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Everything posted by Tyrell

  1. Damn, I thought that this thread was about the Darth Sion on Lucasarts.com thing. Only to find out that its about PC Gamer.... You had me all exciting and **** for nothing. <_<
  2. This is how I see it, without no ads TSL is going to do well cause of the fanbase it is carrying over from KOTOR. BUT, what about bringing in those new fans?
  3. I didn't know that. I assumed it was going to be a turd like the other two prequels. Well....I guess thats what happens when you put assumptions into things that you don't even know about....
  4. I mean look at all the other sequels to GOTY type games. You know that Halo 2 is going to be heavily advertised on TV, you know that GTA: SA is going to be heavily advertised on TV (as all Rockstar games are) so why not TSL?
  5. An X-mas release will help it MUCH more than EP3 ever could Well you also have to consider the other games that'll be coming out during the Holiday timeframe. But we'll see though, anything is possible and anything can happen.
  6. Hey, if you guys/gals don't mind, can you reply with your AIM/AOL name here? I'll like to gather them up so that we could possibly get some Obsidian Forum TSL chats going on. I'll add your name to my buddy list. Here is my AIM name: Tyrell1011
  7. Well we all know that getting the name out for anything has a big influence on how a product does. Rather it is a movie, music album, or evenf videogames. KOTOR had somewhat of an okay campaign. I'll go into Babbages in the Mall and I'll see large KOTOR advertisements. There was also a commercial for KOTOR that came out about....what? 2 weeks before KOTOR came out I believe. I liked how the commercial started out with a Jedi guy then eventually turned into a Dark Jedi guy. All in trying to show how you can chose your destiny in KOTOR. It worked out well I guess by setting new Xbox sales records with like what? 200,000 something copies sold the first 4 days breaking the record which Halo previously held. Well how do you believe the marketing will play out for TSL? Do you think it'll be more deeper then what KOTOR had or about the same? I don't know when TSL is supposed to come out, but this is a reason why I believe it should still come out in Feb 2005. I would probably try to feed off of EP3 as much as I could. We all know that Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is going to be THE movie of 2005. Batman Begins is going to be good to but EP3 is the one with the most anticipation. I would have commercials that uses EP3 as a source like "Before the Republic turning into an Empire (Showing some clips of EP3), 4,000 years ago the Republic faced its own problems.....(Then switching to TSL)" Yeah yeah it sounds corny but you sort of get the idea of how TSL could somewhat use EP3 in many ways. As for other commercials I would do like what EP2: Attack of the Clones did, by having a commercial for every major character in the game. They had a small 30 second commercial for Anakin, Padme, Obi, Mace, Yoda, Jango etc....For TSL I would have one for Mira, Sion, Kreia, Atton etc.... Then I would have another set of commercials that portray the LS/DS aspects of TSL. There would be one 30 second commerical showing the LS parts and things of TSL then there would be another 30 second commercial showing the DS parts and things of TSL. Overall it would probably take away from the pockets of LucasArts cause advertising like this WILL cost a great amount of money. If done and done correctly, I believe it would have a great effect on the intial sales of TSL. What are your thoughts on the marketing campaign for TSL?
  8. Cool! Looks like the rumor that TFN recieved and posted is becoming more clear and clear as time passes.....
  9. You mention Jolee being alive in both endings but yet he dies in the DS ending. Also you mention that Carth could be with Dustil on Telos...but you also have to remember that Dustil could have died in KOTOR depending on if you decided to prove to him that the Sith are bad or not.
  10. You don't HAVE to turn ugly cause you went to the DS. Look at Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku). In EP2 he was on the DS and there is no telling how long he has been like that. Then in EP3 it has been 3 years since EP2....and he still looks normal.
  11. She cannot nor will she ever be a real boy... er.. girl. Your whole premise is based on a lie therefore you are delussional. Are you sure you don't need to see a psychologist? I would, but my funds are really low as of now....
  12. TSL is pretty much going to be the same as KOTOR with only a few little extras here and there. So don't expect too much fixings. However Obsidian did say that they are fixing some bugs from KOTOR and maybe this could be one. Who knows....
  13. Cool, that means TSL gets to compete with Fable for RPG of the Year. If they push it to 2005, then they compete with The Legend of Zelda and Windwaker 2 for RPG of the Year. Lose/Lose situation for Obsidian. But its not about the awards, its about making the fans happy.
  14. and/or it could be that during Kotor 1, they waited for the Sith Lord-wannabe pretensious fallen Jedi, i.e. Malak, to destroy the Republic with the Star Forge; only then to eliminate him and conquer the galaxy more easily, now that the Republic and the Jedi were out of the way. Now this idea sort of works with both endings for Kotor: If LS, then they saw that they had to deal with an even stronger Republic -with Revan at their side- by themselves, and wreaked havoc on the Jedi during those mysterious '5 years'; if DS, then they either challenged Revan and killed him, or, used whatever it was that initiated his fall in the first place, to render him inert, sending him into exile, whatever. Maybe they joined forces with Revan and Bastila. Remember that there was no mentioning whether Malak and Revan ever faced a powerful Sith as they 'rose to power'; and the only one Malak ever challenged was Revan, and that was an act of envy rather than their master-apprentice er.. 'tradition'. I think they were *definitely* around during Kotor 1; with the second episode we'll start seeing this greater picture. Very nice speculation if I must say.
  15. I could careless about what the first impressions were. In KOTOR my first impressions were that these were some pretty cool looking characters, only to later find out that 2/3 of them were annoying. As for the TSL characters....I really haven't payed much attention to them. So I wouldn't know. Its one of those "I don't know and I don't care" situations.
  16. I said if she were real....as in a real life breathing human being. Obviously it is you who needs the help because you have a hard time comprehending what people say. Did you ever pay attention during English lessons in the 2nd Grade? I guess not.... ....idiot!
  17. Again, if she were real I'll **** her. For those who are dumb enough to believe it means "I'll astrik her", you're incorrect, it spells out to be the 4-letter F word that is followed by the letter u then c then ended with k. Got any problems, well too bad, sue me then. B)
  18. If you ask me I believe the game is a bit rushed. If TSL was delayed til Summer 2005 I really wouldn't mind. That way TSL would be a better game with possibly bigger planets and other better features when what we are currently getting with TSL. Not to say that the current features aren't good, but not as expansive enough. For a game that is being the follow up to a game that won 120+ awards 30 of them being GOTY awards, you'll expect the sequel to be all bigger and better like Halo 2 is to Halo, GTA: San Andreas is to Vice City, Half-Life 2 is to Half-Life etc.... TSL is shaping up to be a great game, a game that I will indeed purchase at launch, but as of now to me its more like a....massive expansion pack rather then an all out pure sequel to a GOTY title.
  19. I'm glad that you brought this up. Remember in a recent interview it was asked about how KOTOR 2 would play out? And I believe it was Chris Avellone that someone like "We are exploring the Master and Apprentice relationship in TSL". Since in this rumor it was said that Darth Sion has a few redeeming qualities....redeeming such has he can be turned back to the lightside? With that being said this is what I thought up. Maybe years ago when your player character fought in the Mandalorian War you also had an apprentice....this apprentice being Darth Sion. Which will go well with the master/apprentice thingy. Maybe this is the twist or something and maybe you'll be able to bring him back to the Lightside or something to that nature. Yes it sounds crappy but its only speculation and all speculation is crappy cause it isn't true.
  20. I don't know if this is new or old but TheForce.net had this up.
  21. If she were real, I'll **** her.
  22. Probably have, its been out since the 2nd of July.
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