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After rewatching the new TSL trailer....
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
And.....these are just some things that I'm pointing out that others may not have noticed or looked much into. If it doesn't phase you, well who cares. This is a forum discussing TSL is it not? -
Why is it that people would be pissed of Revan died? To me I think it'll add more to the supposenly "darker" tone of the story, especially if Revan is on the LS in TSL.
No he is not saying that it could be Revan. He is trying to bring validation that Revan always wore a suit and a mask so why is it such a surprise that this possible party members always wears a full suit with mask. You ask me I believe it is a party member, but one of the party members that'll side with you if you are on the DS. Hell this character was again featured in the new TSL trailer. I believe it is a party member.
After going back and rewatching the new TSL trailer numerous times, there were some interesting things that I pointed out. 1 -- About 15 seconds into the video there is a clip showing the bridge of a Republic Ship with dead bodies all over the place. Really interesting and adds more depth to the darker tone of TSL, but thats not all. Look at the upper right-hand corner of the screen. There you see a figure of what seems to be a person standing there.....your player character? If so that seems really interesting. Here is a little snib bit from the planet Dxun:
Light Sabers "MUST" cast a glow
Tyrell replied to JediMafia's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Why do you say that? -
Light Sabers "MUST" cast a glow
Tyrell replied to JediMafia's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Yeah, it really doesn't matter really. Its just that it seems like....lazyness on the behalf of the graphics teams for Bioware and KOTOR. The sabers in Jedi Outcast/Academy had glows. When you were on foot as Mace Windu/Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Clone Wars, the sabers casted glows. With the Xbox strong graphics engine and stuff, Obsidian/Bioware should have taken advantage of this and made glows. That way things would seem more realistic. -
KOTOR was great cause it had a good gameplay system and a compelling story. In the case of The Sith Lords, the gameplay is really a carbon-copy of the original so gamers won't be expecting anything new there. So whats going to sell TSL is the story. Graphics, sound, and gameplay remain the same. Again, if there is going to be anything that will make TSL a classic like KOTOR, its going to have to be the story. With that being said, the story is....going to have to be better then KOTOR's.
Light Sabers "MUST" cast a glow
Tyrell replied to JediMafia's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
This graphic effect is in Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy, it should be in The Sith Lords. It was sad when you walked into the Crystal cave on Dantooine and no glow was casted by your saber. That really took away from the graphics. -
Look at some of the latest picsk and trailers of The Sith Lords. Look at the dark robes. Their shape and everything, it looks much like what Anakin Skywalker wears in Revenge of the Sith. Also the Lightside robes heavily look like the Obi-Wan Kenobi robes of Revenge of the Sith as well. I don't know if this is just a coinincidence or if Obsidian did this on purpose but I really like that concept. Right now the developers is trying to find ways to implement the option for you to be able to put on or take off your hood. I like that, now only if they can find a way for you to be able to take off your cloak and just wear the normal Jedi clothes, without the cap thing flapping in the back. You know, like in EP1 when Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon took off their cloaks when they were about to battle Darth Maul at the Naboo Hanger. But right now that might be too much to ask for.
How much would you buy KOTOR II for?
Tyrell replied to Whitemithrandir's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
$39.99 for the Xbox and about the same for the PC. Thats what the price should be. But it really doesn't matter cause I'm getting it for free anyways. -
Old Trilogy vs. New Trilogy vs. KOTOR
Tyrell replied to sandman1347's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Well said. Yes the PT doesn't have that same feel as the OT. Yes the PT doesn't have the same loveable characters as the OT, but it doesn't matter. The PT is telling a story, the rise fall of a person named Anakin Skywalker and how the great Republic turned into the Evil Empire. That then leads into the OT where this Evil Empire is at its peak with Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker the star of the PT) is at the lead. The only hope for the Galaxy now is Anakin's offspring, Luke and Leia. And thats what the OT is about, bring down the Evil Empire that formed in the PT and reedeming Anakin Skywalker. When you watch all 6 movies together, it is about the Discovery, Rise, Fall, and Redemption of Anakin Skywalker. -
Old Trilogy vs. New Trilogy vs. KOTOR
Tyrell replied to sandman1347's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Wrong on that, Tyrell. At least for me you are wrong. One thing I hate in movies are story inconsistancies and Ep 1, 2, and most like 3 have major story inconsistancies where it comes to episodes 4, 5, and 6. THese inconsistancies kill the suspension of disbelief and kills any sort of fun watching them. What kind of inconsistancies am I talking about? Obi-wan Kenobi said his master was Yoda in Episode 5. WHo was Obiwan's master? Quigon Jin. How about that stupid crap about the mitachloirans (msp)? Kind of inconsistant in what was in the Original Trilogy isn't in. THis sort of thing pisses me off and why I hate Star Wars and George Lucas. THe franchise should have been the original 3 movies and that is it. Dammit you make this almost too easy for me. Again, this is why only TRUE Star Wars fans understand the PT and its connection to the OT. You say some **** about Obi-Wan saying that Yoda was his master in EP5? Here is his exact line "You will goto the Dagobah system. There you will find Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed me.". First and foremost he did not say that Yoda was his master. He said that Yoda was the Jedi Master that taught him. But you may ask....I thought that Qui-Gon was the Jedi Master that taught Obi, atleast thats what EP1 shows". Well you are right, but this is where the part about you not knowing a damn thing about what you are talking about and this is where I make you look stupid. Now read ahead.... Each potential Jedi is trained as a young kid, but there is some people who get around that like Luke and Anakin Skywalker. Each potiental Jedi begins their training around the age of 5 I believe. These kids are called "younglings" as revealed in EP2. These....younglings are taught by no other then Master Yoda himself. Once they reach the age of about 10 they are then assigned to a particular Jedi Master to further their training. They then turn from being a youngling to being a padawan and you know the rest from there. So YES, Yoda WAS Obi-Wan's master at some point in time. It was Qui-Gon that taught him more about the force but Yoda started him off. The only reason why he mentioned Yoda in EP5 instead of Qui-Gon was obviously Qui-Gon was killed some 33 years ago and Yoda was still alive. Its sort of like school. Yoda is like the Elementary school teacher then when the kids get older, they go on to Middle Schoo/High School and the teachers their is their assigned Jedi partner...Qui-Gon in this case. See that is why the Prequel Trilogy is so misunderstood, people don't know the idea and concept of the movies. People like YOU help prove that idea. Inconsistancies my ass, it is you my friend who is inconsistant. -
Is there anything you don't like about KotOR2?
Tyrell replied to JEDIDAN12386's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Do you really want me to answer this? Lol, seriously.... B) -
Old Trilogy vs. New Trilogy vs. KOTOR
Tyrell replied to sandman1347's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Old Trilogy vs. New Trilogy vs. KOTOR
Tyrell replied to sandman1347's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I have no problems with the PT. Only true Star Wars fans can look beyond the bad acting and special effects of the PT and see it for what it is....a great story. If the PT were made back in 1977, 1980, 1983 and the OT made in 1999, 2002, and 2005. I bet people would be saying that the PT was the best and the OT is crappy. When it is said and done, its basiclly a nostalgia thing more then anything else. -
I didn't vote, it really doesn't matter to me.
Guys, does it really matter? Its just a damn title. Revenge of the Sith doesn't sound to bad anyways. When you watch The Phantom Menace again and hear Darth Maul say "Atleast we'll reveal ourselves to the Jedi, and atleast we'll have our revenge" It'll be more fitting cause 13 years later it is Anakin Skywalker/Darth Sidious that gets their revenge. Hell let the title sound stupid, but atleast it makes since and goes well with the movie and the saga. Hell all the movies sounds corny but they all make sense and thats what matters. The Phantom Menace -- Translates to "The Hidden Threat". The hidden threat depending on how you view it is either Anakin Skywalker or Senator Palpatine. Attack of the Clones -- This title has more irony in it then anything. The clones coming out of nowhere to help the Republic then 3 years later they go against the Republic. I can't explain it well but you really have to look deep into the title. Revenge of the Sith -- Just as the title says, for years and years the Sith has been in exile while the Jedi rules everything. Then Sith revealed themselves 13 years ago in TPM and now they come to take their revenge out on the Jedi with Anakin Skywalker at the lead has he starts the Jedi Purge. From here the Galaxy is now owned by two sith....Darth Vader and Darth Sidious. A New Hope -- After the events of ROTS there seems like there is no room for hope, but there is. This new hope being a young man named Luke Skywalker, but son of Anakin Skywalker. He is the one that single handed destroyed the Death Star which is the first step in gaining back freedom from the Sith/Empire. Hence....a new hope is now at the forefront. Empire Strikes Back -- After what happened in ANH, the Empire is ready to show they there will be now new hope. They strike back harshly, first by running the rebels out of Hoth, then Han being captured. Luke defeated. Everything just goes downhill here. The Empire has striked back. Return of the Jedi -- After decades since the purge of the Jedi there is only one who can bring this ancient religion back to its normal state....Luke Skywalker the new hope. He confronted Vader defeated Vader, and with the help of Vader, Sidious is killed. Vader then turns back into Anakin Skywalker and the Sith threat is now destroyed and Luke is off to Yavin to create a Jedi Academy to bring back the art of the Jedi. Hence....Return of the Jedi.
Nice pick!
Which Known KII Sith Lord Is Your Favorite?
Tyrell replied to Bokishi's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Neither of them. Both seem un-original. Sion is okay with his Resident Evil look which is unique for for Star Wars, but the idea behind his character is something that has been used before. The masked guy no, cause how many more times are we going to get Masked Villians? Not just in the gaming industry but in the entertainment industry as a whole. That theme is so over-used. Uthar in KOTOR would make a great villian. Not saying that he should be the villian but the idea behind his character and his overall charsima and personality. He seemed more imposing then Malak. -
Morgan Man said that they are trying to make it work but it is using up too much memory. As it sits they are way over memory and are looking for things to cut and unfortunatly this might be something they will have to cut in order to get the memory down to a workable level. Damn! Well looks like this can now be added to the Wasn't in KOTOR but should have been in KOTOR 2 but isn't so we'll have to wait for KOTOR 3 list.
How many more KOTOR games will there be?
Tyrell replied to GhostofAnakin's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I'm not getting this, how can there not be a 3rd, 4th, or even 11th KOTOR game? You people seem to forget that Star Wars as a whole is massive. We have the 6 movies, we have loads of novels/comics that takes place in between these 6 movies. We have loads of novels/comics that takes place after these 6 movies. We have loads of novels/comics that takes place before these 6 movies. When it comes to Star Wars, the idea possiblitities are limitless. I believe that KOTOR could follow the path of FF but for that to work these games CANNOT be direct sequels of one another. They have to have their own stories, locations, and characters and have NOTHING to do with the previous game....other then its a Star Wars RPG. -
Welcome to the Obsidian forums! <_< But yeah, your idea is interesting and could be something to speculate off of in the future.
Based off of what I see and know of TSL, there is no option to put on/take off your hood. The developers knew that people wanted that option in KOTOR but it wasn't there so they should've took the time and jumped on this idea cause and create the option to put on/take off your hood or even put on/take off your cloak. Again, yet another option that everyone thought was going to be possible in KOTOR 2 is again going to have to wait for KOTOR 3.
I was thinking the same thing. He doesn't look.....Star Warish if you know what I mean.