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Everything posted by Tyrell

  1. Funny how no developer has yet to come to this thread and answer the question....
  2. I think the Swoop Racing games should've been longer. 22-28 seconds just wasnt enough. As soon as you start to get tence and the race starts to get exciting, the race would be over. It shoul have expaned to atleast 50-60 seconds. As for dueling arenas, there should be one on each planet in some way or fashion.
  3. Well said. That was my biggest problem with KotOR. That any anything you did in game effected nothing or anything at all. Thanks, that makes atleast 2 people who see things my way.
  4. If done right, it could give us that whoa feeling again.
  5. He repairs the Falcon's hyperdrive at the end of the film, allowing them all to escape the Executor. Yeah, there ya go. When I play KOTOR again, I'm going to try to use T3-M4 a bit more. Like saving me on the Leviathon.
  6. I like that. Like a Lightside Edition Box Cover and a Darkside Edition Box Cover.
  7. I'll wait til more information is released then I'll make my prediction.
  8. You know it's just a game, right? I do know its just a game but I have the right to voice my opinion.
  9. I'm complaing that Bioware said that the fate of the galaxy was determined by the actions you made in the game and that certainly wasn't true. Thats what I'm mad about. They made me believe that the things I did on Taris/Dantooine/Kasykkk(sp?)/Manaan/Korriban determined the fate of the world.
  10. That sounds very Empire Strikes Back and thus. I don't like that one.
  11. They need to give him a personality. I didnt observe any at all in the first game. In everysingle SW movie (Even in Episode III). R2-D2 has a scene in which he is saving a person's life: Episode I: Fixing that ship that the Queen was on and giving it the power to jump into hyperspace. Episode II: Saving Padme in the droid factory Episode III: (I would say but it would be a spoiler) Episode IV: Saving Luke, Leia, Han and Chewie from that garbage place. Episode V: I can't remember.... Episode VI: Helping Leia/Han open that door on Endor. So in every movie he did something memorable. In KOTOR he opened that locked door to the Sith Base, but that isn't really memorable. On the Leviathon instead of other characters being picked to rescue you, it should have been T3-M4 saving you in some way and form. Same thing should happen in KOTOR. That why his character would relate better to you as he has saved your life many times. Rather then just opening a door to a Sith Base....
  12. And what do you call that? A plot twist! You thought that the good little guy was on your side, but the whole time he was working with the sith which is something you never expected coming. Hence, that is a plot twist. And no not every other KOTOR sequel has to have a twist just cause KOTOR had one, but a twist is expected by many gamers. Many gamers says that the twist is what made the game even better. They said that before the twist the story was somewhat bland and flat, after the twist it made the story more interesting and made them want to play more to find out how this all unfolds. Same with KOTOR II. No it doesn't have to be a twist on the same level as the "I am your Father" or "Your are the antagonist!" type deal. But something similar of the lines on what you pointed out. About some person that you thought was good (Maybe even one of your NPCs) but later on found out that he was actually working for the Sith and leading you to them the whole time and such.
  13. Thats another thing I didn't like about KOTOR (But I'm not going to create a thread about it. ) The developers said that if you played through KOTOR doing EVERYTHING like the side quest and stuff, then the game could roll out somewhere to 80 hours of gameplay. My second time through I took my time and did EVERYTHING every single side-quest you can do and I still only got like 40-50 hours of it. This is how I hope KOTOR II is: Playing through it by just doing the main story: 40-60 hours Playing through it by doing the main story plus all side-quest and other things.: 60-100 hours. Yes thats asking for too much but we can dream cant we?
  14. Now that is an idea I like: If you were LS the whole game and picked the LS ending, then you would be the hero and saviour etc.... If you were LS the whole game and picked the DS ending, then you would be known as Revan again but all the Sith wouldn't see you as the true Sith Lord and you'll probably end up being Bastila's apprentice at the end while she be the Sith Lord. If you were DS the whole game and picked the DS ending, you would be the Sith Lord with Bastila at your side. If you were DS the whole game and picked the LS ending, then like you said, you'll just be seen as a "redeemed" person rather then a pure hero and savior. Even though the fate of the galaxy is STILL determined on the roof-top. Atleast the outcome and how the ending will be would be somewhat changed because of.....the choices you made earlier in the game. But Bioware didn't offer anything like that. The fate of the galaxy was determined on the roof-top and what you did earlier in the game had no effect on anything after-wards, just that conversation on the roof-top. Whereas how you had it, atleast what you did in the past has somewhat an effect on events afterwards.
  15. It said actions as in ALL the choices you make in the game. Not action which means that one action on top of that roof. Actually "actionS" is just the plural form of "action". Which means 2 or more. It could simply come down to 2 in game actions to determine the ending. Besides, as language is used, that could even mean one action, given the context. Don't try to find some cheap way to get out of this. When they meant actions they meant the decisions you make in the game, not one final decision. You are just trying to look too much into it to find a way to find me wrong. Also about the EP3 Spoiler thing, how can it be changed? It is already filmed! Guys, I don't want to come off as some guy that everyone hates. I loved KOTOR as much as everyone here. I'll also go even further to say that I'm probably the biggest SW fan in this forum. I've worked for Theforce.net since 1997, and since then I've been to Star Wars Celebration I & II conventions and has purchased every SW title since Shadows of the Empire on the N64. The only two SW titles that I don't have is Galaxies and Jedi Academy. I'm not bashing KOTOR at all, I'm just pointing out a issue that I didn't like. I'm just letting everyone know this before everyone starts to hate me cause of one thread.
  16. See, you can't answer the question cause you know that what we were told isn't true. From LucasArts.com: It said actions as in ALL the choices you make in the game. Not action which means that one action on top of that roof.
  17. Then there's the problem. You're not accepting one of the most basic tenets of star wars. DS IS ALWAYS A DANGER TO ANY LS JEDI NO MATTER WHAT. Does YOda go around force choking people and using dark side force powers? I mean he is super LS Jedi so he must be immune to the dark side yes? NO. It is a quest just like every other quest in the game and you are given both options just like every other quest. Again you are still talking about that option thingy. YOUR OPTION COMES DURING THE GAME WHEN YOU ARE FORCED TO MAKE LS/DS DECISIONS. Why should it all come down to one final moment? Also that EP3 spoiler IS true. It isn't rumor. Goto Theforce.net to find out. Also if you have HyperSpace on SW.com watch the Video Village video and you'll see anakin doing what I said above. And about the Vader saving Luke issue. The reason for that is cause he was destined to do that, bring balance to the force. But anyways, just answer the question I asked you....I want and answer....
  18. Your analogy is comepletely fallacious. People are not objective like a test. I already said this before but Ill say it again. LS JEDI ARE ALWAYS IN DANGER OF THE DS. No matter how great and good your character is through the whole game he can still fall to the DS and this is reflected in KOTOR 1. You idea gives me roleplaying options through the game but then suddenly at the end I get no control of my character? No thank you. So you are complaining cause you want to go through the whole game on the DS but at the end just out of nowhere change to the LS? I don't like that idea. If you want to be LS well dammit do LS choices during the game. If you want to be DS well do DS choices during the game. You are all complaining about my idea not giving you control of your character but yet you do get full control of your character. Your control comes from what you do earlier in the game. You guys are just complaining cause you wouldn't just be able to switch in one instant. But okay guys, let me throw a question at you. So do you believe (In KOTOR I) that the choices you make during the game (Not the choice on the temple roof) determine the outcome of the galaxy? If not, then that just goes agaisn't what Bioware was throwing at us about are decisions we make in the game determining how the ending will play out. If that is true, then that is lies given to us by Bioware cause our decisions we make in the game DOESNT determain how the ending will play out and what the fate of the galaxy will be. What determines that is one single conversation on top of a Temple roof, THAT determines the fate of the galaxy. So with that being said. Bioware should have said "You can play as a DS or LS character through the whole game, but the fate of the galaxy doesn't rely on that, but rather relies on one fateful moment 3/4 through the game". That would been more understandable. But they DIDNT! They said "You can play as a DS or LS character through the whole game and depending one what side you are on during the game determines how the ending will go" Answer that!
  19. To prove what you said isn't justified, let me give you an example: MAJOR STAR WARS: EPISODE III SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before the Anakin/Obi-Wan duel, Padme gets out of the ship that Obi-Wan came in. Obi-Wan didn't know she was in there. She was in there to try to come and bring Anakin back to good. Anakin loved her and everything, we see this in Attack of the Clones. But Anakin is so upset that Padme is not seeing things his way, he force chokes her, and uses force push to throw her body up against a wall where she is knocked out. Later on she dies just after giving birth to the twins. END SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So what you are saying about you being DS but doing what Bastila says cause you love her doesn't mean anything as I proved in that example.
  20. Let me compare this to school/grades. If I am taking a test and I get all of the questions right, I should pass the test. (LS) If I get all of the questions wrong, I should fail the test. (DS) I shouldn't be able to get all of the questions wrong but have an essay question at the end and do good on that and be able to pass. Same way the other way around. I shouldn't get all the questions write on the test but yet do bad on the essay question and fail the whole thing.
  21. If it would have went my way, your options came during the game when you made your DS/LS decisions....
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