On one hand, I doubt I have any great insight about gaming per se. I'm probably one of the few people who moderated on the old BIS boards and at Obsidian, so I might have insight there, but I've also irritated, bored, or otherwise made myself persona non grata to people in previous times. What I do find interesting, at least looking at it for myself, is how eerily my life and interests have tracked with games. Like you, my friend, I have a long history of gaming. The first Dungeons and Dragons booklets from the late 1970s when I still lived on Guam to, well, Grounded. Hitting the skids, not leaving my home, and weighing over 400lbs (over 182kg for the metric inclined). The journey, some years ago to lose weight and take back my life. Working at the clinic as a nurse practitioner and having patients seek my care. lol I guess I've already gone on long enough so who needs a blog entry? I've had a love-hate relationship with Obsidian. Well, love-"who?" relationship. Mostly I've loved them and they've mostly not known I exist, and why should they? : Eldar's broad grin icon : Still, in dark times there was always something that helped me eke out a few more steps towards the light, and sometimes one of those things was Obsidian. Another one would be Fionavar. Sorry to call you out, my scaly friend. Well, anyhow, wall of text and all. I'll scratch out a submission this weekend and whether it's deemed worthy or not doesn't matter. It will be heartfelt either way.
EDIT: Sorry, I was responding to Gorth.