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Everything posted by Daled

  1. Minolea è discutibile ma non è un vero e proprio errore, l'hanno cambiata a causa del suono che ha in italiano, ci sono parecchi altri nomi modificati in questo modo (mi sembra di ricordare uno degli ordini di paladini ad esempio). Personalmente non sono d'accordo con le modifiche che ho visto, non mi sembrano assolutamente necessarie e terrei i nomi originali, ma bisogna tenere a mente che quando si traduce può essere una possibilità se in italiano quella parola suona decisamente male (vedere Leia->Leila in SW, la seconda suona molto meglio nella nostra lingua).
  2. Se posso dare un'idea andrei più sul semplice, fottere è la traduzione letterale di F* ma in italiano è utilizzato molto meno e in maniera diversa che in inglese. In italiano mi sembra più naturale e scorrevole un semplice "buttatevi (buttati?) da quella cazzo di passerella".
  3. As said if you are using Galaxy it should update automatically, otherwise you should download the patch from the game's page in your library (1.0.2 -> 1.1) these should be the links https://www.gog.com/downloads/pillars_of_eternity_2_game/en1patch0 https://www.gog.com/downloads/pillars_of_eternity_2_game/en1patch1
  4. Unfortunately Steam can't do that, the updates are automatically installed (there was a lot of misinformation about this, years ago people thought you could stop the autoupdate but was just bad phrasing on valve's part) and you can't rollback builds. The only way is for devs to upload different game builds on the beta branch but that's not really the intended use for that function. Edit: You could ask to someone with 1.0.2 to give you the game files but any local cache check or game update you would need to copy those files again.
  5. Do we know if the system is actually bugged and doesn't trigger new dialogues from the companion? I have a save file in which Xoti wants to talk and if I explore all the dialogue options the icon goes away, maybe there's the possiblity that companion initiated dialogues work as intended but the actual icon is bugged and shows up when it shouldn't, like unexplored dialogue options in the tree. I was so happy about that patch and I was finally going to start a real playthrough (haven't gone far until now) when I have found out that this bug is still here.
  6. Glorious patch notes, I think I'll finally start the game now.
  7. How resolute is the character http://www.dictionary.com/browse/resolute or better http://www.dictionary.com/browse/resolve
  8. I'm so happy to not do the walk again Let's hope that next patch they'll fix the majority of the serious bugs (quest resolutions, dialogues, companions) so I can finally play and enjoy the game.
  9. Steamspy never used hard data and has always been unreliable "by design", it worked with a combination of data and esteems. Not really that recently, a couple of months ago, steam changed the default profile settings of users from public to private, so steamspy cannot see peoples games anymore making steamspy almost completely useless. And while steam is the biggest store/platform I don't think that the sum of all the copies sold from other stores should be overlooked (especially from gog).
  10. I've experienced a similar problem but I've noticed that when I clicked the icon with tab the description text was added to dialogues log even if it wasn't displayed on the main "screen", floating on the activator.
  11. Mine still fails to update, even opting out of beta branch and opt back in doesn't work. Edit: I should also add that even when it says that the game did update it stays on version *64.
  12. I'm pretty sure that the same thing happened to me every single time Xoti wanted to talk.
  13. It's decrypting the preload, should heavily use your CPU (and HD of course). I don't know where the problem is, I have started the download even before actual release.
  14. I've already started downloading the installer from GOG (like 10/15 mins ago), still not available in the client though.
  15. I'm a bit disappointed that sharpshooters seem to have a greatly reduced skill pool to choose from compared to other subclasses. Still I'm probably gonna play one
  16. Imo a small price to pay for all the goods GOG brings (and we'll get the scavanger hunt items sooner or later).
  17. I don't know if came out wrong but I'm happy that the awesome main theme hasn't completely changed, in my opinion it even improved (I'm actually listening to it for the fifth time in a row).
  18. Wonderful. At the start I though it was a whole new piece than I heard some familiar notes
  19. I think that they have consciously decided not to go linear to have a more clear cutting point or the would have kept the DR system. I really don't have an opinion right know since I haven't played the game but, if I'm not mistaken, some beta experts have similar concerns to yours. The good news is that Obsidian is always open to tweaking and should be easily moddable if you want to try how linear scale works.
  20. I think that is over simplifying things a little, not all enemies in a fight have the same penetration (and if they have they really shouldn't), plus you don't only choose your armor based on its rating (although important). Which would be the solution anyway? The only possibility I see is randomize pen (of course still based on weapon, something like +-25% the starting value) and personally I don't really like more randomness
  21. For sure with WotC they improved both missions and timers (maybe even reduced the missions with them) I'm not saying they were perfect, not even slightly, but I still think that considering pros and cons they made the game better than without them. Devs have to make a choice and good devs don't take this lightly, they know the ins and outs of those choices and simply pick which one is the less bad, with xcom 2 they took the choice that maybe wasn't perfect but fixed a BIG problem and considered that if someone really couldn't deal with that it could be modded out right away. Most gamers were really mad about xcom 2 timers not because they weren't perfectly implemented but at the simple idea that they even existed, they couldn't play anymore in their exploity way, instead of acknowledging both that and the fact that they were not good tactical players, they "cried".
  22. Some backer beta players will come in your aide but in the mean time I can answer your questions as good as I can. The 30% bonus for over-penetration is multiplicative. The bonus/malus of penetration are for enemies too. The system changed, the "no penetration malus" instead of going immediately to 30% with one point of difference it scales to <1 = 75%, then <2 = 50%, than <3 = 25%.
  23. True in a way (designers can certainly be wrong), problem is most players are really not that critical and devs shouldn't give much credit to that kind of players. Taking the example of XCOM 2 they didn't give it a fair chance and play it and having fun, they just decided it was wrong because reason. Ultimately I think they had the right call, turtling is awful in a tactic game, the pros were more than the cons and they already knew that people could easily mod them out the day after release.
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