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Everything posted by GreasyDogMeat

  1. and yet sites like IGN and Gamespot gave the originals far better review scores? Sorry it's not just the DS fanboys. They also gave Oblivion rave reviews. Games sometimes get crazy scores for being technically impressive for their time and Dungeon Siege was an impressive engine. Fast forward a few years and Space Siege is slammed by both sites with many of the exact same criticisms that could have been labeled at Dungeon Siege. I remember trying the DS demo back when it was released and being amazed by what I was seeing, only to get burned out on the demo never to buy the full version. Well, until recently that is in prep for # 3.
  2. Well, it was easier for me to just get it on 360 instead of having to either fight with the keyboard & mouse or purchase a controller for PC. Other minor issue is I hear connecting to multiplayer coop games is a bit smoother.
  3. No way in hell either Icewind Dale was 100+ hours unless you took a nap every couple of minutes at the computer and counted that as play time.
  4. Agree so far. Don't want to cast judgement yet. How the first games got so popular, other than their engine baffles me.
  5. I don't really see the similarities. Other than beautiful looking backgrounds.
  6. I didn't play Dungeon Siege 'back in the day', but I've been playing the first game and its expansion to prepare for this game's release. -Game coming out on consoles: How have you not gotten used to it yet? EVERY developer under the sun has gone to multi-platform release. Every franchise except RTS games have gone this route. 'Dumbing down' isn't always a bad thing. -Simplifications: Lots of things have been simplified, I'll give you that. THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect of one of these types of action RPGs has been ENHANCED though! The COMBAT! It was mindless repetition in the first game. Hell, you could set the party to 'engage', click near a group of enemies take your hand off the keyboard and watch them destroy the enemies. Try that in Dungeon Siege 3. This has been one of my biggest peeves about these action RPGs, from Diablo to Titan Quest, mindless click fests with a health potion thrown in from time to time. This game FIXES that problem! -Generic Scenario: I haven't played Dungeon Siege 2 yet, but what was so outstanding about the first game? Its as generic as it gets and the story is near non-existent. The outstanding aspect of the old Dungeon Sieges was the seamless environments that let you go from a forest to a swamp with no loading. I guess I have my biases, this genre isn't my favorite style of RPG. That is part of the reason I'm enjoying it so far. Dialogue, an interesting story and a combat system that doesn't boil down to clicking the mouse a billion times on an enemy.
  7. I had tried the demo on both PC and 360 and I could tell this would be one of the few games that would be superior to play on 360. The camera was second nature on the controller, but incredibly awkward with mouse and keyboard. I haven't beaten the game yet and don't want to rate it yet, but I've been enjoying it so far. The combat system is the best I've seen in this genre of game and really helps fix the normal drag these games suffer. I've been playing the original Dungeon Siege in prep for this games release and the game was a real chore at times to continue. Things of course can change. I was excited, hopeful and having a good time for the first third of Dragon Age 2 until the game took a nose dive. Truly a game that deserved to be in the 6 range. How do you take back a PC game for store credit anyway?
  8. I'd have to say this is one of the better Diablo style RPGs I've played for two primary reasons. -Combat is fun. It isn't a 'click/mash A-button fest'. You have to swap styles and use an actual bit of strategy. Something rather pathetic about the originals was the engage button where the party would rush off and decimate the enemy with minimal to no input from the player. -There is actual story and dialogue to break up the combat from time to time. It has its flaws, like the extreme linear levels (50 ft wide paths?) but so far flaws have been outweighed by the pros.
  9. Real life L.A. Noire.
  10. Finished the first Dungeon Siege. The ending was terrible! Should have expected that considering how paper thin the story had been to that point. The game's strong point is it's no loading seamless world. You just walk down into a cave and out into the mountains or a swamp. I'm off to play the expansion Legends of Aranna. Any advice for party composition? I pretty much went with 8 players through the first game which made it very easy. Is it better to go with a smaller party for faster levelling?
  11. GT Thinks its crap too.
  12. Maybe the CIA can test out some waterboarding techniques... for the lulz.
  13. Those are also the least important things in a Duke game. The makers of DNF also forgot the most important thing: fun. Interesting news: DNF PR group The Redner Group gets fired for tweet "Too many went too far with their reviews
  14. This is OBSIDIAN. Its like we are typing on a piece of it. GET IT?
  15. Dungeon Siege 1 in prep for DS 3. Am not sure I can make it through all the DS games (DS 1, Legends of Aranna, DS 2 & Broken World) before DS 3 hits. Random thoughts. -Inventory management sucks. You can have a party of up to 8 characters and keeping them all updated with the latest goodies sucks. -I love how the game has no load times. Its kind of like a linear Oblivion where you traverse this huge world with no load points. -The story isn't told very well. I'm starting to see why Obsidian chose to do a DS game. The world is not very fleshed out. -I love the pause feature for issuing commands like Baldur's Gate. I hope DS 2 is a big improvement.
  16. What an odd question. Obsidian wouldn't likely deal with DNF as Obsidian = RPG developers. Its impossible to say how they would have handled DNF and it doesn't really matter. I think a better question would be: Should Gearbox be thanked for saving this game from never being finished, or condemned for swooping in, 'polishing' (and I use that term loosely) the game and releasing it full price when at max it should be a $30 relic.
  17. This. I'm not sure if it would have been better for them to spend an extra two years to make the game 'good' or if they should have just aborted the mess.
  18. Yup, this time she will regain her voice though.
  19. So, I take it you didn't take to kindly to him shooting you at the start of the game. Maybe it was just me, but I didn't hold much of a grudge. That whole delivery thing was kind of boring and getting to explore the wasteland shooting things was a nice career change.
  20. No arguments here.
  21. Which really wouldn't matter one way or the other if it was FUN! is what gamers expected. It would make a bit of sense for that to take 14 years to produce. A balls-to-the-wall non stop shoot-em up thrill ride. Almost all of the amazing elements of that trailer are missing. Instead its a game that only would have been considered decent 5-6 years ago.
  22. Alice was a stunning looking game for its time using the same version of the Quake 3 engine that FAKK2 used. I personally thought the level design was also quite good. While I enjoyed the original, the horrible games McGee made after Alice and finding out the guy is a whiny ***** turned me off to the sequel.
  23. Watching it on youtube I was just stunned at how unfun it looked. The levels look boring (what happened to the imaginative levels of D3D?), the puzzle sections far worse and more prevelant than Half-Life 2, the combat dull and most of the humor weak. The campaign also seemed surprisingly short.
  24. I was arguing that going the diplomatic route does not equal being weak. Which seemed to be your argument? There are multiple ways of going about diplomacy. Being strong is not mutually exclusive to being diplomatic. Something Obama doesn't understand which felt that link showed.
  25. I'm still not convinced about complete legalization, but I did vote in favor of it for medicinal use. Many of the people who need it are in serious pain and the pain medication they have to use is terrible in comparison to marijuana.
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