Cowboy Bebop, episode 11: Toys in the Attic. It's the Alien-ish rip-off episode. Some little creature is sneaking around biting everyone, which isn't killing them, but making them very sick. Also, episodes 12 and 13, Jupiter Jazz, which were main story episodes that start with Faye running off for unexplained reasons, and then episode 14, the chess episode.
Now, you're probably wondering why I watched so many episodes in a row given my previous glacially slow rate of watching this. Well, as it happens, I thought I was perhaps doing myself a disservice by watching it so slowly, and that I might enjoy it more if I watched more of it consecutively rather than months apart. It turns out that my thinking was very wrong, because now I don't really want to watch any more of this show at all because I'm pretty certain that I just straight up do not like it due to a number of factors that I could go into...but really, why bother? It henceforth goes into that Princess Mononoke tier where there are obviously many good things about it that should place it well above its peers, but...for some reason, no, it just doesn't come together as a whole for me.
In other words, into the trash it goes.