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Everything posted by Tyrell

  1. What pipe have you been smoking on? The graphics exactly the same as KOTOR if you ask me.
  2. Yeah, with new additions like these:
  3. It really doesn't matter to me when it comes out cause. I'm going to have games like Star Wars: Battlefront, Halo 2, Fable, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas to hold me over. Not to mention the Star Wars OT DVDs in September.
  4. You take the words straight out of my mouth....
  5. Or maybe he gets the hint and dont make the same mistake next time? I'm not native speaker either and it bothers me more if no one corrects my grammar/spelling when I'm totally off, because most likely I'll keep repeating the same mistake, just like this guy with the "opposing". Well it isn't my problem. So I made a mistake....so sue me.
  6. I hope that does happen. Atleast KOTOR 3 would be on a newer engine. I know they won't use the same KOTOR engine for a Xbox 2 title....
  7. I have to say this.... So a Dark Jedi is a Jedi who feel to the darkside. (Darkside) A Sith is a person who is trained under the ways of the Sith. (Dark side) A Jedi is a person who is trained under the ways of the Jedi. (Light Side) So if there is a Sith who feel to the lightside, he isn't considered a Jedi but a Light-Sith? I mean he can't be a Jedi cause he wasn't trained as a Jedi but a Sith. He just went to the LS. Must like a Dark Jedi who isn't a Sith cause he wasn't trained as a Sith, he is just a Jedi who went bad. Same thing with a Light Sith, a Sith who just went good.
  8. How is having a Rakata being a party member have something to do with the KOTOR plot? So if you see a Duros in KOTOR 2 is that going to have something to do with the KOTOR plot? What about a Ithorian?
  9. Too bad I have the Xbox version and not the PC version....
  10. Hendar was funny, maybe I should start a Hendar fanclub....
  11. Well there you have it! That what makes the Rakata so cool, they go back before the republic and is really smart! You make it seem like it isn't nothing as it was just something that Bioware came up with to just come up with. Well if that is the story then I guess you can say the same about everything else KOTOR, Bioware just came up with the Star Maps/Star Forge to just have something to create a story around. Bioware just came up with Revan/Malak to just have villians to be in a story (And yet people label these two as some of the top Sith of all time), Bioware just came up with with the Ebon Hawk just to have a means of transportation, Bioware just came up with having the Republic vs the Sith to just have an protagonist vs antagonist storyline, Bioware just came up with your party members....so that you'll have some party members. I can go on and on and on and on forever man! Yes Bioware just came up out of the blue about the Rakata and making them have all these ablities but they also came up with other aspects of the story. Its called story development things to enhance/progress the story and make it deeper and give you a better insight on the SW Universe as a whole. The Rakata is a unique race, simple as that. Oh and No! The Rakata isn't the only race that Bioware gave a backstory to. Juhani's race the Cathar had a backstory as she explained it. And even if the Rakata WAS the only race in KOTOR to have a backstory, that doesn't take away from their uniqueness. They are still cool and unique cause they story dates back to when time was created.
  12. Nice try but I wouldn't look too much into it. And when you ask about the star map he replies with "Perhaps, perhaps it was a map. Should you find it? Will it destroy you as it did us...." or something to that nature. He doesn't dismiss it though but rather give a clue/hint of the star map. They found something of great power and this power was the star map....a source of darkside energy. Again nice try but don't look too much into it. He was talking about the Star Map.
  13. If retarded means being one of the if not THE smartest alien race in SW that dates back to times before the Republic and creating many technological things....if that is retarded then I don't mind....they can be retarded. But atleast they have a deepr history then any other alien race. Atleast they can create more unique things then any other alien race. Again, they can be retarded if thats what it means. Like I said, I'm jost too much of a person liking to expore new things rather to be confinded to the normal. But Rakata's would make a great party member. Mark my words.....
  14. Atleast the Sith look more opposing this time around.
  15. Yes there are many other races in SW but why always use the same ones over? I would say the Rakata either the One or Elders were the most interesting alien race in the game. The Twileks are always used, they tried to hard to base Zalbaar off of Chewie, Rodians/Greedos are always used in SW games, Ithorians are cool, but too wimpy, Jawas are to weak, Tusken Raiders are also cool but too wild, the Selkath were cool but too annoying. I mean tell me one single alien race in KOTOR that was deeper then the Rakata's? The Rakata go back way before the Republic even existed, they are very smart and create great technological things not just things like the Star Forge, but remember that prison that the Rakata was in when you opened the metal box that the Rodian on Manaan gave you? That place was so unique. No other alien race in KOTOR could create the things that the Rakata did, no other alien race in KOTOR went back way before the Republic like the Rakata did. They are just cool species and I wouldn't see why it wouldn't be a good idea. I mean try something different for a change and get away from the cliche things. Maybe its just me, like I said. I guess I'm just too much of an open-minded person who likes to explore/try new things, maybe I don't like to limit myself to the smallest possiblities. But having a Rakata as a party member would be cool.
  16. Maybe it is just me but I believe that the Rakata was the coolest alien race in KOTOR and probably out of the whole SW universe. Rodians or over-used, Twileks are overused, please no Selkath.... I don't know how or why but I believe it would be great to have a Rakata as one of your party members that you can possibly pick up. I just liked the Rakata especially their African sounding voice, they did sound like Africans. I think that is really cool. They are really smart (Reminds me of the Acient Aztecs), they have a deep history, and advanced in technology. Oh...and they have a cool voice . The Elders, the One, it doesn't matter what type it is. Just as long as it is a Rakata. What about you guys?
  17. What are the developers doing right now? They better be answering those interview questions that I sent them! Alexis Mervin from LucasArts told me that I should have the answers back by Friday.....
  18. But they also where those clothes outside of Korriban.
  19. In KOTOR the Sith/Dark Jedi/Sith Masters/Sith Apprentices didn't look opposing at all. Guess what that means? Time for me to bash!!!!! The Sith -- Now when I say the Sith I mean the Sith that you seen on Korriban. First off its the clothes that makes these people non-opposing. With that suit they have on, they look more like archeologist out of Indiana Jones. They look like they should be out on some place digging up something..... Dark Jedi/Sith Masters/Sith Apprentices -- These people just look plain gay to me. Well there are two types when it comes to these people. There are the ones with those tight ass spandex looking costumes on with a hood that looks like they should be in Ninja Turtles working with the Foot Klan. Then there are the ones with the silver chest plate with the Darth Bandon looking faces....now these people look cool and really opposing. Only if they had more faces for them...(Maybe they should have thrown Hendar's face into one....). But the first group of people, the ones that look like the Foot Klan, they just look gay and not scary/opposing at all. How can the males develope more sperm cells with those tight ass pants? They just look gay. For the women, it looks okay on them....but they don't look opposing as a Sith should. So with KOTOR 2, please make the bad guys atleast look a bit more opposing and sinister.
  20. I really hated that. Again I scold Bioware for this. They could have taken the time to make an alternate ending for those who killed Bastila at the end. I killed Juhani and I didn't see her in the group which was good. ALSO MAKE THE ENDINGS LONGER! More enjoying and satisfying. Well, I guess you get short endings like that when you get a short RPG....I mean I know platformer games and FPS games that last longer then 30 hours. But that is for another thread for another time....
  21. he's right. i'd like to change from 2weapon to one-weapon modus. on the other hand... i can just pause the game, grab the other saber and assume that i've just switched it off.... That would be cool....
  22. I totally agree. Like I said, if Hendar's face was a face you could pick for your character in KOTOR 2, I surely would pick it. Serioulsy. He would be the face I pick for my LS character.
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