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Everything posted by Tyrell

  1. And I responded with things to talk about. This forum is full of things to talk about. And I didn't even touch the gameplay video yet. That too brings up many topics of conversation. I have no qualms with you, or your posts in general. However, I think it's a little childish to stomp your feet and complain about a lack of information when the devs have answered plenty of questions, provided us with interviews, screenshots, concept art, and a gameplay movie and the community ignored that content. Perhaps they should discuss the content given before demanding more. I'm not trying to start an argument with you. I have better things to do then that. Someone just simply asked a simple question "Where is everyone???" and I just posted my opinion on to why not many is posting here opposed to two or three weeks ago when new KOTOR 2 info was coming daily.... Since E3 there HAS been a decline in new KOTOR 2 info. Like someone said (was it you?) I don't remember but someone said that as of late, the only KOTOR 2 info that we have is the latest interviews. Without those interviews, we would be living off of the E3 news. I'm not saying that the things you listed isn't worthy enough to be talked about. When I said "what is there to talk about?". I mean that as what is there NEW to talk about?. Like your list suggest, there is PLENTY of things to talk about, most of which on that list already currently been talked about. But the thing I meant is, what NEW info is there out to speculate on. There isn't any, thus many people has probably flocked away waiting for that new batch of information to be released before they come back. Although it was me who setted up the Playmoreconsoles.com interview with Obsidian, I'm still letting the staff throw in some questions if they want. There is one guy on the staff who suggested two questions. But these were questions that has been asked and answered numerous times. I told him that I won't use his two questions cause I want new questions that hasn't been asked before. Questions that will challenge the person answering the questions to talk more about KOTOR 2, hence releasing new pure information that hasn't been known before. Why? Cause I want to give people like you, me and others something new to talk about and speculate on. I hope you see my point. You list is good and I will create some threads out of a few, but also see where I'm coming from.
  2. Yes, there is plenty of things to speculate on now for KOTOR 2. But people don't want to speculate on things like that, people want new info like interviews, pics, and movies. Not talk about "What is that type of creature is that in that concept art" For movies that is all fine and dandy. Take Star Wars: Episode III as an example. People speculate on the type of things you just listed. Go over to the Starwars.com or Theforce.net forums and goto the EP3 forums and you'll see what I'm talking about. But videogames is different. People want to speculate on the story, characters and things like that. No things like "What are those red-glowing things around the handles of the two lightsabers?" In videogames there is only so much to speculate on before it gets old....and no new info has been coming out since E3.
  3. Maybe with the PMC interview Obsidian might just send me a few screenshots....
  4. Maybe it is because of the simple fact that not much new info has been released, thus bringing up the question "What is there exactly to talk about?" to many people.
  5. The creator of this thread is right, since E3 KOTOR news has been quite stale. The only thing keeping us going is the interviews. Speaking of interviews, the Playmoreconsoles.com interview that I'm working on now will be put up sometime early July. Its going to be different from all other KOTOR 2 interviews so far as all questions are questions that HASNT been asked before. So there will be some new info coming out of that. Plus my Theforce.net interview will be coming in early July. I gave you all the choice of coming up with the questions to that interview but not many people seemed to be interested in it. So TFN decided to just let the TFN forum people come up with the questions. Anways, in early July there will for sure be 2 new interviews coming out that will shine new light on KOTOR 2. I'm trying to help you guys out....
  6. I would also take the time out to thank everyone who has contributed and submitted some questions. Everyday everyone here is always asking a question about KOTOR 2, a question here and a question there, now is your time to ask that question as it will be answered by a person from Obsidian on the KOTOR 2 development team. Thanks! But its not over yet its only the 27th, you all who haven't submitted questions still has time.
  7. Sorry, that was my mistake. I meant June 1, 2004. Yes, I will post the 10 questions that I'll use in the interview along with the person who submitted them.
  8. Lol, for some reason I'm really liking that question. So far the questions seem to be rolling along great. Keep them up!
  9. This interview is going to be with someone on the Obsidian development team.
  10. Hmppf, seems you beat me to it Didn't notice. Must've been because I had this window lurking around for a while. And question 5 I presume you mean 'Who makes the coffee' Yeah thats another thing I want to eloborate on. Please try to not post a question or questions that was previously posted prior to your post. In know that in the situation of you it was a mistake. I'm just giving everyone the heads up so that this doesn't happen in the future. Its all about maintaining order here in the forum.
  11. Oh, just to give you guys a quick update. Just cause you post one reply with a set of questions, don't feel as if you can't reply again with another set of newer questions. You can keep replying with new questions as much as you want. I'm letting you all do this cause with me being in the gaming industry I know how hard it is to come up with initial questions and I know that as time passes, newer thoughts come to your head that wasn't there the first time.
  12. Hello everyone! As you all should know by know, I work for TheForce.net, the #1 site for your SW information and I work for Playmoreconsoles.com a multi-console website. Soon I will be conducting two interviews regarding KOTOR 2. Two interviews on two different sites. One interview will be on TFN and the other will be on PMC. Both interviews will regard KOTOR 2, but each interview will have their own phase of questions. So it isn't like both interviews is going to be the exact same. Thats where you all step in. For the TFN interview, I'm going to take 10 questions from you, yes I'm going to let you all come up with the questions. I'm going to take the 10 that I feel are proffessional and worthy enough to use in the interview. The Playmoreconsoles.com interview is going to be 15 questions, however those questions will be decided by the staff. So just to let you all know, here is your chance to get a piece of the gaming industry. I know everyone here is excited about KOTOR 2 and would like to know as much about it as possible. Here is your chance to do that. Post as many questions as you like, but out of all of the suggestions, only 10 will be picked out to use in the interview. The deadline for the questions is June 1st as I'll need all of them done and sent in. With PMC we will be conducting a total of 3 interviews. One this June, and one in the Fall, and the last one 2-3 months before the KOTOR 2 release whenever that might be. (I have a feeling the Feb 2005 date won't stand). The 2nd of the PMC interviews you all again will be able to pitch in your questions. But for that one you'll have to be a member of the forums. Just to give you a heads up. Also LucasArts is hooking us up with 2 copies of KOTOR 2 so for PMC, we will be holding a contest with 2 winners, each one getting a free copy of KOTOR 2. Again, to give you the heads up....you'll have to be a member of the PMC forums. Anyways, for now you all can only be part of the TFN interview. So submit your interviews questions in this thread. On June 1, 2005 I'll take the 10 ten. If you have any questions comments or concerns about this, please email me at tyrell@playmoreconsoles.com your catch me on AIM at Tyrell1011. I'll love to speak with ya.
  13. I just found out that this is supposed to be the Tabloid style for the KOTOR 2 speculation. I didn't see that the first time thats why I went off saying that this thread isn't serious. Well that is my fault and I apoligize. That was my mis-understanding.
  14. I hear you. The personal attacks made on people made here is another thing that needs to be cleaned up as well. I've complained about it a few times, but so far no response from the forum moderators. Just take it like a man. Or woman. Whatever. If you have ever had your feelings hurt on an anonymous forum I feel sad for you. Someone launches a personal attack no need to whine to a mod. Just ignore them. I personally don't care. I'm a mod myself over at the TFN: Games forum. I know I complain a lot but that is just me. I speak whats on my mind, whenever its on my mind, and I could care less about what others think of me cause just like someone in this thread said....this is just an internet forum. It isn't like I'm going to actually SEE these people on a daily basis. You can hate my guts or kiss my ass, I don't care. I'm an open minded person that speaks his mind and doesn't kiss ass. I'm just simply saying that is there even moderators moderating this forum. How is that whinning? That is an simple proffessional question from a curious forum poster that would just like to find out about the governing of the forum. That isn't whinning. I mean I like this place a lot. The Bioware forums are good, but thats for KOTOR. Yes there is some KOTOR 2 related threads there, but the core of the forum is KOTOR. TFN: Games is okay, but there is just one thread regarding KOTOR 2....the Official KOTOR 2 Discussion Thread. That is too cluttered as EVERYTHING KOTOR 2 is crammed into that one thread. The rest of the place is just talking about SW Galaxies and s*** like that. The other site I work for Playmoreconsoles.com is an okay site, but not much KOTOR 2 related things going on over there. This is the only place where I can actually sit down, and discuss KOTOR 2 related stuff. Hell, this is the site of the developers of KOTOR 2, this is the "Official" KOTOR 2 forum. So this is where I'm going to make my KOTOR 2 living. I have nothing against the site or forum, I was just curious about the moderation techniques here. I mean name one well established forum that lets 3 threads of the SAME intent stay up? I like this place, it reminds me of going to the Bioware forums before KOTOR was released. I can post here, interact with other fans, and even at times a developer would drop by and give a post or two. I'm just curious about how the "order" is going on here thats all. Call it whinning, call it complaining, bitching or whatever, I don't care. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to discuss KOTOR 2.
  15. Is there any use to this thread? Nobody is acting serious. Its just a bunch of play play spam that has nothing to do with a potential plot speculation of KOTOR II. Is the mods ever going to step in and do something? Just like I created a (What do you think the twist will be) thread and here comes 2 other threads JUST like it. Any other well established forum a moderator would close the following two threads and redirect them to the first/longer lasting thread. Here its like anything goes. You don't see anything like this at the Theforce.net forums....
  16. Given that the Mandalorian War is a theme that's present in both games, I have a suspicion that you may be on to something with that. Exactly. I mean look at it like this. In KOTOR the Mandalorian War was heavily talked about and had much to do with the story. Carth was a Republic Solider who fought in the War, Revan and Malak were Jedi who fought for the Republic in the war, and Canderous was a Mandalorian of the Ordo clan who fought in the war. In KOTOR two you are an Jedi who is exiled from the Jedi order and has also fought in the Mandalorian War.....under Revan....in which his fate will be explained. As you should know, the Jedi wasn't supposed to get involved. Revan and Malak, young and headstrong and eager for some action went against the will of the counsil and went to fight in the war. Many other Jedi followed in their paths. When Revan and Malak came back, Revan was the Sith Lord and Malak was his apprentice and those Jedi who went out and followed him also fell to the darkside. You (Your character in KOTOR II) were one of the Jedi who went against the will of the counsil and fought in the war. However you didn't come back as a Sith, but instead for some reason you were exiled from the Jedi Order. When KOTOR II starts off, the only think your character remembers is that he fought in the Mandalorian War and that he was kicked out of the Jedi Order. So that means you must know and remember Revan. If Revan is in the game and if you meet him, he should recognize your and remember you. So my theory is that the twist probably has something to do with the Mandalorian War and why you were exiled from the Jedi Order. I mean, you had to do something pretty harsh for you to go fight in a War and save the republic and only to come back to find out that you are kicked out. You must have did something, but for some reason, in KOTOR II you don't remember that. I might not be heading nowhere with this but it is just a speculation.
  17. I have a good feeling that the twist could have something to do with the Mandalorian Wars....
  18. No game is perfect, but if developers actually take time out of their day to view gamer suggestions then games would be near perfect.
  19. Thank you, you are the first person to post here that you actually liked my write-up. Everyone else is all talking about how many errors and stuff is in it. I'm like HELL, it isn't like this is my proffesion, I just do this for fun.
  20. Here, read my Before the Dark Times.... article. Its just my speculation about what events lead up to KOTOR using the LS ending or KOTOR. Soon I'm going to do the same but this time focus on the DS ending of KOTOR.
  21. Well GL might have sorry dialog, but atleast it tells the story well.
  22. I don't know, I never played with a female character.
  23. Do you even follow Star Wars? Have your read the Jedi Quest novels or watched the Clone Wars cartoons? Anakin does some pretty unique things that no other Jedi could even get close to doing. Anakin has killed the following: Mace-Windu (EP3) Assajj-Ventress (Clone Wars Cartoon) Count Dooku (EP3) Those are three very powerful people and you are telling me that Anakin doesn't portray himself as the most powerful? Anakin may seem punkish in EP2, but wait til EP3. When he destorys the entire Jedi Temple himself, crash lands a Seperatist Ship onto Corusant (Beginning of the movie) then we'll he how much of a punk Anakin is. Remember, Luke Skywalker was also portrayed as a little punk in ESB but look how he matured and how powerful of the force he became in ROTJ. Anakin is just the same. You can even look at the EP3 pictures and tell that this isn't the same little 19 year old punk kid from EP2. This is the 22 year old full fledged Jedi Knight in his prime.
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