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Everything posted by Tyrell

  1. I like how your robe blows with the wind while running/fighting.
  2. I'm still going to get KOTOR II though, but I don't know about you guys but the way KOTOR II is looking now, all it is is just basiclly KOTOR I with new characters, story, locations, and a few new additions like new jedi classes and force powers. There isn't really anything major added like new faces, mini-games more then 7 planets etc.... Just a 100% carbon copy of the first game and when I always imagined KOTOR, I imagined more then this.... KOTOR II is seeming more of an expansion pack then an actual sequel. The main thing that is getting me is the graphics engine. I always believed that KOTOR II would have Jade Empire/Fable type graphics....instead it is the EXACT SAME as the first which shows how much work Obsidian is really putting into this project....
  3. I was looking through the pics at the official site for KOTOR 2. Well I seen the person that you control and he had the all blue Jedi suit on. Well the thing that bothers me is that, the same face that person has, is the same face that you could pick from in the first KOTOR. I find that disturbing cause one, in KOTOR I you were Revan and all of those faces shouldn't return for KOTOR II. It should be a new cast of faces cause the first KOTOR faces were Revan faces. I mean is Obsidian that lazy to create new faces? I mean they already have the whole engine/coding/development tools handed to them by Bioware. So you'll expect them to focus harder on other areas that Bioware didn't give to them. I'm going to be very sick and upset if I buy KOTOR and start to create my player and find out that all 15 faces are the exact same as KOTOR II. I'm still going to get KOTOR II though, but I don't know about you guys but the way KOTOR II is looking now, all it is is just basiclly KOTOR I with new characters, story, locations, and a few new additions like new jedi classes and force powers. There isn't really anything major added like new faces, mini-games more then 7 planets etc.... Just a 100% carbon copy of the first game and when I always imagined KOTOR, I imagined more then this....
  4. Just because you are a darksider does NOT make you Sith. That's like saying you are in the Navy because you sail. So I can argue that just cause you are a lightsider doesn't mean that you are a Jedi right? You could be a Light Sith....
  5. Level cap =30. Thats with the pretige classes.
  6. I JUST HATE THAT!!!! Why do people use the term Dark Jedi? Sith is more appropriate cause thats what they are....Sith, not Dark Jedi. Thats just like saying...Light Sith. Who was your favorite Light Sith? Mace Windu, Obi-Wan, or Yoda? It just sounds stupid, use the right name call called people who are on the Darkside Sith. ....I didn't vote.
  7. I liked being evil, thus the Darkside path was better.
  8. Here is the official information on Corusant from Starwars.com: _______ Situated in the heart of the galaxy, Coruscant was the seat of government for the Galactic Republic and the Empire that supplanted it. Over thousands of years of civilization, the planet has been entirely enveloped by cityscapes and urban sprawl. Immense skyscrapers reach high into the atmosphere, and stretch down deep into the dark shadows. Crisscrossing the skyline are streams of unending repulsorlift traffic. Even in the depths of night, Coruscant is alive with glittering lights and rivers of traffic, a bustling megalopolis that refuses to sleep. Some of the most important decisions, affecting the lives of trillions, have been made on Coruscant. It has long been the center of government, and the site of residence for the galaxy's Supreme Chancellor. From a towering high-rise overlooking a gleaming range of mountainous edifices, rulers such as Valorum and Palpatine have carefully plotted the future of the Republic. Though the Chancellor steered the government, issues were ultimately settled in the cavernous rotunda of the Galactic Senate. Thousands of Senators and galactic representatives from the far-flung worlds of the Republic would debate pressing issues and push forward countless agendas. As Coruscant was the center-point for decisions affecting the massive engines of commerce in the galaxy, it was also a nexus of graft and corruption. Vast fortunes were spent to ensure that corporations were allowed to operate without profit-stunting restrictions. Entities such as the Trade Federation and the Commerce Guild held incredible sway over the inner workings of Coruscant politics. Removed from this corruption and encased in a gleaming tower was the Jedi High Council. Coruscant was home to the Jedi Temple, and the august order was answerable to the Supreme Chancellor himself. A quite different world exists beneath the shimmering surface of the city-planet. In the lower levels, where sunlight never reaches, is a haze of artificial lights and flickering holograms, promising entertainment catering to a myriad of alien species and the full spectrum of morality. Citizens from above and below intermix in countless establishments offering escape, anonymity, jubilation and more than just a hint of danger.
  9. I never used the feature either, but here are a list of the names I used: Tidus Windu Bain Revan Anakin Skywalker Okay, they aren't original, but they got the job done....
  10. I think it was a neat little feature and I hope it returns in KOTOR II.
  11. Like I said, its too early to tell, but once more info is leaked. We'll soon know for sure.
  12. Exactly. There could be still remanants of Jedi on the Counsil at Corusant.
  13. If you are the last Jedi, then why is it that right now we know that there is two other female Jedi in the game? So things could stretch a bit....
  14. And Corusant is an Republic Controlled planet. Hell, the Galactic Senate is on Corusant. Again though, we'll just have to wait for more information to be released.
  15. I hope it is Corusant. I see it in the movies and just image how great it would be for you to actually stand in front of the Jedi Counsil just like the movies! You'll be like "Oh s***! Thats where Yoda/Mace Windu sits!" or "Anakin Skywalker will be standing in this very spot!"
  16. I'm not saying that my theory is right, but look at it this way. If you know anything about Star Wars you'll know that the Jedi High Counsil/Jedi Temple is on Corusant. It was even said in KOTOR 1 about the Jedi High Counsil being on this planet but. Well there is also a counsil on Dantooine, but that is destroyed. So in KOTOR II you are going to have to one time or another visit some head Jedi people, most likely the Jedi Counsil. The only place left would be Corusant. Yes, you are right, with those images it doesn't really prove much. I mean, it could just be another Taris-like planet. But from what I believe, it could be Corusant.
  17. Real Images: Game Images: What do you guys think? Is this one of the planets that Obsidian is trying to keep secret? By the ingame pics, I guess its safe to say that Corusant, home of the Jedi High Counsil and Jedi Temple is in the game. Looks like this is our 3rd planet guys.
  18. is that one of those star wars novels? i haven't heard of it. It's the second Star Wars movie buddy... there was a sequel to star wars? did luke and leia end up together? There is also 2 prequels to Star Wars with the 3rd prequel coming out this time next year.
  19. Why is everyone talking about Yavin? There was no planet Yavin in KOTOR. Where are you guys getting this from?
  20. Atleast there should be an option for you to atleast just go back to the planets and play around like pazaak and swoop racing and just talk to people. This time their dialog would be post storyline talking about the recent events. Don't tell me that there isn't enough time to do this. I don't like to sound picky but that is one thing that is pissing me off with this whole Obsidian thing. Much is said that not much is going to be added to the game that wasn't already in KOTOR, so that leaves me to believe that the only thing Obsidian is really doing is just a new story. I mean they already have the KOTOR game engine and that makes up about 50-70% of the developement process. So what IS Obsidian really doing with this project. I believe that if they already have the engine, they should be doing a lot more since I have more free time, but they aren't.
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