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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/23 in all areas

  1. Hi all, It's been a while since there has been no discussion on this topic, and the activity on the forum as a whole has been reduced a lot for a few months. I don't know if it is related to BG3 release (not playing myself, not enough time to launch myself into something as new as freaking real 3D) or just the semi-old age of the game in general. I think the mod has been stable for long enough to consider it complete and to take the time to thank everybody involved for this experience. I'm not completely quitting the mod (I would correct any critical issue) or even the forum but I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you before there is no one left here. Cheers to everyone who participated on this mod (it was my first mod ever), on this thread, on this forum or even on PoE1 forum ! My first thoughts go to @Noqn who made some of the changes for the mod, resident @Boeroer for all his advices even he was not a direct user (I presume) and @thelee for his Faq and general expertise. And for all the ones who "liked" the release post of the new versions, it always help keeping oneself motivated ! It's been a major hobby for a couple of years of my life, and I enjoyed a lot the community here !
    5 points
  2. >>>Insert the obvious announcement of giveaway on GOG here<<< : Styx 2. And first game of the series, if you do not have it and want to have a nice pair, is currently for sale for 1.99EUR and probably same amount in USD
    2 points
  3. I'll always be here (I mean as long as I'm able to). Checking in at least once a day. I'm just not playing the game atm (really squeezed everthing out of it I guess), there are very few new players who come here and ask something - and also nothing new was coming for Friends of Eora™ during the last months*, so not much to talk about. * although I get some weird PoE3 vibes from Twitter the last days...
    1 point
  4. Cowboy Bebop, episode 11: Toys in the Attic. It's the Alien-ish rip-off episode. Some little creature is sneaking around biting everyone, which isn't killing them, but making them very sick. Also, episodes 12 and 13, Jupiter Jazz, which were main story episodes that start with Faye running off for unexplained reasons, and then episode 14, the chess episode. Now, you're probably wondering why I watched so many episodes in a row given my previous glacially slow rate of watching this. Well, as it happens, I thought I was perhaps doing myself a disservice by watching it so slowly, and that I might enjoy it more if I watched more of it consecutively rather than months apart. It turns out that my thinking was very wrong, because now I don't really want to watch any more of this show at all because I'm pretty certain that I just straight up do not like it due to a number of factors that I could go into...but really, why bother? It henceforth goes into that Princess Mononoke tier where there are obviously many good things about it that should place it well above its peers, but...for some reason, no, it just doesn't come together as a whole for me. In other words, into the trash it goes.
    1 point
  5. I finished all the optional stuff and I'm into the endgame. Even now the game is still introducing new tools. Kind of bonkers given how many tools there already are.
    1 point
  6. Okay then, how about Jusant? I've posted pictures of it so you can judge for yourself if the art style is realistic enough for you. The game is super chill and there's zero violence. You climb. That's the game, you climb.
    1 point
  7. They almost certainly won't -- and in case they do, things are going very seriously wrong on other fronts (literal and figurative) as well. However, Russia is clearly intent on creating havoc inside Finland, and it's also almost certain that we haven't seen much of it yet. It's not going to be pleasant. As one of our politicians pointed out yesterday, the current refugee situation hinges on the fact that Russia doesn't give a damn about any treaties or anyone's well-being, whereas Finland generally tends to be a decent customer and prefers to hold on to what has been agreed to. The downside of this, for Finland right now, is that the country is quite exploitable: start pouring in refugees so that they'll end up either in Finland or dead, and it's likely that Finland will try to absorb at least a significant amount of them. I think it shouldn't, but it likely will -- even if some of those people are Wagnerites, GRU folks or other people of the sort you really wouldn't want to introduce to your folks at home. Russia is also doing its very best to convince the Russian minority in Finland that all of this has everything to do with Finland being evil and none of it has anything to do with Ukraine. At the moment, it's impossble to gauge how well that project is going, but I'd be prepared to bet that most Russian natives in Finland tend to side with Russia, not Finland.
    1 point
  8. In anticipation of Mamoulian War informing us of the giveaway, I have claimed my free copy of Styx.
    1 point
  9. Not if they take queues from the art world. Then they would still have the options of Meta-Ultimate Edition, Post-Ultimate Edition, Post-Post-Ultimate Edition, Neo-Ultimate Edition, Contemporary Ultimate Edition, Ultimo-Futurism Edition...
    1 point
  10. A version of "male_aumaua_c" without a beard, from a reddit thread. Removing the beard from the portrait kind of makes him look like the Nameless One from Planescape Torment now that I look at it. First portrait is by Anna Helme A facebook post credits the second image to Gerry Arthur. The style looks consistent with theirs, but can't find it in their portfolio. I am one who is among the living, I just usually wait for a few request to pile up and until I've found the original source. Original is Mathias Shaw portrait by Julie "Shuploc" Damgaard Knight 9/9/14 by Danila Kalinin
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. My Xbox S STILL consistently crashes about every 1.5 to 2 hours when playing Grounded. Rarely do I get a longer session and it always happens at auto-save. Sometimes slightly before or after, but always near that auto-save point. WHY? This also happens on 2 of my friend's Xbox X as well as many other people's Xbox from the research I've done. My crashes happens on Grounded ONLY. None of my other games do this. And why at auto save? I'm no game designer or expert, but I'm pretty sure that's a good place to start looking no? I really want to enjoy the 1.3 patch but if the crash bug isn't fixed, I think I'm done with Grounded for good. I stopped playing it pretty much all summer long hoping the problem would be addressed, but nope. It's still crashing as always. Like most people who play this game, we have way too much time invested only for things to continue to crash and ruin the game play. I shouldn't have to worry about a game crash or constantly manually saving, especially if you're in the middle of a big bug fight or intricate build, etc. Grounded has been a great game until the crashes started a few patches back. It would be an absolutely EPIC game if you fixed the crashes! So I suppose whoever came up with the name 'Make it or Break it" may have hit the nail on the head - if the crashes aren't fixed - then the game is most definitely BROKEN!
    1 point
  13. Just got a chance to play the new 1.3 update and guess what... the game remains BROKEN. THE 1.3 PATCH DID NOT FIX THE CONSTANT XBOX CRASH! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. So I guess it's time to hang Grounded up for good. Too much time spent on it so I see no reason to waste any more when they won't fix this issue. The problem is NOT on my end. It's something in the game as it doesn't happen in ANY other game I play. Grounded could be absolutely epic, but not when they can't or refuse to fix this WELL KNOWN issue.
    1 point
  14. It starts out with the biggest obstacle, almost like a disclaimer. One side has a leader that is a crook on the run from the law and has to cling to the seat at all cost (and nothing helps clinging to seat like a war) to avoid prosecution and the other side doesn't have a centralized leadership you can negotiate with
    0 points
  15. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1091500/view/3873720583808974567?l=english Does this mean no more DLCs?
    0 points
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