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  3. You asked for BloodBowl. You shall receive Blood Bowl. The Rotten Eggz Converted gobbo spearmen basically. The loony has a ball and squig instead of a ball and chain. The Pogo has a rocket pack. The doom diver rides a tie fighter and waves a lightsabre. But I lacked experience with LEDs so it and the bomba's cigar only really show in absolute darkness
  4. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/skald-against-the-black-priory-review I will probably wait for a few months still, but it sounds quite good.
  5. Yeah, you are correct. That was propaganda for people, who can use their brains once in a while, but sometimes are unable to overcome through their emotion, and because of that, they were wishing, that it would be true (in the West). In Russia, this was a propaganda, which tried to sew a little bit of fear into the pilots of larger country, which are committing war crimes on daily bases, and for some time it worked.
  6. Ok, I have retried and this time the +7 bonus has applied: But I swear I had 89 ACC latest time and no bonus at all. Maybe because this time I reach 15 arcana with Arcanist's Balm and before with items? Trying this approach and ideed the bonus still apply. Mysteries of PoE Perhaps having quit and reloaded fix some dirty data or more likely I haven't seen +7 because is it's called "Level" also... I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, if the issue raises again I'll let you kwnow. Thank you all
  7. finished Hell's Paradise s01 manga are already finished so anyone not patient enough to wait for season 2 have that option very edgy sometime but mostly enjoyable creature and environment design are amazingly disturbing
  8. Is AWB no longer around in South Africa? Who's protecting the rights of Afrikaners?
  9. Split off from old thread.... JuiceMedia's analysis of the state of Democracy around the world (warning, depressing news)
  10. Ragbarok on PC in September Another Sony game to my „buy at some point” wishlist
  11. https://www.politico.eu/article/georgia-european-union-candidacy-protest-nana-malashkhia-georgian-dream-party/ Whats worse is 80% of Georgians want to join the EU and this latest legislation is your typical Russian style underhanded attempt to prevent that Its very clear what the overall Russian\Putin strategy is to recreate the old Soviet borders and Russian influence. You cannot leave it up to citizens to decide their own future in almost all former Soviet states because given a choice the majority of people will want to align with the EU\West You make sure you support fellow Autocracies and keep them in power, you invade and occupy or you actively interfere in the domestic policies of the country so that it makes joining the EU harder But you dont ever let citizens decide their own future because sovereignty is the enemy
  12. I really like using what I call the “SHAMK” build and pretty much just prioritize defense and speed with ladybug armor, black ant shield, and a spider fang dagger, with assassin and cardio fan/buff lungs
  13. As far as I understand, if the money they get are from Russia, they do not need to be “marked” as a Foreign Agent. It’s mind bogling, that some people are still in favour of Russian paid parties, after what they suffered through in 2008.
  14. Georgia is in the process of introducing an almost carbon copy of that law, leading to unrest in the country. Spitefully referred to as "the Russian Law"
  15. Well propaganda for Russian simps is very different than propaganda for people, who can use their brains once in a while, but still can be influenced by nice words and “cute” face. Even not the smartest string pullers in Russia know, that propaganda targeted to flatearthers does not work on average Joe. Anything still released in the Russia in the social space, is controlled by the state, that’s a fact. They have also annected a law last year, that if some Russian citizen criticizes Russia on social media, and lives outside Russia, It is forbidden for Russian companies to sponsor them, which is punished by heavy fines. And what do you think what happens, when influencers’ income starts to get dry? They usually try to find the easiest way, how to get it back. And that is to appease whoever holds the gates to the flow of money
  16. I enjoyed a video where she mocked people for even suggesting Ukraine was somehow Russian and had some fun conversations with a Ukrainian friend to show linguistic and cultural differences. Ie both former Soviet states but different countries .That was 3 years ago and the video is still there in
  17. Im ecstatic with the final South African voting results my party the DA, Democratic alliance, maintained control of the Western Cape and gained in the National vote. We on 22.7%. We the anti-Russian,anti-BRICS, pro-West party and the Western Cape is the only province that passes the auditor-general report around municipalities and service delivery the ANC for the first time in 30 years got less than 50% of the national vote and they on 41% and the best news is the racist, anti-white, socialist pro-Russian party the EFF lost national votes and they down to 9.3 %. It doesnt matter about coalitions because no radical left\socialist party has the support to change the Constitution which is always my greatest concern, you need 66% to do this The ANC will need a party with 9% to govern to get to 50% majority but its irrelevant who they choose because they cant make any permanent and destructive Constitutional changes. So the ANC will predictably continue to govern but with no more majority. And Im very happy with that, Im not anti-ANC on certain things. Im just anti-ANC dominance because it has created a culture around political impunity around dealing with corruption and ensuring governance and accountability But Im very happy with the final results, the ANC getting way less than 50% and the EFF becoming even more irrelevant and the DA increasing its support And before this election some political commentators were grandstanding and " predicting " the DA would lose support because we not " pro-Palestinian" and because of the so called flag burning incident. And neither of those allegations was true or accurate But most South Africans voted on the expected domestic issues like the economy, crime and failure service delivery. And 65% of the DA vote is people of colour which is critical for political success in a country where white people are only 6.5% of the total population
  18. Sure but if you watch the video its honest and critical, I dont consider it effective Russian propaganda because she is making assumptions about what are the reality of sanctions around things like food in supermarkets. There isnt food and agriculture sanctions on Russia so why would any supermarket not have food or EU food choices. This is just one example During Apartheid we had sanctions for decades but we always had food on the shelves in supermarkets and we werent getting unrestricted economic trade from the likes of China. We traded with Western countries around some things but there were definitely some things we couldnt get. But South Africa became very independant around productivity. And they justified it outside of the enforcement of flawed Apartheid laws due to the real threat of Communism and the reality of the Cold War, we became a smaller version of the Russian "war economy " reality within Russia. The Apartheid government ran the country for decades under sanctions but its not sustainable and sanctions had a slow but real economic impact But I dont think she is FSB because the whole video is too simplistic and obviously the views of a young person who is clearly not political but is well meaning. Like I mentioned in a previous post when she said " I thought how can people survive without FB or Youtube " , my best comment in the whole video. She is so cute
  19. This. I don’t think she’s lying but I suspect her choice of location and subject gets “vetted” by people you don’t want to antagonise
  20. I have an Xbox and have been enjoying ground for a while with gamepass and recommended my friend on PS5 to get it when it released. Last night he set up an Xbox account in the app on his phone and added me and connected his account to his PlayStation account so we could play and even though when I open the Xbox menu I can see his account in my friends list and he can see my account in the Xbox app, grounded doesn't let us see each other in the in game friends section. In order for us to play together I had to join by opening the Xbox menu and going to my friends tab and selecting their profile and selecting the join game option. The issue here is that we can't use the shared world feature because we don't show up on each other's in game friends list so I can't help him farm resources while he's offline so he can focus more on the story. Anybody else discover a fix for this problem yet? Please let me know. It's been a month since the last comment on this thread, I wish that the devs would have fixed it by now.
  21. Yesterday
  22. I don't mind female Custodes at all, I've always thought the "only boys, no icky girls" part of the space marines made no sense from a logical perspective. They wouldn't look like women after all the treatments, but still, considering how rare good candidates are cutting off 50% of the population is a bit foolish. And when it comes to lore, there used to be female Space Marines, just that noone bought them back then and they then got repurposed as the second coolest 40k faction, nuns with guns. Haha, that'd be hilarious!
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