeared out of nowhere with the dark. A whole bunch. Kill them? No wai. Chased me everywhere until dawn. Put a few pictures in the screenshot thread here. Definitely feels Minecraft-y I suppose, only with better graphics and more to do, perhaps. I wish you could rotate your view using the mouse-at-edge-of-screen method, since using the Q and E keys feels awkward when using WASD to also move, but you get used to it.
  11. What a nice place. Explore, chop down trees, collect herbs. Relax. But then at night....
  12. It's not Vader oriented, but here's what instantly came to mind when I read this: "You've left me an opening!"
  13. @Rosbjerg -- hahaha, that's exactly it! Finally done! Let's see if it'll install now...
  14. Because the Siren is my husband and he doesn't use it.
  15. I'm the opposite ... played only Divine Divinity, which I liked quite a bit. This new one seems like it has some of the qualities I liked about that one, plus all kinds of new features that make it even better. Just seems like my kind of game.
  16. I wanted to try out the current public alpha of the Planet Explorer's Kickstarter, but apparently it's a pretty large file (1.5GB) and the download server is really slow, so at the moment I'm sitting here impatiently watching a progress bar. Their funding goal is modest and the game looks like it might be interesting, combining RPG with sandboxy play + a build mode, but since they're offering the option, I want to take a peek at it before donating even 20 bucks.
  17. *way up here in the clouds* ... Project Eternity *on a mountaintop* ... Divinity:Original Sin, Grim Dawn (aRPG) *down here on the ground* ... so far, everything else. Certainly a lot of maybes, that I might buy and try upon release and who knows, could end up as faves. But initially without high personal expectations. Altho, I feel like I should be more excited for more titles ... perhaps it's just because I'm a grumpy ol' woman now.
  18. It's pretty rare stories in games pull me in at all, especially emotionally. Something about the ent. format keeps games more at a distant task-oriented mentality than ever an emotional one. But occasionally they do (which is why I love Obsidian...). But if the graphics are wowzer enough, sometimes they sweep me away just from the environment immersion aspect. Anyway...sounds like it does have at least some reason to replay it, if one likes the gameplay enough. Good to know.
  19. Since a lot of games have trigger points for things/enemies (they aren't initially inserted in the game/level/area until you reach a certain distance from said point), you can easily start an area with very few enemies to render, then as you kill some and trigger more and keep going, they pile up, so now instead of a few initial enemies/bodies, you have dozens (or hundreds, or whatever). So if an area is large/open ended, it does add up. No different than how in some games/engines, even too many placed rocks/terrain items can cause issues. But these days, I don't think it'd be that big a deal in this sort of 2D game, unless one's computer is ancient or the engine itself is really limited in that fashion for some reason. Disclaimer: I'm not a programmer.
  20. I'm usually more concerned with replayability than pure campaign length. Even with action games. If a FPS/action is short but gives me reason to replay it a few times, it's ok that it's short. If it's a game that's more of a one-off (great experience but no desire to replay because it's all or largely the same each playthru) I won't want to spend a ton of cash on it. So...does this Bioshock game feel replayable?
  21. All right, all right ... I must be in a good mood or something. I put in my small fund for the game/soundtrack tier. Never played the original game so it's mostly a "I want to show support for good KS gaming projects" gesture, but who knows...maybe it'll end up as my new fave game.
  22. Swen Vincke and David Walgrave made me giggle a lot, so they get +4. Also, pumpkin as a helmet! I'm in for $35 *clicks Back This Project button* ** --I'm in the same place as Spider...I'd bump it up if I thought hubby would play with me, but I think that's very unlikely in my case. **...I was planning on buying this game already, too, but now I get a soundtrack and more importantly, a Kickstarter Potion!
  23. The 2nd one makes me think more of Alice in a Twisted Wonderland.
  24. "Guy who dies first" should've been Sean Bean.
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