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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/24 in all areas

  1. On one hand, I doubt I have any great insight about gaming per se. I'm probably one of the few people who moderated on the old BIS boards and at Obsidian, so I might have insight there, but I've also irritated, bored, or otherwise made myself persona non grata to people in previous times. What I do find interesting, at least looking at it for myself, is how eerily my life and interests have tracked with games. Like you, my friend, I have a long history of gaming. The first Dungeons and Dragons booklets from the late 1970s when I still lived on Guam to, well, Grounded. Hitting the skids, not leaving my home, and weighing over 400lbs (over 182kg for the metric inclined). The journey, some years ago to lose weight and take back my life. Working at the clinic as a nurse practitioner and having patients seek my care. lol I guess I've already gone on long enough so who needs a blog entry? I've had a love-hate relationship with Obsidian. Well, love-"who?" relationship. Mostly I've loved them and they've mostly not known I exist, and why should they? : Eldar's broad grin icon : Still, in dark times there was always something that helped me eke out a few more steps towards the light, and sometimes one of those things was Obsidian. Another one would be Fionavar. Sorry to call you out, my scaly friend. Well, anyhow, wall of text and all. I'll scratch out a submission this weekend and whether it's deemed worthy or not doesn't matter. It will be heartfelt either way. EDIT: Sorry, I was responding to Gorth.
    2 points
  2. Pretty skeptical about that- it was reported yesterday without any actual evidence and there's been basically nothing since. Fighterbomber was one of the main sources and while their reliability for Russian losses is good their record for losses inflicted by Russia is nowhere near as good.
    1 point
  3. Oh, I don't think Druid vs Fighter has to be discussed again (even if once more, I have concern with Unbending reliance on ressource pool which is a concern in some fights... unless playng tactician of course. Tactician is not only a great multiclass but also fix the main weakness of the main fighter asset STOP ) Paladin in the bottom tier, I have issues about this one cause I haven't much discussed. Paladin has great tanking. Inferior to fighter, but totally independant from ressource pool and starting at lvl1 (Stoic Steel is almost broken good). Paladin is a good healer, arguably above Priest cause LoH and instant resurrection are really convenient. Auras are less varied but in the same league as Chanter. Paladin main issue is that the active ability above tier 1 are meh, so I won't see it above Bread n Butter. But it's definitely a great multiclass. Herald is above the greatest "classic" multiclass. And it does most of its tanking and support without even requiring any action and limited ressources. Half a slot for tanking + healing + support isn't niche IMHO. I have never read Paladin seriously qualified as bottom tier class. Note that I don't have that much time right now to get involved in some video cause I'm about to house move .
    1 point
  4. AFAIK, you need to login.
    1 point
  5. Hey look who's still around!... long time no see old friend. Hope you stop by for a chat every now and then
    1 point
  6. Wow, I haven't been here in years! I forgot my password. lol A friend sent me a link and I saw Gorth's superb offering. Respect! This brings back memories of BIS and the Interplay boards. It's funny in that I played so much Grounded on Steam a couple of years ago before it was completed. I had just gotten back into playing the finished game for about a week when I received word about this project. It's like running into an old girl friend at the grocery years after you broke up. It's not that you have animosity. You just don't know what to say.
    1 point
  7. I've got a GamePass key. I am unsure when it expires, but if anyone would like to have it, it would be most welcome.
    1 point
  8. Just to say, I also do not have 2FA enabled/used - outside of financial institutions I avoid the hassle of it. This is a game forum, I don't need/care/want. I also do not sign in with/do not have a Microsoft account. Or any other type of account so many sites may ask if you want to login with, these days. >.> Didn't have an issue logging in right now, but who knows.
    1 point
  9. Steam keys (from HumbleBundle): Heaven Will Be Mine (a sci-fi VN with giant robots; played but have not finished) The World Next Door (got on EGS, unrebindable controls => did not play) Ship of Fools (a roguelike)
    1 point
  10. Steam keys (from HumbleBundle): Axiom Verge Death's Gambit (already own on Steam; it was a rather enjoyable Souls-like Metroidvania) The Knight Witch
    1 point
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