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Everything posted by Tyrell

  1. No you don't have to look if you don't want to. When the profiles come out you don't have to read them. But even if you don't read them, it is still hard to stay away from. Example: I'm reading a preview or whatever on a website about TSL. Then I accidently read a snit-bit about this masked sith, something that I didn't want to read. Its pretty hard to explain but there really isn't a way to stay away from it. I never read ANY profile for ANY character in KOTOR on Bioware's site prior to release. But just by being in the forums and reading magazine/previews/interviews I knew things about Carth, Canderous etc....and yet I didn't read any of their profiles. It was "accidental information". Info that I didn't intend on learning but did so in the most peculiar way.
  2. ^^^^ Thats why I believe we shouldn't really know about him til we play the game.
  3. I can remember somewhere in a past interview or what not, that they said that the revelation or twist in TSL will be bigger then KOTOR? Then later on they come back and say that there is no revelation or twist and to don't expect any. What to believe? My guess is that there IS a twist somewhere in the plot, but the developers wants us to go in thinking that there isn't, so when we finally come to the twist, it would be that more shocking and adding more to the gameplay experience.
  4. The more I think about it, the more I believe that the less is better. Just imagine how cool it would have been if we DIDNT know about Darth Sion and how great the experience it would have been for us to see him for the first time in the game? Obsidian has now taken that surprise and experience away from us. Now when we play TSL and see Sion we are going to be like "Oh yeah, I already know about you...." rather then "Holy ****! Look at that guy! Whats up with him?" Again though, Bioware started this and now Obsidian feels as if they have to follow through with it. For other RPGs like Final Fantasy and such we don't know all about our NPCs and bad guys 4-5 months before release. The only character we know of....is our player character. Thats it....everything else is left for the game experience and THATS how it should be.
  5. I like the art cause it makes it seem like it is really 3,995 years before EP1. I mean 395 years ago did people dress the same? No, so why should the Star Wars Universe be any different?
  6. I mean it isn't like it is a requirement to post all the player profiles. We were just all spoiled with Bioware giving us these in-depth profiles of the characters, weapons, and worlds. So in other words it isn't a must to know about the Masked Sith's background and such. Its more of a option. Keep some things a secret and let us the gamers find out ourselves and not tell us everything 4 months before the game comes out. When I play TSL and when I first learn about the Masked Sith it would be more of a shock and more awarding to the overall gaming experience. Rather then coming in and already knowing the character's past. Now if Obsidian gives away the character's name then I wouldn't mind, just don't tell us his profile and I'm pretty confident that Obsidian will keep him a mystery until we actually play the game and find out ourselves.
  7. Many people is wanting to know more about this particular character. A lot of people is waiting for Obisidian to put out his profile like they did for Mira and Darth Sion. You ask me, I believe Obsidian should keep his background a secret. There is already so much mystery behind this character like whos actually behind the mask and whats his name. Obsidian can put out profiles for all the other characters in the game, but please not his. I rather save the surprise for the game when we learn about him through the game and through player dialog, it'll seem so much better and natural that way. This is just my opinion though, this isn't something that I'm demanding Obsidian to do. This is also something that not everyone agrees on as well cause many wants to know more about this character and I'm fine with that cause I do to....but I rather wait til the actual game to learn about him. Until the game actually comes out, I rather just know this person as the Masked Sith. What is your take on this?
  8. As for the Masked Sith, I rather for Obisidian to NOT create a profile for him. Keep his identity a secret and his past a secret. I rather learn by playing the game.
  9. A new character.... ....Keep things new and fresh.
  10. Follow the new story, thats what is going to make TSL a great game, the story.
  11. Okay, good. Not that I was going to play as a Female anyways, but still good to know.
  12. Thanks for clearing that up Chu <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It was already clear from the start, since the beginning stages of TSL developers said that you'll be able to play as a male/female, but only a human, not alien species. I see it like this, Obsidian needs to go back and make it to where if you are a male, the characters refer to you has him/he/he'll/his/this man etc....If you are a female the characters refer to you as her/she/she'll/hers/this woman etc....It makes more sense that way. Yeah OLD SKOOL WHEELMAN, this is a odd topic.
  13. Then why won't they just say "If this person joins us on the path to darkness...." or "If this Jedi joins us on the path to darkness...." Don't you think that makes more sense?
  14. Again, besides Revan the only Sith in KOTOR that was really intelligent/imposing was Master Uthar.
  15. Besides my playable character Sato Polo (Revan), I have no favorite Jedi, but I have a favorite Sith besides Revan. That being Uthar, the leader at the Korriban Sith Academy.
  16. I hope it does work out this way. It doesn't have to be at the beginning but atleast in the middle of the story rather then at the dead end like in KOTOR.
  17. I always thought that he didnt want maul to kill the jedi but the naboo crisis was all apart of his plan to get himself elected chancelor of the entire senate and didnt really think Maul was going to finish off the jedi. Thank you that is all Goodbye... If you read one of the pre-EP1 books about Darth Maul you'll know. I can't remember the name of it but it was a Darth Maul EU based novel. In it, it discribed how Darth Sidious recruited Maul for one reason....to destroy the Jedi. Palpatine (Darth Sidious) had a plan from beginning, to take over the Galaxy. It all started in EP1 when he was elected Chancellor. Then EP2 when he created the Clone War and gave himself emergency powers. Then in EP3 when he refuses to give up these powers and declares himself Emperor, hence creating the Empire. He had thins plan from the beginning, but he knew the Jedi would be a great threat and would hinder his plan. So thats why he wanted the Jedi to be killed. "Kill them......all of them" -- Darth Sidious EP1
  18. yet have time to make over 700 posts on the internet Exactly !
  19. It is... And its still not the best title they could come up with. Thank you that is all Goodbye... It may not be the best title but it best fits the movie. Everyone thought that Rise of the Empire would be the best title. True, but that isn't what EP3 is about. The Empire is only created in EP3, it doesn't actually "Rise" until like years after when the Empire is actually enforced. Revenge of the Sith is what EP3 is about. Hell the Sith getting their revenge dates all the way back to The Phantom Menace. Remember this line by Darth Maul to Darth Sidious...."Atlastt we'll reveal ourselves to the Jedi, and atlast we'll have our revenge". That is the whole motive of the PT, Palpatine wants to get rid of the Jedi. He thought that Maul would do the job but didn't. So we was behind the creation of the Clone War in which many Jedi died in. Then in EP3 we know the Jedi Purge by Anakin Skywalker begins.
  20. [sarcastic]Okay so I created a thread that details how the DS robes in TSL resemble the Anakin robes in EP3. And in another thread I pointed out that there might be blue robes in TSL and that makes me obsessed with robes and means that I could careless about the story and gameplay aspects of the game [/sarcastic] [smartazz]Welcome to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lord official forum. Here we discuss the latest installment in the KOTOR series, The Sith Lords. That includes pointing out things that others may have not noticed about the game. I hope you enjoy your stay. [/smartazz] wow, talk about uncalled for. what the hell is your problem? i ment that you mention the damn robes a lot, if you took it as an insult ebcause you are so closed-minded, get a life. It was all a joke. Thats why I made those [sarcastic]/[smartazz] tags, to add more to the humor effect.
  21. [sarcastic]Okay so I created a thread that details how the DS robes in TSL resemble the Anakin robes in EP3. And in another thread I pointed out that there might be blue robes in TSL and that makes me obsessed with robes and means that I could careless about the story and gameplay aspects of the game [/sarcastic] [smartazz]Welcome to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lord official forum. Here we discuss the latest installment in the KOTOR series, The Sith Lords. That includes pointing out things that others may have not noticed about the game. I hope you enjoy your stay. [/smartazz]
  22. Because it seems unfair to me that I spent all that time redeeming Revan only to have the developers bump him off as a plot inconvenience. If they make a big deal about his downfall, then I won't mind, but if it's obvious they killed him purely to make him less problematic, then I'll be annoyed. I understand where you are coming from but you do realize that these are just videogames right? Anyone with a life would know that. Anyways, I understand what you are trying to say. But you are trying to make it seem that if Revan is killed, then he goes out like some punk making the KOTOR story seem like a waste of time. But if all you know Revan could go out in all blaze of glory. He could die by saving your life or something who knows. You make it seem like he dies in a ship crash or drowns, or gets eaten by a monster. If Revan does die in TSL, I'm sure Obsidian would make him go out with honor.
  23. For those who picked gameplay let me ask you a question. Answer it honestly now. For KOTOR, do you think that it would have been as great as it was if it had a sorry storyline? Whether you know it or not, it was the story aspect that made KOTOR a great game. Ask the developers of Bioware and they'll say it. Ask the developers of Obisidian and they'll say it. TSL is a RPG, and no matter how good the graphics and gameplay is, the game will suck if the story sucks. The RPG genre relies on the story aspect. Action Adventure, FPS and games like that, it is the gameplay that makes or breaks the game. With RPGs its the story that makes or breaks the game. Look at Final Fantasy 7. Why is that considered a classic? Cause of its graphics? No! Cause of its gameplay? No, but it helped. It was the story that everyone remembered at liked. So in the case of The Sith Lords, the story is the most important aspect considering that it is a RPG.
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