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Everything posted by Tyrell
As of now, what are your thoughts on KOTOR II?
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Is that a fact, is that something that the developers said already? Or is that something that you believe? As i said: "One can always hope...", there's no more to it. The only thing that could be stated as a fact is that there will be more sidequests that might extend the length of KotOR II, compared to its predecessor. Well with that being said, I wouldn't count on it. I wouldn't expect Dantooine in KOTOR II to be any larger in scale then the KOTOR Dantooine. When Obsidian said more sidequest. I hope they aren't playing around with us with this one. I know I'm wrong but lets just say KOTOR had 40 total sidequest, well I hope KOTOR II has 80. In other words, I hope the sidequest is doubled from the first KOTOR. I just don't want 10-20 extra quest then the first. -
What character do you plan to create for Kotor2?
Tyrell replied to ramza's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I have no idea yet.... The only thing I know is that it'll be a male lightside character. -
Did you even read what the creator of this thread had to say about killing random people? What he says makes perfect sense. You can kill anyone you want, but if it interfers with the plot, then you'd have to go back to your last saved game and retry. And mind you, not everyone on KOTOR had something to do with the progression of the story, example, random people walking around that shares the same lines as the other random people walking around and having names like Taris Citizen or Manaan Citizen. Catch my drift?
As of now, what are your thoughts on KOTOR II?
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Is that a fact, is that something that the developers said already? Or is that something that you believe? -
I voted for Good. KOTOR was excellent, but I just don't believe KOTOR II would surpase KOTOR in terms of experience, cause KOTOR II is basiclly KOTOR with a different story/characters. There is nothing MAJOR that makes KOTOR II stand out in front of KOTOR as of now. Yes it has it's little improvements here and there, but like I said....nothing MAJOR. Like more planets or the game being longer then the first. Those are major things.
As of now, what are your thoughts on KOTOR II?
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
That is the #1 gripe I have about KOTOR II. Bioware had an excuse cause they had to make a whole new game from scratch. From the sound engine to the graphics engine, they had to create that. Add that on top of the story, characters, level design and other nick-nacks. Obsidian on the other hand had the sound/graphics engine from KOTOR HANDED to them. So they don't have to take up half of their development process making/fixing a engine, it is already there. There focus now should (but isn't) to make the game longer in terms of content. Since you have the game engine, why won't you now take up that extra time you have to make the planets larger? Add more characters, items etc. No instead we get a "The game would be about the same as KOTOR in terms of length" response from the developers. And they say it like its okay and not a huge deal, well it is cause I bring up the question. What the hell ARE you doing with all this extra time. Let me give you guys one of my little analogies: Lets say we have 2 students taking the Reading part on the ACT/SAT. The first student (Bioware) comes in the room and reads this 4 page story and answers all of the questions and gets all of them right. He then exits the room and tells the 2nd student to full story and the questions that he remembered and the answers to them. Mind you both students has 20 min to complete this part on the SAT. The first student had to use up all 20 min of this portion and didn't have enough time to move on to the next part. The 2nd student (Obsidian) listened to everything the first student had to say and took it into account. So since he has all the information he needs for this part, you'll think it'll take him less then 20 mins to finish this part and have enough time to move on and do more of the SAT in the second section (I know in real life on the SAT you can't go onto the next section until told, but I'm just doing this for my example). Guess what? It took him 18 min to complete that part of the SAT. With knowing the whole story (The first kid told him EVERYTHING about the story) and a few answers, it should have taken him about 5 min to complete. But instead 18 min and he only has 2 min to do work in the second sections. WHAT WAS THIS KID DOING THE WHOLE TIME? SITTING DOWN LOOKING AT THE ROO? Thats the impression I get with Obsidian. You have everything, the sound engine, graphics engine, and development tools handed down to you from the first developer, so that means you shouldn't take much time on aspects like that and you should have enough time and energy to work on other bigger things like the games content. Add more planets or make the current planets larger, add more characters, items, weapons, vehicles, etc. I know you guys are tired of hearing me complain about KOTOR II, but thats just the type of person I am. I speak whatever is on my mind. I mean I love the other things Obsidian is doing and additions its putting in the game like the better looking Jedi robes and the ablity for your NPCs to goto the LS/DS. I like those type of things, but when they said that the game lenght would be the same as KOTOR, and knowing that KOTOR wasn't that long then that just pissed me off. Games like FF are different. Most of those games are the same in lenght, but from the start, they are already long as it is. KOTOR II is different cause KOTOR wasn't that long. Like someone else said here, when playing KOTOR and you knew it was coming to an end, you didn't want it to end, you wanted more. Whereas in a game like FF when it is about to end, you feel completed when it ends. KOTOR II is going to be a great game from what I see now. Its just that I hate that the lenght is going to be the same as KOTOR. I hope you guys respect that. -
What did youl like most about KOTOR 1???
Tyrell replied to Bantha Fodder's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Story with music being second. -
How do you intend to first play the game?
Tyrell replied to Darth Sun_Tzu's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Does the ending of the first KOTOR game really has an effect on the story of KOTOR II? I mean yes at the beginning of the game you can tell how KOTOR ending and rather Revan was a male/female. But that doesn't meant he shape of the story will change. That only could mean that some dialog here and there would be changed, nothing major. -
What do you think the twist(s) will be in KOTOR II
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I believe that would be somewhat acceptable. Although I really wouldn't count that as a twist. -
Based off of all the facts you know of as of now, what are your thoughts on KOTOR II? First off I can saftely say that KOTOR II isn't shaping up to what I always expected it to be. That is looks/gameplay wise. The story is good so far. Overall KOTOR II is a good game. I like how your actions now not only affect you but also affect your party members. I like that idea. I mean, I remember in KOTOR how when I was on the Darkside, I always tried things and said things to Juhani to make her go back to the DS. No matter what happened, she would stay light. In KOTOR II a situation like that would be different. I also like how your new Jedi robes blow and sway with the wind as you run and fight. I seen this while watching a E3 video and I was totally blown away. I like that concept. I like how mood and tone of KOTOR II is going to be darker then that of KOTOR. Much like how Episode III is going to be with the SW movies. The idea of characters from the first game making cameos and not playing a major role in KOTOR II is a great thing. I don't mind seeing KOTOR characters in KOTOR II, but if they had something major to do with the progression of the story, then that would have been a bad idea. Being able to travel back to Dantooine is great. Being able to see it after its destruction would just bring chills down my spin. And when I go back and play KOTOR it'll make me look at Dantooine in a more serious way. The graphics is something I'm not going with. I mean I'm not complaining, but I expected KOTOR II to NOT look like KOTOR in terms of graphics. I expected it to somewhat improve. Even if the game is still on the same engine as KOTOR, that doesn't mean the graphics have to look EXACTLY the same. Perfect Dark for the N64 was on the same engine as GoldenEye. The graphics weren't all that improved, but you could see a drastic difference and Perfect Dark didn't look EXACTLY the same as GE. KOTOR II isn't like that. I don't like the fact that the person who did the music for KOTOR isn't coming back to do the music for KOTOR II. That person (I don't know his name) did a good job and setted a great tone for the KOTOR atmosphere. KOTOR takes place 4,000 years before the movies so I didn't expect songs like Duel of the Fates, Across the Stars, and the Imperial March to be in it. Cause those are songs that sets to mood and tone to the SW universie 4,000 years later. This is 4,000 years before so it has to have a different atmosphere. The KOTOR guy did an excellent job with that. The Bastillia theme is top-notch and very emotional. The Sith theme is great along with the Korriban Academy theme. The Dantooine/Manaan themes are terrific and really goes great with the tone of the area. And much much more. KOTOR II only takes place 5 years after KOTOR so it should have that same mood and the person the come back and do the music for KOTOR II. Not saying that this new guy can't get the job done, but it would've been great if the first guy came back for part two. Its just like Howard Shore doing the score for Fellowship of the Ring not coming back and doing the score for Two Towers and Return of the King. Or John Williams doing the score for The Phantom Menace and not coming back for Attack of the Clones or Episode 3. This may be going way out in the left-field, but I don't like how that Mining facility at the beginning of the game could count as one of the 7 planets but yet it isnt really a planet. I hope it is just the "Endire Spire" of the game. By hearing from what the developers had said, I don't like the idea that KOTOR II might just be the same in length as KOTOR. I did EVERYTHING in KOTOR all the missions and side missions and I even wasted time playing Pazaak and doing races and just running around and the longest it ever took me was 52 hours. I remember how Bioware said that if you do everything in the game, it would take you up to 80 hours to complete. I hope KOTOR II will take 60-80 hours to complete rather then the 30-50 hours of KOTOR. Well that is about if for now. What about you guys?
What do you think the twist(s) will be in KOTOR II
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
If that turns out to be true, then that would suck. -
What do you think the twist(s) will be in KOTOR II
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
[quote name='Bless -
What Planets You Want To See?
Tyrell replied to Vanidar Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I hope that mining facility doesn't count as a planet cause it isn't actually a planet its more like a space station type thing. Most likely and hopefully the Endar Spire of the game. Then once you fix your Ebon Hawk you fly down to a planet and won't be able to goto that mining facility again cause it was detected by the Sith and destroyed. -
Why are 99% of Twi'leks green?????
Tyrell replied to Bantha Fodder's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I agree "E chunta!" -
I never learned how to play it.... Never interested me.
What do you think the twist(s) will be in KOTOR II
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Could, be....she does have somewhat of that mystery feeling to her. -
Its probably too much to ask for....
What do you think the twist(s) will be in KOTOR II
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Why is what? -
Post your ideas as to what the 'twist' will be!
Tyrell replied to Ivan the Terrible's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
thanks, but i reckon this thread is for those who aren't self-important little prigs. I'm just saying what the right thing would be. I mean it wouldn't be cool for two of the same threads floating around, but that really isn't my problem to worry about so I'm just going to leave it as it is. -
What do you think the twist(s) will be in KOTOR II
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
So at last we do know that there WILL be a twist and possibly better then the first. So that is some good news to hear.l -
What do you think the twist(s) will be in KOTOR II
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Come on guys, please get serious with this and get back on topic. -
Post your ideas as to what the 'twist' will be!
Tyrell replied to Ivan the Terrible's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
This topic has already been brought up and discussed here Not trying to be an ass but only trying the keep repeat topics from showing up. It only clustters the forum, besides, that topic already has more replies to it. If I were a mod I would lock this topic. -
What Planets You Want To See?
Tyrell replied to Vanidar Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Corusant, that is the only one I want to see. The others I DONT want to see. Here is a longshot, I KNOW it won't be in the game but.....Mustafar. -
Anyone notice this is the same face from KOTOR1? I noticed that to. They BETTER have new faces in this game. I don't want to play with another Revan face again. I want a whole new look.
Darth Revan VS Darth Vadar
Tyrell replied to pimpin in 2004's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Revan is more athletic whereas Vader is all stiff cause he is mostly Mechanical. I would believe Revan would win in a lightsaber battle.