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  1. Past hour
  2. No we havent had a active right-wing movement like the AWB for decades.They still exist but you never hear from them Afrikaners rights are protected the same way as all minorities, in the Constitution But there is also a more Afrikaans party called Freedom Front Plus but they represent more farmers rights and they got 1.4% of total votes Most Afrikaners would have voted for the DA
  3. Today
  4. i was playing on xbox in co-op and the achievement dont popup for me, and my friend already has it from the first gn, we tied to finish the gn1 and i press the button but it didnt work :(
  5. Brown butter cacio e pepe and we ate out on the porch while sipping on Bourbon spiked smashed strawberry lemonade.
  6. Yesterday
  7. It doesn't have multiplayer from what I heard, and you can't buy the game in any country that PSN doesn't "support".
  8. Hard pass on that PSN bull****. There are enough places on the internet already with my info, I don't need to put it in a network that has yearly data breaches. It also means that they will eventually pull the plug on it rendering the game inaccessible. Don't support that **** y'all.
  9. Is there any evidence the Russians didn't always think GoK was a load of old bollocks? Ukrainian propaganda is not very sophisticated at all, it just has the massive advantage- in the west- of just about everyone in the media wanting it to be true and reporting it as such even when it's highly implausible. Babushka with pickle jar isn't exactly credible, nor are their casualty estimates and they've been regularly caught gilding the lily to make more appealing stories ("Snake Island defenders fought to the last man"). Russian propaganda aimed at the west is pretty rubbish. Too much smorgasbording if anything bad happens ("don't like this scenario? OK, here's a dozen more which aren't at all compatible with each other pick the one you like!") and most of the people taken in by it are already anti their government in some way. The only stuff that is actually effective tends to be self inflicted by the west- not being able to trust the (western) media works as a narrative because you cannot trust the (western) media, not because it's good propaganda.
  10. You asked for BloodBowl. You shall receive Blood Bowl. The Rotten Eggz Converted gobbo spearmen basically. The loony has a ball and squig instead of a ball and chain. The Pogo has a rocket pack. The doom diver rides a tie fighter and waves a lightsabre. But I lacked experience with LEDs so it and the bomba's cigar only really show in absolute darkness
  11. I think its a great game but I play with a friend and we just keep disconnecting from eachother constantly. Our Internet is perfectly fine but the game just kicks whoever isn't the host every few minutes. We play on ps5 but my friend also bought it on pc to see if him hosting on there would be a workaround but we still are having the same issue. We rarely encounter any bugs other than this which is great but this one seems to be very difficult to push through.
  12. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/skald-against-the-black-priory-review I will probably wait for a few months still, but it sounds quite good.
  13. Yeah, you are correct. That was propaganda for people, who can use their brains once in a while, but sometimes are unable to overcome through their emotion, and because of that, they were wishing, that it would be true (in the West). In Russia, this was a propaganda, which tried to sew a little bit of fear into the pilots of larger country, which are committing war crimes on daily bases, and for some time it worked.
  14. Ok, I have retried and this time the +7 bonus has applied: But I swear I had 89 ACC latest time and no bonus at all. Maybe because this time I reach 15 arcana with Arcanist's Balm and before with items? Trying this approach and ideed the bonus still apply. Mysteries of PoE Perhaps having quit and reloaded fix some dirty data or more likely I haven't seen +7 because is it's called "Level" also... I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, if the issue raises again I'll let you kwnow. Thank you all
  15. finished Hell's Paradise s01 manga are already finished so anyone not patient enough to wait for season 2 have that option very edgy sometime but mostly enjoyable creature and environment design are amazingly disturbing
  16. Is AWB no longer around in South Africa? Who's protecting the rights of Afrikaners?
  17. Split off from old thread.... JuiceMedia's analysis of the state of Democracy around the world (warning, depressing news)
  18. Ragbarok on PC in September Another Sony game to my „buy at some point” wishlist
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