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Everything posted by draego

  1. I mean they had ranged summons in last game. not sure about POE2 havent played to far in. Probably had more to do with not wanted to add class stuff since there were already so many changes to mechanics. like the priest and paladins not getting new sub classes.
  2. Adam interview with Shacknews 1. Beast of Winter DLC talk - a tiny bit 2. Beraths Blessing update to make game more challenging 3. Upcoming free dlc for ship and crews 4. The upcoming main DLCs will be similar in size and scope FNV DLCs 5. Adam favorite character is Eder 6. Talk about choices from POE 1 affecting POE 2. I wish POE2 would describe what that choice was that affected the result in POE2. I have seen the icon with a little blurb 'this was because of a POE1 choice you made' but i dont find it always obvious what they are referring to. Wish they would just say what the choice was instead of just generic words.
  3. Ye i have even had items not highlight early on when i first encountered the ashen people eothas caused. They didnt highlight but were still clickable.
  4. MaxQuest has a mod that fixes this i believe here.
  5. You get to twin elms after the end of act 2 once the meeting with the duke has finished. If you have done that then you go to stonewall gorge and go down to the bottom of the map and it will take you elmshore then to twin elms. map
  6. I think Josh is loosing it. He needs the pillars vacation. You almost done Josh just a few more tweeks.
  7. Oh i forgot if you hold sacred the 6 party member crpg then stay away. LUL. They go down to 4 characters. otherwise go for it.
  8. Josh was on gamasutra twitch channel today. That video is not the full video. There a second part on the channel
  9. i mentioned chrono trigger not really similar to POE but a game that stuck with me for sure.
  10. I've never played it. Is it worth a go? I like POE better but it was definitely worth a playthough. i have done one full and a few aborted runs.
  11. Yes i believe you only get the option when you go to WM the first time and then when you go to WM part 2 for the first time. So if you went underleveled which 5 is then you wont get a chance to make the content high level until WM part 2. maybe there is a console way to do it. im not sure. maybe someone will chime in .
  12. i dont think that is how it works. if you are over level 7 or 8 i think you get an option at beginning of WM to scale content higher. if you didnt get that option you will get another chance with WM2 content.
  13. The best addition. Im just happy they added a quit to desktop option.
  14. If you have the dlc you will get a barb companion, Maneha. You prob want an off tank or two maybe. You can make anyone do that but it helps to have several melee (and i dont mean melee classes you can make wizard or anyone be off tank melee) guys with you to control mobs. You can turn anyone in your party into that role. I do think you can make this party work just fine. it just up to you on how much you dig into skills spells. Wizards and Druids have great CC. and this party should be able to lock down all mobs easily.
  15. FYI. here is the new somethingawful forum for Deadfire and Josh specific posts for for said forum. I havent played deadfire so i didnt want to go through and post specific stuff for fear of spoilers.
  16. I could have swore josh mentioned on twitch that the patch would fix some of the companion issues.
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