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Everything posted by Tyrell

  1. s***, if males with pink is supposed to be associated with gayness then thats just a fluke to me. If there were an crystal to have a pink lightsaber I should would get it, along with a blue saber. Hell, I have 5 pink shirts in my closet right now and one pair of white/pink Phat Farm shoes. Maybe its just an African-American Up North thing.
  2. That is very true. I just see it like this though. GL is a man, like every man he makes mistakes and many mistakes that many can point out. Overall I like the man and respect him. Again, if it wasn't from him then we wouldn't be talking about a TSL. Hell, if it wasn't from the prequels we probably wouldn't be talking about a TSL. The prequels gave SW more life in my mind. Some for the negative and some for the postive, but at the end it obviously worked cause....you are here right now. I'm looking for it as of now but I remember an old KOTOR interview in which the guy said that KOTOR was heavily inspired by the prequels. :ph34r:
  3. Don't worry, Star Wars: Episode III will do that for you. Anyways, I now have the wallpaper set up and everything. Pretty nice and it IS better then the s*** Bioware put out last year.
  4. Yep, that's why so many Jedi died in the Clone Wars. Nah Jedi died in the Clone Wars because at some point Jedi became wussy peace keepers that could barely fulfill that role. They never had a chance. Now if the Jedi would just act like freaking warriors they could have used their powers logically and to their full advantage and won any war. The way I thought of the Jedi when i first saw ANH were as some kind of mystical wandering knights/warrior poets. Thats what they should be. None of this I am going to stand in a small little arena thats is overflowing with enemy droids firing blasters at me when I COULD just disengage and just straight back up into the stands and retreat. But nooooo they have to fight and die in the stupidest way imaginable because George Lucas is an idiot. If GL is such an idiot! Then why are you here talking about a SW game? I mean if it wasn't cause of GL and his vision, you me or anyone else wouldn't be here....cause there would be no SW. But you are right, he does screw up at times. Like having Ewoks in EP6 instead of Wookies like it was supposed to be.
  5. What can you say though? Its George Lucas! Hell, you can't hate him. I mean without his vision you wouldn't be here in discussion of TSL....cause there would be no SW. But then again, he does mess up with many things.
  6. No, but I heard that someone came close with 12.34 seconds.... Non wind-aided to be exact.
  7. That is true, we see this in Attack of the Clones in the Geonosis arena. Many Jedi died that day....
  8. "You're going to need it." -- Han Solo, Return of the Jedi A new low in SW fanboyness. Yup, a new record low of SW fanboyness! IMO
  9. I haven't seen the video nor do I have any future plans to. But I can say this, it won't be the looks of KOTOR 2 that pulls me in, it will be the story. Although I always did wish that TSL would look like Jade Empire....
  10. "You're going to need it." -- Han Solo, Return of the Jedi
  11. Only against people who were.....lightsaberless. In ROTJ Luke just went through everyone who was shooting at him with a blaster weapon.
  12. A darker story doesn't necessarily mean more mass destruction. Sometimes it's the more personal tragedies that make the mood more somber or 'dark'. In saying that, keep in mind that I actually don't know a whole lot of the story of the game. Most of it is in the designers' heads more than in docs, and I don't have a lot of time to read story docs to begin with. Too busy coding. But I know how Avellone writes, and I do know a few details or ideas that are going to happen. -Akari Okay, that clears up many things. So really it is a darker story but more smaller and personal. I guess I get it now. Finally. Seriously though, it does clear up many things. Not only things that I didn't know but things that others didn't know as well. I'm glad I created this thread, cause in the long run it helped clear up things about KOTOR 2 for everyone. But yeah, you are right....Finally!
  13. Here is my speculation on to how KOTOR 2 came to be using the DS ending of KOTOR. KOTOR 2 Story Speculation Part 1 I haven't gotten around to part 2 but Its coming....
  14. Raven tried as in tried by giving a D+ effort to amuse me in another thread, but failed. Failed so bad that he even gave up and tried to get back on topic.
  15. Easy, just have two different solutions. If you chose the LS ending, come up with a solution telling why the Sith came back all of a sudden. If you chose the DS ending come up with a solution telling how Revan being the Dark Lord of the Sith all of a sudden vanishing etc.... It doesn't require a rocket scientist, but it does require a good imagination with story telling. And if told well, it would work, if it isn't, then I guess we are all SOL ha?
  16. Lol and you call that picking on me? Lol, if that was picking on me it was an awful job..... But you guys did try so I give you all a D+ for effort. Low grade, but it is still pasing. :D
  17. Then don't complain about not having time to work on the site. If you're content having three writers, then those three writers need to step up. Lol where did I ever complain? I just said that we are lacking when it comes to TFN: Games content. I was making a statement, not a complaint. There is a difference. Anyways, I do other work for TFN besides games, I type articles/editorials about the Star Wars movies PT and OT some serious and some humerous. I'm also a Public Relations Associate for TFN. that post didnt really help you with public relations, no offence. you try to make TFN seem perfect and sort of full of themselves. I'm gonna have to agree with Raven on this one. Tyrell, I don't know if you realize it, but you come across as condescending. Just in this thread alone, Enderwiggin has only asked questions/made comments/offered help, but your responses have been on the condescending/sarcastic side. If you really are in public relations, I think you should crack open that old textbook and read up. Oh and I'm not a real-life PR person. To be that you'll have to goto school for that and I'm only well going into my sophmore year at Kansas University. I can do PR only cause I've been working for gaming sites since I was 13 years old and basiclly sat back and watched how others around me handled PR. Aspects such as getting contacts, setting up a demographic, conducting interviews etc....I learned that by just working with them. Now that I'm 18 I can do it quite well for a person who has no schooling in this type of field. I'm just doing this for pure fun. I don't get paid for this, I'm just a die-hard SW fan that wants to be apart of something special and TFN is something special to me.
  18. Then don't complain about not having time to work on the site. If you're content having three writers, then those three writers need to step up. Lol where did I ever complain? I just said that we are lacking when it comes to TFN: Games content. I was making a statement, not a complaint. There is a difference. Anyways, I do other work for TFN besides games, I type articles/editorials about the Star Wars movies PT and OT some serious and some humerous. I'm also a Public Relations Associate for TFN. that post didnt really help you with public relations, no offence. you try to make TFN seem perfect and sort of full of themselves. Hell no! TFN is far from perfect. Yes TFN is the #1 SW fansite on the net. Yes at times TFN is equal to SW.com when it comes to hits/visits, but TFN isn't perfect. I work for the place but yet there is many things I dislike about it. Like the fact that we aren't hiring for new writers for TFN: Games. I just talked to Josh (Owner of TFN/Founder of IGN: FilmForce) and he said that at the time we aren't hiring for TFN: Games. I just tried to get EnderWiggin a job there but we aren't hiring. I ask myself the question....why not? I mean the more the better. Are are behind in content as it is. But what can I do? I have no authority. If it was up to me, I would have 8-10 people working on TFN: Games. Rather then just three. There is other things to besides TFN: Games that needs work on but I'm just too lazy to talk about it now. If you want to talk more about it, my AIM name is Tyrell1011 we can chat there. But no, TFN isn't perfect.
  19. Then don't complain about not having time to work on the site. If you're content having three writers, then those three writers need to step up. Lol where did I ever complain? I just said that we are lacking when it comes to TFN: Games content. I was making a statement, not a complaint. There is a difference. Anyways, I do other work for TFN besides games, I type articles/editorials about the Star Wars movies PT and OT some serious and some humerous. I'm also a Public Relations Associate for TFN.
  20. No, we are not looking for a 4th writer.
  21. Yeah TFN: Games IS behind when it comes to videogames. Only 3 people work in that section, me and two other guys. All 3 of us is in the same situation, we are both in college and hardly ever has time to devote to the site.
  22. Okay, let me put it like this for you in more elementary terms since you don't understand. It would be wise for Microsoft to save KOTOR 3 and even Halo 3 for their next generation console. And when I say that I mean close to the launch date of the console if not being a launch title.
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