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Everything posted by Tyrell

  1. What do you mean?
  2. KOTOR 2 is going to be somewhat exactly the same as KOTOR. So don't expect anything like that in KOTOR 2....
  3. For once you are absolutely right Tyrell. Nothing Hayden Christiansen can do will ever elevate him beyond arrogant little punk ass bitch that couldn't cut it as a Jedi. He could strangle a dolphin on screen and people still won't find him a believable villain. Especially once he gets his ass handed to him by Obi-wan. So sad that people will be cheering not because it's kewl and Obi-wan has temporarily vanquished a great evil but because Hayden Christiansen won't be on screen anymore. By the way I don't blame Hayden Christiansen, I blame the writing and directing. Just to let you know, Anakin doesn't get handled by Obi-Wan in Episode III. Actually to tell you the truth Anakin is the one handling Obi-Wan in EP3. Anakin is the aggessor throughout the whole fight while Obi-Wan is the one on the run. The only reason why Anakin losses is cause he simply slips into lava. Obi-Wan is in a corner far from Anakin. Anakin tries to go where Obi-Wan is to finish him off (Its a pretty steep slope) and on his way, he slips, losses his saber (Obi-Wan catches it) and falls into a molten pit. (I know this cause I work for TFN in the spoiler department So really Obi-Wan gets lucky AGAIN. Just like he did in Episode 1 when Darth Maul was handling him. Obi-Wan was the one about to fall into the reactor but Darth Maul (Instead if leaving) just sits there and creates sparks while Obi-Wan is given time to think. In Episode II Obi-Wan is handled again by Count Dooku.
  4. I don't write for magazines, I just said that some of my work is published in magazines.
  5. well said Again, read my reply. It isn't like the programmers and concept artist and level designers all say "Hey, its 2PM, lets work on a trailor!!!!!". No, there is people out there called Media.....Media....damn I can't remember but it is Media something. Anyways, THESE people handle the creation of screenshots, movies, and trailors. The programmers, graphics artist, etc....has nothing to do with this. So it won't and can't slow down the development process. People, get that into your heads.....
  6. Lol, you are right. That Darth Bandon entrance to the Levathian cracks me up everytime I see it. I mean....what was the purpose? Was that intended to get us scared of this new character?
  7. Again, you have seperate people who do trailors. And they just dont do trailors. These are the same people resonsible for releasing screenshots into the internet/magazines and releasing movies into the internet. I forgot the name of the person who would do something like this (Media something....) but there is a specific person(s) who do these types of things. So doing trailors WONT slow down or hinder the development process.
  8. So give some examples of some LS/DS situations that you would have liked to see.... (I'm not trying to go agaisn't your case, I'm just trying to get more out of you thats all)
  9. Don't wanna get off topic here and I don't want to spoil EP3 for those who don't want to be spoiled. But here comes some major EP3 spoilers so if you don't want to be spoiled, DONT READ THIS REPLY!!!!!!!!!!! Lets look at all the evil things Anakin does in Episode III: -- Kills Mace-Windu (Check) -- Raids the Jedi Temple with a squad of Clone Troopers and kills all the Jedi inside and kills the younglings himself (Check) -- Force Chokes and Kills Padme (Check) _______________ [sarcasim]Right, he is still just little ole Ani. He isn't nothing until he puts his suit on....[/sarcasim] [Getting back on Topic] In KOTOR when I did the darkside choices, I did feel evil at times. I mean, remember on Taris at the Sith base when you had the choice of saving that alien dude by turning all of those switches on the wall to red? Remember that? Well if you turned them to green, then he fries! And you just killed a helpless person in cold-blood. You don't think that isn't evil enough? When you are on Manaan underwater and those Two scientist try to kill you. And then you stop them and start to talk to them. Then when the conversation is over and you kill both of them, despite them telling you how to destroy the big fish to get to the star map, you still kill these two people for no reason. You don't think that isn't evil enough? When you are on Korriban and you do lightsaber spars against those Republic prisoners and kill them, that isn't evil enough? When you are on Dantooine and cause two rich families to kill each other off, you don't think that isn't evil enough? When you are on the Unknown World and you decide to kill off the Good Rakata (The Elders), I mean you just slaughter and wipe out the whole colony of them. You don't think that isn't evil enough? When you are again on the Unknown world and you side with Bastilla and kill off Jolee and Juhani, you don't think that isn't evil enough? I can go on and on about this. But I do believe you DID make some pretty evil choices in KOTOR.
  10. EnderWiggin, in the gaming industry they have specific people who work on these trailors. It isn't like the coders/programmers/graphic designers/sound artist all take a break in their work and start working on a trailor. There is other specific people who do things like that.
  11. Sad to say but you are right.
  12. The reason why I gave that little background cause he thought that I'm probably going to or trying to pursue a career in journalism. I just wanted to point out that I'm in College now for Computer Science, totally different. Oh, and don't worry, everytime someone flames my article(s) you won't get that message again.
  13. Don't expect too much out of KOTOR II in terms of character creation. Obsidian has said that there will be new faces to chose from. However everything else would be the same from KOTOR will little or no changes at all, just like everything else in the game....
  14. Actually I don't want to have a future in Journalism. To tell you the truth, I'm a freshmen in college (18 years of age) where I attend Kansas University. I'm majoring in Computer Science and I'm on a full ride athletic scholarship for Track & Field where I was All-Conference in the Big XII Indoor Track & Field Championships and I was a NCAA Nationals Qualifyer. I work for TFN cause its the #1 SW site on the net (Besides SW.com) and I'm highly interested in SW. I also work for playmoreconsoles.com a multi-console website. I have strong PR ties with LucasArts so can set up interviews from LA and it's developers as well as get free reviewable copies of a game. In the future (Like this summer) I plan on conducting an interview with some people from Obsidian about KOTOR 2, and interview that you all will also be able to read and gain more knowledge about KOTOR 2. This editorial I wrote is just a crack at what might our could be the events that leads up to KOTOR 2 using the LS ending from KOTOR. If you dont' like it, well thats just you. I'm not looking to win a Pulitzers prize from this, I just want to give fans of KOTOR/KOTOR 2 (People like you) something to read up on. If you like it, great and expect the part two to that article using the DS ending of KOTOR. If you don't, well fine.
  15. Yeah, the reason why I made it to where the JC doesn't listen to Revan is cause they see it like this....Revan used to be the Dark Lord of the Sith. Just just a darksider, but the Dark Lord, THE Dark Lord. Even if he is now good, he is still going to have.....flashbacks or awareness of the DS in his mind. So when Revan told the JC that he feels motion within the DS order, they throw it off cause they believe that Revan having being the former Dark Lord is just having old memories. Its the JC's mistake just as it was the JC's mistake in training Anakin and it was the JC's mistake by not listending to Dooku when he said that the Senate is ran by a Dark Lord, they threw that idea off to. So the JC is always screwing up. So before anyone else goes on....please don't bash my write-up on the fact that the JC didn't listen to Revan. The JC is always doing these types of things, even in the movies like the examples I gave you.
  16. I rather just be alone.
  17. I know it is hard to believe but I work for TheForce.net in the games section. Thats right, the person who is always complaining works for the top SW site on the net. Feels good to be me. Anyways.... We all know that KOTOR 2 takes place 5 years after KOTOR with the Jedi near extinction and the Republic on the run and Revan vanished to who knows where.... Well what we don't know yet is what lead up to these specific events. We really won't know til the game is released but we can always speculate. Thats what this article does. It takes the LS ending to KOTOR and goes in detail the events (speculation) that lead up to the beginning of KOTOR 2. I'm also going to do the same again but this time use the DS ending to KOTOR. Here is an little excerpt from the article: Here is the link ==> http://www.theforce.net/games/articles/slspec1.shtml I hope you guys enjoy it. You can email me at tyrell@playmoreconsoles.com (Hehe, another website I write for) for feedback. Or contact me on AIM at Tyrell1011
  18. You are saying he doesn't look evil?
  19. Is this even the real guy? Or just some person trying to be funny. Anyways, it is sad and stupid on part of Obsidian for not bringing back this person.
  20. But the KOTOR website was up before KOTOR was completed.
  21. I don't want to get off topic but the prequels aren't finished yet. The prequels are made to be judged by watching all 3 of them. All 3 are little bits and pieces to a bigger story. They are like chapters to a book rather then a book themselves. The same goes with the OT, the A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi are all small stories to a bigger, story....the OT. Once Episode III comes out May 19, 2005 you'll view the PT in a new way and everything that didn't make sense or felt like it was a waste of time in EP1/EP2, would now make sense after you view EP3. Everything like the Anakin character development, Anakin/Padme love relationship development, Anakin/Obi relationship development, Anakin/Palpatine relationship development, Mace Windu/Yoda character development etc.... It wasn't just Episode 4: A New Hope that made SW what it is today, it was also the additions of ESB and ROTJ that added depth and development to the story. The same goes with the PT. And the PT/OT combine together to create an EVEN BIGGER story. If you read chapter 1 & 2 of a 18 chapter book and says it lacks things and sucks, then you aren't seeing the whole picture. Read the next chapters and things will come clear and develope. Same goes with EP3. Everything will come together and make sense. I know that you are talking about that Back to the SW universe feel. I do understand that the PT does lack that in some ways but it isn't GL's fault. I mean these movies are made 20 years apart so yes the directing styles and atmospheres would be different. If the PT's came out in 86, 89, and 1992 then it would have had that same feeling as the OT, but it came out 20+ years later. What do you expect? If the Lord of the Rings Trilogy came out in 77, 80, and 1983 and directed by Peter Jackson and remade 20 years later again directed by Peter Jackson. I bet it wouldn't have that same feeling. It's not PJ's fault, its just that times change and so does movie making. To get back on topic. I'm really sad/upset/disapointed/mad/angry/disturbed that JS is coming back to do the score for KOTOR II. He is the one that setted the tone for the KOTOR univese and with KOTOR II taking place 5 years after, it is still that same universe but much darker, so JS should still come back. Like I said in another thread. Its like Howard Shore doing the score for Fellowship of the Ring but not coming back to do Two Towers, or Return of the King. Another example would be John Williams doing the score for A New Hope and not coming back for Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
  22. I like a single saber with the color being blue. Anakin Skywalker style
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