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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I've been feeling very "blah" this week myself. Just want to stay curled in bed watching TV or something. I think it's the late-winter, now waiting for Spring syndrome. Could use another good rainstorm to liven me up again. That's Calif. for you...huge rainstorm once, then nothing for weeks.
  2. You're just not used to the smell etc. Woldan. It is difficult to believe the pollution there would be very high, but certainly it'd likely be more than in the out country. I do have allergies and I know if I go out to the valley's and mts. after a while my nose clears up a little (but then there's tons more tree/grass/mold allergens, so it kinda balances out, haha), but it's not something I notice/think about day to day. There are two places I've been where the pollution was so bad I did truly notice, both when I was younger (mid-80's). Center of Los Angeles, where it felt like a cloudy day when it wasn't, and Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh was really bad, where I spent a night feeling like I couldn't breathe from lack of oxygen. Like being in a sauna for hours, only it wasn't steam. That was back before air pollution was major news, it's probably been cleaned up a tad since then. Maybe. The Bay Area isn't too bad far as that goes, some of it maybe because of a lot of afternoon winds. Still wouldn't suit you I'm sure. :D
  3. I noticed that too, and the name sounded so familiar. I guess I'm thinking of the media company, not a gaming company. Anyway, the question...I guess because for some people, while games like are patterned on "real life", they're still a fantasy. Be a criminal, be a surgeon, party all night long, buy that luxury house, shop like Donald Trump, etc. I don't care how long/hard I worked in real life, the odds of me being filthy rich are tiny. In a game, spend all your free time doing it, and you may get to pretend you're rich. Or whatever floats your boat. Not really my thing. Although I don't mind/may like if a game has a bit of that sim-y flavor here and there. But not in its entirety.
  4. omg I need this game. http://store.steampowered.com/app/343780/?snr=1_4_4__tab-Upcoming
  5. They can be pretty and occasional visits are fine, but cities make me feel like this:
  6. If not liking to visit/be in the "city" = redneck, then I'm one too. Too many people, too much traffic, too much noise. Go away.
  7. Oh god, Seagal. I remember when I saw Above the Law, and thought that was all right for a low budget action flick, so watched a few others as they came. Then Under Siege and Seagal seemed awesome for the type, a new action star. Then there was that environmental action that he directed. Alright then. He's been really downhill ever since. The guy seems a bit off, too. I do wish Neeson would get a decent TV series or something else beside Taken-mode. I mean, he's always sorta like that, the serious kick-butt guy, but at least something like Rob Roy was a grand drama format for that type of chr. If he's not careful he's going to end up like Cage ... where you see a Neeson movie for the lulz. Edit: Oh and like I said earlier somewhere, I do like Keanu now. In action movies at least. I still can't listen to his line delivery when he's trying to be non-action serious without a slight chuckle, tho. It's like he has no vocal inflection, very monotone.
  8. food in hospitals is purposeful nutritious, but none too appealing. the beds allow one to rest, but they is not particular comfortable. you is s'posed to wanna leave hospitals as soon as possible. is likely a good sign that you want something better. even so, we typical managed to sneak in burgers to our sister when she were in the hospital... we even brought her dog (a small thing that easily fit in a backpack) to see her a couple times... much to the chagrin o' the nurses. our sister weren't even a burger fan, but for some reason, she always wanted squeeze inn burgers. HA! Good Fun! The stress caused by uncomfortable hospital conditions would not be conducive to recovery from any real illness or injury. American hospitals, at least, are almost all profit-driven and owned by insurance companies; they frequently have fast food franchises in their cafeterias. It's not a matter of some ill-considered concept of "making people miserable will make them recover more quickly," it's a matter of "use the cheapest products that patients and their families will tolerate to maximize profit margins." Usually if I'm temp-super-sick/injured, I don't have much appetite anyway, either from the illness or the treatment or both. The IV in my arm helps too. By the time I'm craving a really huge steak, it's usually time to leave. But yeah, hospital food could use ... a little improvement. I don't expect gourmet, but jello in a cup isn't my thing.
  9. I still think Keanu is a very limited actor, and I hope he never does Shakespeare again. What I do think is that he's very aware of his limitations by now and (usually) picks films that suit his abilities. Walk Among the Tombstones - did I mention this one yet? I was expecting something like Taken and the first 5 minutes gives you that impression. Then it slows down to this snail pace of a mystery-serial murder-thriller. Not like Taken. Liam's still in that tough-guy, walk w/an attitude mode, but the film is more deliberate and moody. Wasn't great, wasn't bad.
  10. @Keyrock ... ouch, know what's that like, hope it doesn't last too long. Heat can help the muscles around it feel better even if it doesn't fix it. Btw, I kinda miss your rodent avatar.
  11. I played video games. Then I watched hubby play video games. Now hubby and I are going to play video games (together). Just one of those weekends.
  12. Did anyone get caught up in the H1Z1 hype? Sounds like a mess, refunds and all. I don't know the history behind it, but Sony Entertainment/Early Access seems a bit odd. Whatever. Everyone's doing it these days I guess...
  13. It's in the indie zombie-apoc/survival genre, apparently. Not that I'd know personally.
  14. The Hundred Foot Journey was a nice little movie. Predictable, lacking depth/Hollywood-ized are valid criticisms (I think Spielberg/Oprah were producers?) but I didn't care...just a small and pleasant enough feel-good film. Started to watch The Equalizer, because Denzel is always the Denzeliest, but ran out of energy before I got too far in. Maybe tomorrow.
  15. I almost "got into" the first one...or at least, it was a passable way to pass time. But I was hit with the save bug where every time I logged off, all progress was wiped and I had to start at the beginning again. So that was that. At this point zombies are so tired in media that there has to be something more to gameplay than just running around offing them with chainsaws or weedwhackers or whatever to interest me. eg, smooshing zombies isn't my motivation. But ... will it have offline LAN co-op? That might make it a sale for me. Otherwise...nah. (quick search indicates it probably doesn't, tho)
  16. Woldan will always be Woldan (applies to everyone etc) to me. That's the "problem" with forums/online. I've met a few such IRL before, years ago, and I still want to call them by their online nickname.
  17. I may use Steam these days, but I don't spend much on big titles. I tend to go for the indies most of the time because that's where games that suit me tend to be now. 95% of "AAA" games made today I wouldn't touch with a 50 foot pole. Just not my thing at all. The past few years I've probably spent 3-5 month stretches where I didn't play anything at all. Something always sucks me back in a bit at some point tho, so far. Anyway....yeah. Try some older games or indies from GoG if you've a mind. No Steam required there. At least from them you can usually get old faves running on the newer O/S without any hassle, and at least play those for some sessions once in a while. Sometimes that's enough.
  18. No matter how decent a sandbox explore/build game may be in one or two areas, it's always lacking in other areas. I need to learn how to program/use Unity or something and make my very own personalized, randomly generated open world sandbox. Just for me. All me. bwahaha....sigh.
  19. What is your question? Why I don't like galaxy concept? ...one thing I really dislike re: Steam is ... auto patching. Must have patch before you can play it again (if you go online and game detects it needs a patch). Yes I know galaxy is optional, which is why at the moment it's a tolerable concept - assuming it stays optional. I tend to find such stuff often doesn't, in the long run. I also don't care about a client organizing my games for me, achievements, or whatever else. Or having a client at all. But GoG is trying to expand and grow, and is discovering that it may be difficult without changing their style as well. What direction this will take them in is anyone's guess. It often, to my personal way of thinking, doesn't end up very well.
  20. Gah...first time I'm hearing about this. Me no like. But...at least I think it's optional, like their downloader (which I don't use). So I guess...I won't use it. On further thought....this implies a direction for GoG that I really don't like. More and more they seem to be moving away from their original premises. Not always a bad thing mind but...we shall see.
  21. Does this apply in the US eg is it worldwide? I don't personally own any of those games on Steam so I can't test it. (edit) and of course it still doesn't negate the complaint that you still "need" Steam client to purchase/download and patch the game.
  22. Wrapping up some minor chores, pondering whether to nap or play a game. I think nap is winning this time. Also trying to figure out how to get something other than a female robotic voice saying "I'm sorry, I don't understand that phrase, please speak again" at Comcast TV's helpline. Basically, they don't want you to cancel any channel and thus make it impossible. Yes I tried pressing 0 and # already. I need to find another number to call... Edit: *big yawn* ... yup, nap it is.
  23. You're so cute sometimes. Yeah, maybe it's weird these days, but I grew to dislike the whole "friend" thing from YouTube, where I used to accept all the random requests because it felt impolite not to (even weirder). But then they just flood your box with spam, begs to view their own vids, whatever. So these days I ignore all, unless I already know you from something.
  24. Nope. Steam games that don't use Steam's DRM can be launched without the client. Pretty much up to the publisher or whoever decides those things. I don't think I've yet owned a Steam game that allowed this, tho. I've tried just clicking on the game .exe's in directory for example, and Steam client always opens/launches first.
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