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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/24 in all areas

  1. Workshop compatibility is something specifically added by the devs. I guess it promotes a laziness to just work within whatever that framework is. Similar to how indy devs say it is too much effort to release on more storefronts. In the end you get a de facto monopoly. Added to that, with a company that may not have itself given reason to distrust them, but also has given no reason to trust them, being based in a country that can be very anti-consumer.
    2 points
  2. You asked for BloodBowl. You shall receive Blood Bowl. The Rotten Eggz Converted gobbo spearmen basically. The loony has a ball and squig instead of a ball and chain. The Pogo has a rocket pack. The doom diver rides a tie fighter and waves a lightsabre. But I lacked experience with LEDs so it and the bomba's cigar only really show in absolute darkness
    1 point
  3. Split off from old thread.... JuiceMedia's analysis of the state of Democracy around the world (warning, depressing news)
    1 point
  4. Well propaganda for Russian simps is very different than propaganda for people, who can use their brains once in a while, but still can be influenced by nice words and “cute” face. Even not the smartest string pullers in Russia know, that propaganda targeted to flatearthers does not work on average Joe. Anything still released in the Russia in the social space, is controlled by the state, that’s a fact. They have also annected a law last year, that if some Russian citizen criticizes Russia on social media, and lives outside Russia, It is forbidden for Russian companies to sponsor them, which is punished by heavy fines. And what do you think what happens, when influencers’ income starts to get dry? They usually try to find the easiest way, how to get it back. And that is to appease whoever holds the gates to the flow of money
    1 point
  5. I enjoyed a video where she mocked people for even suggesting Ukraine was somehow Russian and had some fun conversations with a Ukrainian friend to show linguistic and cultural differences. Ie both former Soviet states but different countries .That was 3 years ago and the video is still there in
    1 point
  6. Im ecstatic with the final South African voting results my party the DA, Democratic alliance, maintained control of the Western Cape and gained in the National vote. We on 22.7%. We the anti-Russian,anti-BRICS, pro-West party and the Western Cape is the only province that passes the auditor-general report around municipalities and service delivery the ANC for the first time in 30 years got less than 50% of the national vote and they on 41% and the best news is the racist, anti-white, socialist pro-Russian party the EFF lost national votes and they down to 9.3 %. It doesnt matter about coalitions because no radical left\socialist party has the support to change the Constitution which is always my greatest concern, you need 66% to do this The ANC will need a party with 9% to govern to get to 50% majority but its irrelevant who they choose because they cant make any permanent and destructive Constitutional changes. So the ANC will predictably continue to govern but with no more majority. And Im very happy with that, Im not anti-ANC on certain things. Im just anti-ANC dominance because it has created a culture around political impunity around dealing with corruption and ensuring governance and accountability But Im very happy with the final results, the ANC getting way less than 50% and the EFF becoming even more irrelevant and the DA increasing its support And before this election some political commentators were grandstanding and " predicting " the DA would lose support because we not " pro-Palestinian" and because of the so called flag burning incident. And neither of those allegations was true or accurate But most South Africans voted on the expected domestic issues like the economy, crime and failure service delivery. And 65% of the DA vote is people of colour which is critical for political success in a country where white people are only 6.5% of the total population
    1 point
  7. This. I don’t think she’s lying but I suspect her choice of location and subject gets “vetted” by people you don’t want to antagonise
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. You should not, as FSB has employed loads of young “influencers” and not only in Russia, who are payed to talk positively about Russia. These are aimed especially at Latin American, African and Asian countries. But not exclusively.
    1 point
  10. A Dance of Masks. Not exactly informative and I am quite certain that these are combat barks from the base game, but the focus on the companions is welcome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sycs4vdpxYw
    1 point
  11. Because people are lazy, or they have forgotten that other storefronts exist. Have you tried downloading a mod from Steam if you don't own it on Steam? In some cases it is impossible, but in all cases it's definetly a headache.
    1 point
  12. That one in particular already exist. Party Limit Begone at Baldur's Gate 3 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)
    1 point
  13. There is no Light Ironically, there was a special death animation for the area, where the spiders were not retrieving the MC's corpse. "Don't listen to him, listen to me instead". It might be not exactly the best line, but he spider had a point. One of the collectible side quests. Well, they have tried with the altered quote. Her axe kept winking at me. All cut-scenes (except the secret true ending) are shades of grey. Stylish. They had been trying to murder me throughout the area. Did not meet the creature that cast the shadow. The boss. The arena had purple poison activated. The jars were providing protection from it and had been introduced earlier in the area. Unlocked the bestiary. I couldn't shake the feeling that the writing was off. The rocks were possible to stand on, despite looking like a part of the background. A rather unpleasant boss battle - the boss had no windup for most attacks, so I was just hitting once and dodging, occasionally using the rage/special/ability attack. Got a shield from it, which I proceeded to ignore. The backers, I assume. And this boss battle was worse - the arena had pits and the boss was zipping around. Cute fox. Such a nice and welcoming place. One of the few areas with maps. Since there were 3 objectives, which I deduced from staring at the map, trying to explore blindly would be horrible. As is, it was just unpleasant. A pretty bird. Did not do anything and was not a boss. The actual character development system was unlocked by defeating bosses. There were 4 souls possible to equip at the same time, so while sprinting was convenient, higher damage and regeneration felt more important, and so, traversing settlements was always annoying. The final boss and ending. I used the attack speed + increased regeneration built and was mostly just eating the damage. Felt actually good.
    1 point
  14. 0 points
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