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Everything posted by Tyrell
For those who submitted questions to my....
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
His problem is that GL relies TOO much on EU. In the EP2 book, it goes more into detail how he killed the Sand people....like how a force pulled a huge rock, then force pushed it onto a group of 4 running sand people kids. Just imagine how cool/dark that would have made Anakin look in EP2 if that were to be shown in the actual movie? Over at Theforce.net we have taken up all the spoilers we have on EP3 and compiled the story for EP3 and by that it is really good, best SW movie if you ask me. Anakin might have been whiny in EP2, but he is a badass in EP3....trust my word. -
For those who submitted questions to my....
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Don't worry, people's perspective about the PT will change once they view Episode III.... -
For those who submitted questions to my....
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I find myself to be a fan of the prequels.... -
For those who submitted questions to my....
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
For those who submitted questions to my....
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
This is how it goes.... TheForce.net: When KOTOR 2 comes out we will have a contest. One winner. The winner gets a free copy of KOTOR 2 (On a platform of his/her choice whether it be Xbox or PC), a LucasArts T-Shirt, and KOTOR 2 strategy guide. Playmoreconsoles.com: When Republic Commando and Battlefront comes out later this year, we will be giving away a copy of each....on a platform of your choice. Same goes with KOTOR 2 when that comes out. So that in all that is 3 titles that is going to be given away that you can win. One title (KOTOR 2) you'll have two chances of winning. As for how the contest goes....basiclly they are just drawings. But to enter you have to be a member of the forum for the particular site along with a certain amount of post (Like 20 or something like that). And I know that you all don't want to go through that to just win a game. So I'm going to enter you in the drawing myself. Whenever these drawings happen, and if you win, I'll notify you asking for your address and such so I can send you your prize. Its the least I could do. I don't HAVE to do this. I could just say that your questions won't be used and just go about my business. But I'm not blunt like that, that would just be a slap in the face. -
For those who submitted questions to my....
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Wasn't that line said in KOTOR when you bought those 3 drunk guys a drink on Taris? I swear that line sounds familiar.... -
Another reason why I prefer the Xbox version over PC is the surround sound feature. A PC surround sound can't compare to a home entertainment surround sound.
Half-life 2 on PS2? I find that highly unlikely. Even if true, then it will be more of a vanilla version compared to the PC in all departments. Half-Life 2 is NOT a PS2 title. I can assure you of that. I'm not even going to go out of my way to prove it to you. Cause its just like trying to prove that air is a gas and not a solid....
In the X-boxs defense, they get Doom 3 Along with Half-Life 2...Full Spectrum Warrior etc....
Looks like you and I are the only true Xboxers here....
If you haven't noticed....that thread is asking you which is the better KOTOR 1 version. This thread is asking you which platform will you get KOTOR 2 on. Totally different concepts if you ask me....
I just have to ask this. I never asked this question to someone who got both. So my question is....why? Not saying it is a bad thing. But whats the motive to get both?
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords will be coming out in Feb 2005. Unlike KOTOR, KOTOR 2 will see the Xbox and PC copies coming out at the same time. Obviously everyone here is for one reason, KOTOR 2. But I also know that not everyone here can be just Xbox fans or PC fans. Some of us here will be getting the Xbox version (I'm one of them) some will be getting the PC version and some will be getting both. So, which platform will you be getting KOTOR 2 on? PC? Xbox? Or both?
For those who submitted questions to my....
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Guess that LucasArts don't think that the Obsidian forums are "PR material".... I find that funny and ironic. You know that when I contacted Obsidian to conduct some interviews, the CEO of Obsidian emailed me back saying that all of the PR related stuff regarding KOTOR 2 is done by LucasArts.... -
For those who submitted questions to my....
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Well you have to consider that this IS the official site for KOTOR 2. Not many official sites run contest. Its mostly the fansites that does that. Besides, its too early. You never know, once it gets closer to release, Obsidian might just run a contest/giveaway. -
For those who submitted questions to my....
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I mean don't get too happy, it isn't final yet. I'm still working on seeing what I can do more for you guys. Its kinda sad (And funny) cause you all got all happy thinking that your questions was going to be featured in an interview on the #1 SW fansite on the net. Then only at the end the day before the questions are to be sent in, find out that infact....your questions WONT be used. -
For those who submitted questions to my....
Tyrell replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Heh, I'm just doing what I think is right. I mean, I'm here at these forums for the same reason as everyone else....I want to discuss KOTOR 2. But since I'm also in gaming industry (The media side of it), I feel as if I can help out with KOTOR 2 information. From now til KOTOR 2 comes out I have set up exactly 4 interview concerning KOTOR 2. Two of which will be posted in June, the other in the fall, and the last one maybe a month before KOTOR 2 comes out. I'm also setting up KOTOR 2 contest for those KOTOR 2 followers like myself you and you. And seeing how these people took time out of their day to submit questions to an interview....that they now won't be a part of, I'm going to award them in anyway that I can. Hence, adding them in 4 contest. In the meantime I'm going to try to set something up to where I can just set up a contest for only those who submitted questions and they won't have to worry about being entered in with the TFN/PMC people. They can have their own exclusive contest. But that isn't official, I'll have to see what I can do. In the meantime, they are entered in the TFN KOTOR contest and the three PMC Star Wars giveaway contest. -
Hello everyone. I would like to make a rather disapointing statement. My superiors over at Theforce.net has decided to only let the TFN forum users post questions to the interview. At first we decided that we would let the people over at the official forum (This place) come up with the questions. But later on they decided to just make it an TFN forum exclusive thus making you sign up for the TFN forums. I know all of you don't want to do that so don't worry about it. I'm really sorry to say this. Many of you has came up with worthy questions but it is out of my control now. As graditude for those who did take their time to submit some questions, I'm not going to let you all go away without an award. Everyone who supplied a question will be automaticlly entered in the PMC Star Wars giveaways. We over at Playmoreconsoles.com is going to be giving away two copies of Republic Commando, two copies of Battlefront, and 2 copies of KOTOR 2 (Whenever it comes out). So that is 3 chances to win a game. And the best part is, you don't have to be apart of the PMC forum cause I'M going to enter your name in just for being considerate and submitting some questions for an interview....that you guys won't be able to be a part of. Thats not it though! Again for those who submitted questions (And I have the list). Theforce.net will also be giving away copies of KOTOR 2 along with an LucasArts T-Shirt, and KOTOR 2 strategy guide. You have to be a TFN forum member to enter, but for you guys I'm going to just enter you all in so you don't have to join the TFN forums. So that is what....4 chances to win 3 SW games. Two chances to win KOTOR 2 for free when it comes out. But only for those who submitted questions. Again, thanks for your time and patience. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, just email me at tyrell@playmoreconsoles.com or catch me on AIM/Yahoo messenger at Tyrell1011. Thanks and have a wonderful day. Note: The TFN and PMC KOTOR 2 interviews will be posted in early/mid June. I'll post a link to both interviews whenever they are posted. I have to send in both batch of interview questions tomorrow to Alexis Mervin (LucasArts Public Relations Manager). Here is the List of people who submitted questions and will be entered in all 4 of the contest: Meshugger Seth Tansill NInjaPirate Nartwak darthillinovex Opus131 EUIX Zane0 (You asked my favorite question ) jaberwocki Revan of the Sith Derek blizzardski123 maia mkreku (Although your question had nothing to do with KOTOR 2, it was a funny question that we at TFN will be throwing in here and there) Indalecio
You say that now, but see seems like the type that will constantly preach to you about the horrors of the darkside everytime you do something bad. She seems like one of the characters who would leave your group if you go DS.
How many times do I have to say this....the same people who actually make the game (Programmers, producers, designers etc....) has NOTHING to do with releasing new movies/screenshots. There is separate people who does that. And these people are called PR Managers or PR Associates. Here is an interview with the PR Manager from Midway Games Natalie Salzman. This interview can be viewed in the Feb 2004 Game Informer magazine: There ya go! I know this cause I work with these type of people everyday.... So when people say that there should be more screenshots/movies out for the game, and another person says that if they focus too much on that, then the development of the game will slow down. That is impossible cause the PR people is the ones sending out the pics/movies and they have NOTHING to do with the actuall core development of the game. I was trying to prove this a while back but I couldn't find that magazine article. Well there you have it, there is a seperate person who does these media things, hence....the development process of the game won't be hindered. All to easy and I rest my case! B)
Halo PC only? I never knew that. I guess since the Xbox technology came and it's hardware is similar to that of a PC, I guess Bungie decided to release it on the Xbox as well.
Probably not. Look at Halo. Before the Xbox came out and even a after, I was always under the impression that Halo would be an 100% Xbox exlcusive. That means not even on the PC. I mean, look at the cover of Halo....it says "Only for Xbox" or something to that nature. But noooooooo, Bungie (or atleast in my mind) being greedy for more money and seeing how much Halo sold on the PC, decided to bring it out on the PC. Same with KOTOR. Everyone knew that KOTOR was also coming out on the PC, but at heart it was an Xbox title. This is the gaming industry and anything goes, I wouldn't be surprised if the new Sony or even Nintendo consoles gets a piece of KOTOR 3....
I don't know....
Not to get off topic but I have a feeling that KOTOR 3 would end up being a Xbox 2 launch title.